iPhone - iAds at top and bottom of the screen - iphone

Is this possible to put iAds at the top and bottom of the screen at the same time?

Yes, it is possible. Just create multiple instances of the iAD banner object and then manage them like regular.


How to hide the three dots on the top area of the iPad dynamically

I have an iPad app which does have support for split screen multitasking. However there are some views which can display images and videos in full screen. On these screens the multitasking controls at the top of the screen are intrusive.
Is there any way to turn these off dynamically? Appleā€™s Photos app works the way I want. When showing a photo in full screen, the three dots fade away after a short time.
The answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/70376095/1852207 turns off split screen support and disables the controls for all views. I want to hide on only some views.
Yes, in your viewcontroller, simply include:
-(BOOL)prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden {
return YES;

Layout for iphone 4, 4s and 5 on same storyboard

I'm making an app for iphone. My layout can be the same for iphone 4, 4s, and 5 but for the iphone 4 and 4s the only thing that change is space between buttons. I finished my app and i arrange all storyboard to run well on iphone 5. Now i only have to tell that when the app running on iphone 4 and 4s i have to change the space between the buttons in some views to get all buttons inside screen. How i can do this? I can use auto layout i think but i dont use this. Its possible to help me? I do the things right, doing the design first for iphone 5 and now adapt for iphone 4 or im doing the things in the wrong way.
The IOS6 autolayout it's still a bit "wild" and it will also disable the IOS5 compatibility.
If you don't use autolayout, you can still set some rules in storyboard at size inspector, like tide you buttons to the top or the bottom of the view, so you can control where they go when the screen shrinks.
A better way is to add subviews to your view, and allow the subviews to shrink and expand (also # size inspector in storyboard). Then add your buttons to those subviews, tide them to the top, bottom, or let them untied/free if they are placed symmetrically inside the subview.
You can simulate quickly with the form factor button in storyboard (right-down corner) to see where the buttons go when you switch the sizes.
These methods require zero lines of code, but more work with the storyboard.

How can I add a toolbar to the top of my iPhone app's screen without it looking like it's upside-down?

when i add a toolbar in IB to the top of the screen, the toolbar style is upside down (border at the top of toolbar and no border at the bottom).
is there any way of changing the toolbar so it looks normal and the border is at the bottom? I cant seem to find a way of doing it in IB, am i going to have to code it?
You're breaking the Human Interface Guidelines if you try and put it at the top.
On iPhone, a toolbar always appears at the bottom edge of a screen or view, but on iPad it can instead appear at the top edge.
So the toolbar always looks like that on iPhone. Breaking the HIG in this way is likely to get your app rejected from the app store.

iPhone Loading Screen Effect

I'm interested to making a "fade effect" like Foursquare app. I want the main view to fade in.
How can I do this?
Sincerely I don't know what should I use. If anyone have the Foursquare's app on his iPhone, please open and see what I mean.
You should look at these answers:
How can I display a splash screen for longer on an iPhone?
This is what I've used in almost all of my apps:
Displaying a "splash screen" and using the "fade effect" are really two different questions. As for fading, UIView has a bunch of built-in animations you can use which is provided by Core Animation. Look into the UIView docs Apple provides for these type of view animation.
The splash image is white with a fake nav controller on the top.
When the app finishes launching, the splash image is redisplay on top.
The typical UIView elements are added beneath the second splash image.
When this is finished, the second splash image transparency is animated to fully transparent and thus causes a "fade effect".

How to change UIViewControllers like iphone Calculator app does?

in my app when the phone rotates i want to change the view like the Calculator app does, when it is in portrait it shows the normal calc and when it is in landscape it shows the scientific calc. For example in one of my UIViewControllers, for portrait mode, i will have a grid with images and when it is in landscape i want it to show an image and to be able to swap them like in the Photos app. Could you give me any pointer how can i swap the viewControllers on rotate?
thank you in advance, Sorin.
You dont swap view controllers, you swap the view, so create a view for each and then when it rotates push the new view in