Facebook Javascript SDK response properties - facebook

Is there a list with all the properties I can ask using response after user was authenticated? like response.name, response.last_name and other? I would like to see a full list..

Include the line:
in your Javascript. Then load up Firebug in your favourite modern browser and go to the console tab. You should be able to view the response as an object.

A full response object for you case should look like this:
status: 'connected',
authResponse: {
access_token: '...',


Get the location id of a fan page

I have a fan page with an address.
Also, I can get the location details using the facebook API.
However, to create a new post with a review button I need the location id instead of the details.
I am using the following lines to create a share button:
var data = {
message: 'Hi !',
place: location_id
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', data, function(response) {
if (!response || response.error) {
} else {
And it works if I use a specific location id. But I can't get the location id from a specific page.
Please give me some ideas. Thank you!
I was falling asleep, but I got one idea.
And finally, that idea was the solution:
It is possible to use the fan page id directly in the place parameter. It can be used like a place id.

facebook api not returning email

I am trying to return user email address using facebook api. Few days ago it was working fine, but today stopped working, and don't know why.
So first I get access token:
FB.login(response => {
if (response.authResponse) {
} else {
error: 'User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.'
}, {
scope: 'public_profile,email'
then I try to get user data
FB.api('/me', {fields: 'first_name,last_name,email'}, function(response) {
but I only get data for first_name and last_name. There is no email.
Also when I ask for permissions, it gives me email as granted, but as I said, email is not returned.
FB.api('/me/permissions', function(response) {
Does anyone knows what can be the problem?
BTW: I am using API v2.4.
FB.api('/me?fields=email,name', function(response) { /* stuff here */ });
Try adding your return fields to your request.
I know this is old question however if someone still seraching for answers then following workaround worked for me.
You need to add email in scope scope="public_profile,email".
<fb:login-button scope="public_profile,email" autologoutlink="false" onlogin="OnRequestPermission();"></fb:login-button>
A possible cause is that the user did not validate the email. Try with another user with validated email to make sure this is not the problem.
See also this answer
If you set all code correctly and still don't get an email from API. The user probably doesn't have an email bound to the account or the email not confirmed by the user.
I made it work using a promise and adding {scope:'email'} to the initial request then including 'email' in the fb.api fields.
fb.login({scope:'email'}).then(function (resp) {
if (resp.status === 'connected') {
fb.api('/me', 'get', {fields:'id,email,first_name,gender,...'}).then(function (FbUserData) {
I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why the email is not returned on the FacebookLoginASPnetWebForms Asp.Net application (https://github.com/nickpinheiro/FacebookLoginASPnetWebForms).
I got it working, thanks to N Nem's post above (thanks!).
Open Default.aspx.cs
In HyperLink1.NaviagteUrl, add the query string parameter: &scope=public_profile,email
HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = "https://www.facebook.com/v2.4/dialog/oauth/?client_id=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppId"] + "&redirect_uri=http://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + ":" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"] + "/account/user.aspx&response_type=code&state=1&scope=public_profile,email";
I also had to fix some bugs to parse the access token correctly.
This time, the email address is available! I hope this helps?
N Nem above fixed for me. Had the code correct, but missing the scope on the login button. Code I use is below.
function statusChangeCallback(response){
if(response.status === 'connected'){
function checkLoginState() {
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
function registerUser(statusResponse){
let userId = statusResponse.authResponse.userID;
if(response && !response.error){
This is kinda old post but I am sharing the solution that worked for me.
FB Login SDK version: v6.0
First, make sure that the user (which is you for testing purposes) has a valid/verified email. Refer to the code below.
FB.login(response => {
// your code
}, {
scope: 'public_profile,email',
return_scopes: true,
auth_type: 'rerequest'
And in getting the user details
const response = await axios({
method: 'get',
url: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v6.0/me?fields=id,name,email&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&pretty=0&sdk=joey&suppress_http_code=1'
I've added the parameter fields=id,name,email

Restangular all("customers").getList() does not return result

I started using Restangular to send RESTful requests from my AngularJS app. I have a REST service deployed on http://localhost:20080/v1/customer which produces JSON with customer information.
When I debug AngularJS app it hits a breakpoint in the back-end REST service, however in the browser console it always logs "Failed to find customers with status code 0". Moreover, I never hit the breakpoint in the function that I register as setResponseExtractor.
I also don't see any errors in the console.
When I open http://localhost:20080/v1/customer in the browser I get the following response:
[{"customerInfo":{"name":"My Name","email":"My Email"},"id":"6ca43d0f-94a8-36e8-af3d-963584573d6d"}]
My Restangular code is as follows:
var customerModule = angular.module('customer-module',
['restangular' ]).config(
['RestangularProvider', '$httpProvider',
function (RestangularProvider, $httpProvider)
RestangularProvider.setResponseExtractor(function (response, operation, what) {
return response;
[ '$scope', 'Restangular', function ($scope, Restangular)
var baseCustomers = Restangular.all("customer");
$scope.customers = baseCustomers.getList().then(function (result) {
console.log("Got customers", response.status);
}, function (response) {
console.log("Failed to find customers with status code", response.status);
I'm the creator of Restangular.
You also don't have to add the responseExtractor to the config if you're just returning the response. That's what it does by default.
If you have any other problem, please contact me!
The problem turned out to be with accessing REST services running on a different port than my AngularJS app.
I am moving this thread to AngularJS mailing list - "Problems with a basic $resource.get() call"

Post a message on Facebook using FB.api

I write down a code in javascript for posting message on Face-Book. I posted it successfully but it's always showing only me privacy statement.
I really want to post this message publicly.
I try to set privacy = { 'value': 'EVERYONE' }; . still message posting private(only me).
My code is-
var privacy = { 'value': 'EVERYONE' };
var txt = 'my post to test feed post using api';
FB.api('me/feed', 'post', { message: txt, privacy: privacy }, function (response) {
if (!response || response.error) {
} else {
alert('Post ID: ' + response.id);
How can i post it publicly ?
thanks a bunch for your valuable help.
Did you manually set the privacy of the application when you added your application? If you go to your Facebook Settings, see what you set your application to. The privacy parameter is restricted to what the user sets on their account.
E.g. If the user has set "Friends", but the app uses "Public", then the user's preference is used. But if the user has set "Public", but the app uses "Friends", then the app's setting is used, as it's more restrictive than the User's settings.
In short, the most restrictive privacy setting between the User and Application will take priority.

JS SDK getLoginStatus doesn't return userID nor signedRequest

I'm using PhoneGap/Cordova with the facebook plugin. Everything seems to work except for getLoginStatus who is not working as defined here and here. When called, it returns some data, but not all: it doesn't return userID nor signedRequest.
Here is the code:
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.status == 'connected') {
var fb_uid = response.authResponse.userID;
var fb_signedRequest = response.authResponse.signedRequest;
alert('logged in');
} else {
alert('not logged in');
userID is filled with ellipsis (...), while signedRequest is undefined.
I managed to get userID with a graph call to /me:
FB.api('/me', function(me){
if (me.id) {
var fb_uid = me.id;
I wasn't able to find any way in the documentation to get a signed_request, which I have to use to authenticate the facebook user to a remote service to whom the user already connected to with facebook (I already made a login call so user is OK).
Basically the problem is that my call to getLoginStatus returns
status: 'connected',
authResponse: {
session_key: true,
accessToken: 'a long string...',
expiresIn:'a number',
sig: '...', //exactly this string
userID:'...' //exactly this string
secret:'...' //exactly this string
expirationTime:'a long number'
instead of what documented
As a background, when authentication happens using the plugin then the JavaScript SDK API calls the iOS/Android SDK to handle the authorization and then pass response auth data back to the JS part. The native (iOS/Android) SDKs do not get signed requests back to be able to pass this on to the JS. This is why it's empty.
If you use the latest plugin you should at least now be seeing the user ID. The one from June likely did not pass this back. Otherwise as a work around, you could perform a call to the /me endpoint when authentication is successful in your JS code to get the user id. See the Hackbook example that does this.