how to install coreplot on mac and use it for ios applications - iphone

I downloaded the latest coreplot installer from their site and extracted the package file the procedure as mentioned in the installer was followed
Add to your project's .PCH file:
#import < CorePlot/CorePlot.h >
Open Project -> Edit Project Settings and for All Configurations:
3a. Add to Additional SDKS:
I checked this but there is no sdk in the following path
I added this only to the additional sdks
3b. Add to Other Linker Flags:
-ObjC -all_load -lCorePlot
4 Add the QuartzCore framework to the project.
after this step i tried to run the application but a lot of errors are being displayed
the errors are :
warning: "__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED" redefined
warning: this is the location of the previous definition
error: syntax error before '^' token
error: 'type name' declared as function returning a function
how to correct this error?
Add a CPGraph to your application.//how to add the CPGraph
any detailed description on how to install this.urgently required

You can do that Simply without any complications please navigate to this link:
Instructions for using Core Plot in your OS X or iPhone/iPod Touch application
Read the Wiki section carefully and Good luck.


Swift for TensorFlow - dyld: Symbol not found: _$sSly7ElementQz5IndexQzcigTq

I'm trying to work through the model training workflow tutorial ( but when running the code (it's a MacOS app) in Xcode 10.2 (on MacOS 10.14.4 ) I get the following error:
dyld: Symbol not found: _$sSly7ElementQz5IndexQzcigTq
Referenced from: /Users/Luke/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ANN-ffxhvyujcitzkqfhbrwqjnpftijw/Build/Products/Debug/
Expected in: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib
in /Users/Luke/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ANN-ffxhvyujcitzkqfhbrwqjnpftijw/Build/Products/Debug/
I've followed the official installation instructions (
Downloaded the latest release "swift-tensorflow-RELEASE-0.2"
Run the installer
Set the toolchain to "Swift for TensorFlow Release 0.2" created 02/03/2019
Set the Build System for shared and per-user to Legacy Build System
Set Swift Compiler - Code Generation -> Optimization Level to Optimise for Speed [-0]
added and to Linked Frameworks
Added "/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-tensorflow-RELEASE-0.2.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx to Runpath Search Paths. $(inherited) and #executable_path/../Frameworks were already present in the list
added -lpython to Other Linker Flags
I found this to be quite helpful:
On macOS Catalina, Verify Code Signature for Swift for TensorFlow toolchains produces a code signature error. This prevents Xcode projects built using Swift for TensorFlow toolchains from running. To work around this issue, go to Project Target Settings > Signing & Capabilities > + Capability > Hardened Runtime and check Disable Library Validation.

Can't use FBSDKShareVideo without ENABLE_BITCODE Linker command error

I have the latest Bolts, FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit and FBSDKShareKit as part of the Facebook SDK frameworks which I am using in Swift. In a Swift file, I imported FBSDKCoreKit and FBSDKShareKit. If I use FBSDKShareVideo in any way, I get a Linker command error that reads
".../Frameworks/FBSDKShareKit.framework/FBSDKShareKit(FBSDKShareVideo.o)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"
-I've looked up solutions to this online, mostly which were to set Enable Bitcode in the project's settings, which was already set to YES. I also tried setting it to NO. I've tried various combinations of YES and NO with the project and target's settings.
-I then added the frameworks to the Copy Bundle Resources and rebuilt. I still get the error.
-I've cleaned, rebuilt
-I quit out of Xcode and reopened the project and rebuilt.
The line in which I try to use FBSDKShareVideo reads:
let video : FBSDKShareVideo = FBSDKShareVideo()
Without using that line and having the FBSDKCoreKit and FBSDKShareKit imported, I get no errors. So how can I possibly resolve this so I can use FBSDKShareVideo?

facebook ios sdk build fails on device, works on simulator

I am trying to build an app (with ARC) that uses the facebook_ios_sdk (the latest version on github).
As recommended by Facebook, I used the build script to create a static library and then added it to the project.
Now when I build the project for an iPhone 5.1 Simulator, it works fine. However, on running it for an actual device (which is running 5.1), it gives the following build error -
ld: in ../facebook-ios-sdk/libfacebook_ios_sdk.a, file is universal but does not contain a(n) armv7 slice for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
You could modify the build script for static library (which was too complicated for me), or just skip the library approach:
add the Facebook sources from SDK to your project
if using ARC, go to "target->build phases->compile sources" and mark all the Facbook source files with the--fno-objc-arc flag
That's it, works for me.
One work around that worked was to change the Valid Architectures from"armv6 armv7" to just armv6

