In-app advertising with MonoTouch? - iphone

I'm using MonoTouch for an iPhone game, just wondering: is it possible to implement in-app advertising using MonoTouch and if so how would I go about doing it?
Thanks for any help!

Your best bet would be using the iAd framework which has been bound. (Monotouch.iAd)
To help you get started: See this blog post


how to integrate the newsstand in app

I would like to integrate new feature of iOS5 NEWSSTAND in my app. But i m get confused how to start. Can anybody help me ? is there any sample code for it ? can anybody know how to implement it in our app.
A very nice tutorial for creating Apple NewsStand apps
Well you could start with the Apple documentation: NewssstandKit Framework.

Implementation of Reddit,StumbleUpon, and Digg in iPhone app

I want to know, Is it possible to integrate Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Digg in iPhone app? I have to implement all this in my iPhone app. Please give me the some any example link about all these points.
For Delicious you can use sharKit
Digg has a REST API clearly documented here:

inapp purchase: trobule while implementing this

I am quite new to this in app thing,
I am completely lost while setting up things at apple developer website
can some body explain me some simple process to achieve this.
A good place to start when it comes to implementing In-App Purchase would be Apple's own developer video on the subject.

Using ads in PhoneGap iPhone app

Does anyone have any insight, experience/links they can point me to for adding ads to an app I'm building on the PhoneGap platform?
I've been searching and not a lot of information out there. Thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance.
Depending on which platform you are looking for, there are different implementations. You can go with a purely web-based approach (integrating google Ads, for example). Given you tagged it with iPhone, I guess you are looking for an iOS solution?
If so, check out the AdPlugin available on GitHub. It is a bit of objective C and a bit of JavaScript that allows you to integrate native iAds into your phonegap-iphone app.

I want to implement the OCR in my iPhone app

I am new in iPhone app development. I have to implement the OCR in my iPhone app. Is there any free API for implementing the OCR in iPhone app? I have found ABBYY API for it but it is not free. Please suggest me regarding it.
Thanks in advance
Please see this question: