Apple TV Product Page Wallpaper? - app-store

I've submitted an app to Apple, and by default, the TV app icon seems to be scaled up and blurred to use as the background of the app page in the store. Given the design of this app icon, it doesn't look good.
I've seen other apps, Netflix and Disney+, using wallpapers that they designed themselves. Any idea where these are uploaded? Or are they baked into the actual app?

Apple "invites/features" specific developers and enables this feature in App Store Connect. ("Promo images") You cannot enable this yourself.


Can we use apple photo gallery image in our application?

For example (Above Image) the photo gallery image icon.
Can i use this image in my application ?
If i use this image then will my be rejected from the app store ?
If you use Apple's Photos App icon to do anything other than refer to or open Apple's Photos App or Photos Stream, then your app will likely be rejected.
Even then, it's not a good idea to use the icon since the Photos App icon may change:
Instead, use the system provided icons for referring to the image picker, etc.
No it may not be rejected by apple . Please go through the following link :-
Does Apple reject apps that use images used in Apple's apps?
"Reusing toolbar / button icons is fine and Apple probably appreciates
UI consistency. Many many apps make use of the Apple icons not
included in the core set which are in the app store. Using 'larger'
art will be frowned upon though, like splash arts / stock images."
Please check with the Apple forums. You can use the images but you can't use that image as an icon of the app.
Hope this helps.
If your application get rejected for using their icon, just resubmit with your own icon.
No, you can't use Photo Gallery icon in Your iphone Application,if you use then apple will reject your application.
Read this Link

Loading remote application would it lead to App Store rejection?

I have an application using JQtouch and would like it to be on the App Store.
Will my application get rejected from the App Store if all the functionality is done remotely (loading in UIWebView) and I provide no offline functionality?
From the Apple App Approval Guidelines:
12.3: Apps that are simply web clippings, content aggregators, or a collection of links, may be rejected.
Basically if your app does not add anything to the experience of viewing the website, then you may get rejected.
I have had apps approved in the app store that were just a web view pointed on a JQTouch application. However, I loaded the .html from a local file included in the app. I believe the no "web clippings" clause of section 12.3 in the App Approval guidelines is only meant for clippings of full web sites. Embedding a mobile web application in a local app will likely get accepted.
I don't think this should be a problem. Apple reviewers are probably the most fickle people on the planet, but I can think of several apps that are UIWebView based, and which provide little or no offline functionality.

Where can I find images of mobile devices?

I've seen presentations given on mobile webapps which use a desktop browser, and an iframe containing the mobile app. Surrounding the iframe is an image of an iPhone or Android device, so it all basically looks like a simulator.
Where can I find images of mobile device 'bezels' that can be used for this?
This is the best list I know: Free Wireframing Kits, UI Design Kits, PDFs and Resources
They are mostly PSD and Omnigraffle files for both the iPhone and the Android.
Apple provides marketing resources to developers, in conjunction with a required agreement. This includes the "App Store badge" and device images.
Google supplies the Android "green robot" logo and has guidelines as to the permitted usages. I imagine Android device images are available from the manufacturers.
Companies' web pages always have pictures of the devices they're trying to promote. And you can be sure that the images are very good ones. That's where I get all my pics.
You can download artwork of the devices from:
You need an Apple developer account.

Does Apple reject "mobile web shell" applications?

I'm not sure how to word this correctly, so I'm going to be a little verbose:
I'm tasked with building an app for my company that will just load a mobile website into a barebones browser with no address bar or anything. So basically the app will be just the same as if the user had navigated there in Safari (sans normal browser controls).
My question is: does Apple reject this sort of app because of it just being a wrapper around a mobile site? I'm totally lost on this, as I've never developed for iOS before and have no idea what kinds of roadblocks i might hit.
Apple may reject your app if all it does is wrap a web site in a UIWebView. You need to have more functionality in your app than just loading a web page.
From the app review guidelines for iOS:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value, it may not be accepted.
You may want to investigate developing your company's app as a mobile web app. There's plenty of information published by Apple (and others) about how to write mobile web apps that function similarly to native iOS apps.
Put some functionality that gives your app look like native application.
Make sure that your description for app is enough for understanding to Apple app tester about you app.
and resend your app to apple store or you can send reply to apple review team about your application.
FWIW a company I worked for put an app through the App Store that was little more than a browser in May 2013.
It probably helped that the website it pointed to had an extremely responsive design, was a media player with play buttons etc. Also played video inline, which you can't do on mobile Safari (because mobile Safari will play the video full screen).
See section 2.12 in App Store Review Guidelines:
Apps that are not very useful, are
simply web sites bundled as apps, or
do not provide any lasting
entertainment value may be rejected

Android, Iphone app with JS and HTML

I have read some post about apps programming for Iphone and Android, but I have one question. Is it posible when there is a mobile website optimized for mobile phones, that I can create apps for Iphone, Android, Win 7 and Blackberry, that only statrts the browser as instance and display the mobile website? What do you think, is this ok? Do you have any ideas or examples for that kind of apps? I mean this is not an app, that should be has access to the hardware of the phone, only web app.
This would work.
You could create an app that consists merely of a webview into which you load your content. The content could be loaded over the mobile network or be stored locally.
However most users (including yours truly) strongly dislike apps that merely present a single website to the user, because of the long delays if the content is loaded over the mobile network every time and because the UI is, in many cases, very different to what the he or she is used to from native apps.
Most users fail to see the need for a specialized app just to visit a website which they could as well keep as a favorite in their mobile browser. On the iPhone, you may even add favorite websites as icons on your homescreen, so there is no need for apps presenting a single website at all.
It's not only possible, such things are already done. One example I know of is cookd, a restaurant guide for Vienna. But there are some constraints; for example, cookd requires GPS data for the "Nearby" option; on my Android phone (HTC Legend), this is possible when I open the web page directly in the browser (the browser asks if I want to allow to get this info); but the same webpage, running in an application that does nothing more than display the browser component, cannot do that. To fix that, they would have to build GPS reception into the app and forward this info to the browser component.
O'reilly has a fantastic article about this:
This is a little bit directed to iPhone only, but will give you a good overview about the topic and possibilities.