Display iAds on Splash Screen - iphone

Is it possible to put iAd on splash screen?

You mean the Default.png splash screen? if so no.
But if you have created your own splash screen then it's possible just like you'd normally ad an iAd.


How to use animated splash screen for iPhone web app?

I'm creating a web app for the iPhone, and I've made a splash screen for it. I'd like to have an animated loading symbol (like this one ) on the bottom of the splash screen. I made an animated gif with it, but the web app only shows the first image in the gif. How can I have an animated splash screen?
The real splash can be only a static PNG image, however what you can do is defer all loading of heavy resources for later and in the beginning load only a view that has the same image as the splash but with a spinning wheel in the bottom of the view.
Then you can start loading the rest of the application while this view is animating and informing the user of the progress.

splash screen does not resize when toggle in call status bar

I selected toggle in call status bar in Simulator iOS 5 and launched my app, everything works fine except splash screen.
Splash screen does not resize and looks weird
Please help me
Actually my Default.png is of size 320x460 when i changed to 320x480 issue resolved.

iPhone - iAds at top and bottom of the screen

Is this possible to put iAds at the top and bottom of the screen at the same time?
Yes, it is possible. Just create multiple instances of the iAD banner object and then manage them like regular.

Loading screen won't appear on device - Cocoa OS

Hey all, I've created a loading/splash screen that loads at the beginning of my app, just simply showing the company name. It works great on the simulator, but for some reason I just get a black screen when I load the game on my itouch. Any Ideas? I use the sleep(5); method of creating a loading screen.
Just call the picture "Default.png" and it will show when loading. :)
A better idea than calling sleep would be to present your splash screen as a subview of the root view. When you are ready to dismiss the splash screen use CATransition to fade out your splash screen.

Can we add UILabel to splash screen in iphone?

Can we add an view to the splash screen in iphone?. I have a default.png file in my resources directory but when the splash screen pops up i want to display an text on the splash screen image is it possible in code.
No. Unless you apply some symlink tricks (only possible for 2.x), Default.png cannot be changed.
And the Default.png is displayed by SpringBoard before your app's code starts to run, so this is impossible.
You can construct a customized splash screen in your -applicationDidFinishLaunching: though.