Where can I find images of mobile devices? - iphone

I've seen presentations given on mobile webapps which use a desktop browser, and an iframe containing the mobile app. Surrounding the iframe is an image of an iPhone or Android device, so it all basically looks like a simulator.
Where can I find images of mobile device 'bezels' that can be used for this?

This is the best list I know: Free Wireframing Kits, UI Design Kits, PDFs and Resources
They are mostly PSD and Omnigraffle files for both the iPhone and the Android.

Apple provides marketing resources to developers, in conjunction with a required agreement. This includes the "App Store badge" and device images.
Google supplies the Android "green robot" logo and has guidelines as to the permitted usages. I imagine Android device images are available from the manufacturers.

Companies' web pages always have pictures of the devices they're trying to promote. And you can be sure that the images are very good ones. That's where I get all my pics.

You can download artwork of the devices from:
You need an Apple developer account.


Apple TV Product Page Wallpaper?

I've submitted an app to Apple, and by default, the TV app icon seems to be scaled up and blurred to use as the background of the app page in the store. Given the design of this app icon, it doesn't look good.
I've seen other apps, Netflix and Disney+, using wallpapers that they designed themselves. Any idea where these are uploaded? Or are they baked into the actual app?
Apple "invites/features" specific developers and enables this feature in App Store Connect. ("Promo images") You cannot enable this yourself.

SWF on the IOS applications from web url

I had developed a mobile application for realestate company. They have a website and every thing are loading from the website. Now, they wants to add a virtual tour feature to their website. We are looking for a solution that be useful for both website and mobile platforms.
After many consults I thing making virtual tours with flash is a good item but there is a big concern. Do we can download swf files from internet and then user play them on the ios applications?
I heard that ios do not support swf files on their applications and even reject application with swf files. Is it true?
The scenario that I imagine is downloading swf virtual link from web and playing it under a tab at iphone and ipas. Is that possible and valid under ios ?
Thank you
Even Adobe themselves have given up on Flash on mobile devices.
We announced last November that we are focusing our work with Flash on PC browsing and mobile apps packaged with Adobe AIR, and will be discontinuing our development of the Flash Player for mobile browsers.
Android and iOS devices have no Flash playing capability, period. While you can author native apps using Adobe's tools, that's an entirely different and isn't going to be an option on a website.

How to embed flash files in iOS app

I have some flash files and i need to integrate those files in iPad app. i searched lot but everyone's answer is
- iOS will not support flash.
- even if you integrate flash files app store will not accept.
But my app is not for app store this is an enterprise app. Instead of integrating flash files we can do all the animation in our objective-c itself. But client is demanding to integrate flash files in iPad app. Is there any alternate solution. Please guide me.
Sure you can run Flash apps on iOS, you just have to build them using AIR:
Adobe AIR is a cross-platform runtime that enables you to use your
existing Flash/ActionScript or HTML/JavaScript development skills and
tools to build and deploy applications, games, and videos outside the
browser and on mobile devices.
Here is the specific resources page on how to build Flash ActionScript 3 apps targeting any iOS device.
The beauty of AIR is that if the code of your app is well organized, you can reuse most of it for any build being it for Android, iOS, Blackberry, or even a desktop app (windows and macosx) or the web.
Hybrid way:
Flash to html5 conversion then open HTML document using webview
Google swiffy:
Swf to HTML 5
maximum of 1 mb only be converted at present
click here
Adobe wallaby:
Fla to HTML 5
At present cs5 only supported.the lower versions have to be resaved in cs5 to convert.
click here
Native way:
Adobe air:
One could run actioscript flash content directly in ios devices.
At present you could make stand alone ios apps only you can't integrate with existing app.
click here
It is a detour only, but you could install the Photon browser and call it from your app.

HTML5 optimized for iPhone

I have a software that eventually will have some reports to be accessed via iPhone.
Once I am not willing to develop an iPhone app, I´d like to make these reports accessible via iPhone Safari browsers.
GMail in iPad uses HTML 5, so I guess I can do the same.
My question is where can I find some resources to learn best practices doing so and how can I test it in a PC computer.
Here is a similar answer I've given: Exclusive CSS for iPhone/Android
For testing you can use Chrome or Safari, as they are both webkit browsers (which is what the iPhone uses). Safari can even render as the iPhone user agent.
Hope this helps.
Please take a look at PhoneGap, I think that is what you are looking for.
You can emulate the program in xCode, but you will need an Apple for that. For PhoneGap also..
From the app architecture view-point you should also consider introducing app-specific optimization such us:
Simplify the app (show only what you need for mobile)
Minimize Application and Data Size

Aggregate Images into a Single Composite Resource (Sprites)

Include Background Images Inline in CSS Style Sheets

Keep DOM Size Reasonable

Ensure Paragraph Text Flows

Avoid Redirects

iPhone : does apple provide an official iPhone image

Every marketing page for an app has one, does apple provide a sanctioned version png or jpeg? I know a google search will give me 12 million images of an iphone.
Yes, they do. https://developer.apple.com/iphone/appstore/marketing.html You'll have to login to be able to access these resources.
Not entirely sure what kind of image of an iPhone you're looking for, but Apple does have a gallery of images of the iPhone.