Restangular all("customers").getList() does not return result - rest

I started using Restangular to send RESTful requests from my AngularJS app. I have a REST service deployed on http://localhost:20080/v1/customer which produces JSON with customer information.
When I debug AngularJS app it hits a breakpoint in the back-end REST service, however in the browser console it always logs "Failed to find customers with status code 0". Moreover, I never hit the breakpoint in the function that I register as setResponseExtractor.
I also don't see any errors in the console.
When I open http://localhost:20080/v1/customer in the browser I get the following response:
[{"customerInfo":{"name":"My Name","email":"My Email"},"id":"6ca43d0f-94a8-36e8-af3d-963584573d6d"}]
My Restangular code is as follows:
var customerModule = angular.module('customer-module',
['restangular' ]).config(
['RestangularProvider', '$httpProvider',
function (RestangularProvider, $httpProvider)
RestangularProvider.setResponseExtractor(function (response, operation, what) {
return response;
[ '$scope', 'Restangular', function ($scope, Restangular)
var baseCustomers = Restangular.all("customer");
$scope.customers = baseCustomers.getList().then(function (result) {
console.log("Got customers", response.status);
}, function (response) {
console.log("Failed to find customers with status code", response.status);

I'm the creator of Restangular.
You also don't have to add the responseExtractor to the config if you're just returning the response. That's what it does by default.
If you have any other problem, please contact me!

The problem turned out to be with accessing REST services running on a different port than my AngularJS app.
I am moving this thread to AngularJS mailing list - "Problems with a basic $resource.get() call"


Implementing Progress Bar for a client server case

I have following case, I have a client implemented in vue.js and a python base backend using flask framework.
I have a restful interface where from client I need to send a request to server to start certain operations. This operation may take long time 4-5 minutes and I know to show the progress. How this can be implemented between client and server with current technology stack for a http REST interface.
Since there are buncha of "loading" components for Vue (as Nuxt has their own $loading), i will just use an example b-spinner of BootstrapVue and Axios as HTTP Client:
<b-spinner ng-if="loadingProgress"> (shows Spinner if loadingProgress/sending request until server return response)
methods: {
sendEmail() {
//set loading progess as true
this.loadingProgress = true;
// data you wanted to POST as JSON
).then((response) => {
// reset your component inputs like textInput to null
// or your custom route redirect with vue-router
}).catch((error) => {
if (error.response) {
alert(; // the error response
Further example of my contact form using BSpinner + AJAX Axios POST on here
Another is vue-wait component (link here)
Hope those're what you're seeking.

Getting server response code in oracle jet web service call

I am calling a REST Webservice from Oracle jet ViewModel. The server response as I expected, but how to catch the server response (If the server response is like 400,422). I tried with the following lines of code, but it doesn't seem to be working.
self.User = oj.Model.extend({
urlRoot : self.resourceUrl,
idAttribute : "userId"
var user = new self.User();
success: function(user, response, options) {
console.log("response "+response);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log("error thrwos "+errorThrown);
console.log("status "+textStatus);
All I want to do is, if server response is a success, show the user a success message and navigate to the next page and if the response is an error( 400 or 422 or whatever), show the user an error message ( this can be done using a validator).
Looking at the JSDocs for
You will see that you can define a callback function to handled the error returned by the save call.
This would work with what #Koshinae is saying in his comment above about options.

Not able to get data using MessengerExtensions.requestPaymentCredentials

Has anyone tried MessengerExtensions.requestPaymentCredentials using the facebook messenger extension sdk (refer documentation) ?
I am trying to call this in my client side javascript code and I am not getting any data. Below code doesn't alert me neither with email nor with error.
Here is my client side javascript code :
window.extAsyncInit = function() {
MessengerExtensions.requestPaymentCredentials(function success(name, email, cardType, cardLastFourDigits, shippingAddress) {
alert("Email" +email);
}, function error(err) {
alert("Messenger Extension error in getting payment credentials" + err);
Note : I am able to get user profile data using MessengerExtensions.getUserID by similar code.

Configuring Restivus POST method for Meteor

I have the following Restivus configuration:
//Allow Restivus to manage Reports
Restivus.addRoute('newReport/:message', {}, {
post: {
action: function(){
var response = null;
var message = this.urlParams.message;
console.log("Message received: " + message);
return {status: "success", data: message};
} else {
console.log("Message empty...");
return {status: "fail", message: "Post not found"};
//Response to caller
Following the explanation of Restivus, when I make a GET call to http://localhost:3000/api/newReport/ I should get a "Get All" result from the server, on the caller.
However, if I use curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/newReport/ on the command line, I seem to be getting the HTML code of the site at api/NewReport/ (which is empty, except for the header and empty body)
Knowing that, I know my error is in the Restivus Route configuration, but I cannot pinpoint the reason.
The expected behavior is that when I make a POST from a Ruby script, I should get a returned message (Ok or Fail), and in my Meteor console, I should see either "Message received" or "Post not found" (both placeholders).
Additional question, is there a way to disable the default GET method Restivus creates when we add a collection?
You have to create a variable in the JavaScript part and use that in the Restivus.addCollection() call.
Reports = Mongo.Collection('reports')
//Allow Restivus to manage Reports

500 error page doesn't show up

I am using play 2.2.0
I have a Global object settings defined with methods onError and onHandlerNotFound overridden. From view I am making ajax call which throws 500 internal server due to sql syntax issue, but I am not able to see 500 internal page that I have setup in onError method, but I can see NotFound page if handler is not found. Is it something expected because I am using ajax request.
object Global extends WithFilters(LogFilter) with GlobalSettings {
override def onError(request: RequestHeader, ex: Throwable) = {
I suppose that is expected, as your two ajax requests are most likely different (as Ashalynd mentioned, post your frontend code). Where you do your ajax request capture the response and redirect accordingly. E.g. with jQuery:
url: "",
type: 'GET',
success: function(msg) {
// Do successful things
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
// Redirect
window.location.href = "/errorpage.html";
// Or some weird form of "redirect" (don't use this, just
// for demonstration purpose, showing how you can capture
// whatever you sent along with your error)
var responseText = $.httpData(xhr);
document.body.innerHtml = responseText;
It's a feature of Play! 2.2. I have the same problem with Play! 2.2.1, Java API and using curl from command line. It's just that onHandlerNotFound works as specified, but onError just leaves the HTTP connection hanging and never returns a response.
Downgrading to 2.1.5 fixes the problem.