Problem with integrating GDATA in iPhone simulator using Xcode 4.0

I'm following the following steps to add GData to my project.
Reference from I'm following this Tutorial
Downloaded the source file from svn checkout gdata-objectivec-client-read-only through terminal.
Dragged the source folder from the downloaded file into my xCode project.
Changed following build settings
C Language Dialect: C99 [-std=c99] (Both for Debug and Release)
Other C Flags: -DDEBUG=1 (Only for Debug)
Header Search Paths: /usr/include/libxml2 (Both for Debug and Release)
Other Linker Flags: -lxml2 (Both for Debug and Release)
But I'm getting some error when I build the code.
Error 1: /Users/rajesh/Desktop/GooDataContacts/../../gdata-objectivec-client-read-only/Source/HTTPFetcher/Tests/GTMGatherInputStreamTest.m:16:40: error: SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h: No such file or directory
Error 2: /Users/rajesh/Desktop/GooDataContacts/../../gdata-objectivec-client-read-only/Source/HTTPFetcher/Tests/GTMGatherInputStreamTest.m:21: error: cannot find interface declaration for 'SenTestCase', superclass of 'GTMGatherInputStreamTest'
Error 3: file://localhost/Users/rajesh/gdata-objectivec-client-read-only/Source/HTTPFetcher/Tests/GTMGatherInputStreamTest.m: error: Lexical or Preprocessor Issue: 'SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h' file not found

xcode invalid archive in organizer

i get message during archive validation. i've tried most of solutions from other questions. but still failed. (It was ok when i submit it last time in xcode 4.02, then i get rejected. i edited some image and .m file(not project settings).
my project Build settings:
Architectures->standard (armv7) - $(ARCH_STANDARD_32_BIT)
Base sdk->Latest ios(ios 5.0)
valid Architectures armv6 armv7 arvm7f armv7k
Build active architecture only->no
ios deployment target: ios3.0
i've tried reinstalling xcode and make sure unix is checked, 5 times.
i've tried install back to xcode 4.02, but the same message as xcode 4.2
i've tried reinstall cocos2d
i've tried to set the llvm/gcc to gcc only
warning message 1:
Project Clean-Up Outdated settings should be updated.
when i click it. one is to set gcc to llve-gcc, another is to 'Enable compiler warning for missing Function Prototypes. ' I clicked cancel
warning message 2:
Check dependencies
[BWARN]warning: iPhone apps with a deployment target lower than 4.3 should include an armv6 architecture (current IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = "4.1", ARCHS = "armv7").
warning 3:
Validate /Users/lifesucks/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FishvsBirdsLite-frctqlpldaogcjebgvxkvvmsehie/ArchiveIntermediates/FishvsBirdsLite/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
cd "/Users/lifesucks/my app/Fish vs Birds/FishvsBirdsLite"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/Validation /Users/lifesucks/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FishvsBirdsLite-frctqlpldaogcjebgvxkvvmsehie/ArchiveIntermediates/FishvsBirdsLite/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
2011-06-14 01:30:10.948 Validation[8609:607] *** Warning: Defaulting to the standard codesign tool
warning: iPhone/iPod Touch: application executable is missing a required architecture. At least one of the following architecture(s) must be present: armv6 (-19033)
Unable to validate your application. - (null)
warning: There is no codesign_wrapper executable. Please reinstall the Xcode developer tools. (-19058)
Unable to validate your application. - (null)
the error message in organizer is:
the archive is invalid. /var/folders/H5/.../app.ipa does not exist.
I actually don't know why, but it works now. I reinstall back to xcode 4.0.2. then recreated a project, copied over all my classes. i assume that the problem is 'Architectures->standard (armv7)', in xcode 4.0.2 the Architectures is standard armv6/armv7, maybe it's because of cocos2d compatibility to the new version i don't know. anyway if you encounter the same problem, just install back to non-beta and create a new project (since the original setting of 'Architecture' will be modified to 'armv7 standard'. ) hope it helps.
This happened to me when I updated to Xcode 4.2. I went back to the latest non-Beta Xcode version to fix it. The key is, when uninstalling Xcode, you must do it via the following command in Terminal:
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
This takes a few minutes. But when it's done, install the non-Beta Xcode (4.0.2 at this time), and then RESTART before using it. Worked for me.
Remove iphoneossimulator from supported platforms for the distribution/release build configuration. That is if you have it.
You cannot have that for distribution, it is only for your debug configurations.
Check the image below for distribution configuration (ignore release config).