Problem with integrating GDATA in iPhone simulator using Xcode 4.0 - iphone

I'm following the following steps to add GData to my project.
Reference from I'm following this Tutorial
Downloaded the source file from svn checkout gdata-objectivec-client-read-only through terminal.
Dragged the source folder from the downloaded file into my xCode project.
Changed following build settings
C Language Dialect: C99 [-std=c99] (Both for Debug and Release)
Other C Flags: -DDEBUG=1 (Only for Debug)
Header Search Paths: /usr/include/libxml2 (Both for Debug and Release)
Other Linker Flags: -lxml2 (Both for Debug and Release)
But I'm getting some error when I build the code.
Error 1: /Users/rajesh/Desktop/GooDataContacts/../../gdata-objectivec-client-read-only/Source/HTTPFetcher/Tests/GTMGatherInputStreamTest.m:16:40: error: SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h: No such file or directory
Error 2: /Users/rajesh/Desktop/GooDataContacts/../../gdata-objectivec-client-read-only/Source/HTTPFetcher/Tests/GTMGatherInputStreamTest.m:21: error: cannot find interface declaration for 'SenTestCase', superclass of 'GTMGatherInputStreamTest'
Error 3: file://localhost/Users/rajesh/gdata-objectivec-client-read-only/Source/HTTPFetcher/Tests/GTMGatherInputStreamTest.m: error: Lexical or Preprocessor Issue: 'SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h' file not found


Flutter speech_recognition swift build error

I'm getting a build error using the flutter speech_recognition package. Try to build for iOS right now. Haven't tested Android.
I followed the installation guide. The package seem to load after modifying the .yaml file. I'm using the Visual Studio IDE on a MacBook Pro.
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone Xʀ in debug mode...
Xcode build done. 9.8s
Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
Xcode's output:
=== BUILD TARGET speech_recognition OF PROJECT Pods WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
/Users/abcdefg/Development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ fatal error: 'speech_recognition/speech_recognition-Swift.h' file not found
#import <speech_recognition/speech_recognition-Swift.h>
1 error generated.
Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone Xʀ.
From my dev directory. I can find speech_recognition directories, but the .h file is not anywhere to be found.
abcdefg-MacBook-Pro:Development abcdefg$ !find
find . -name speech_recognition
./learning_fluter/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/speech_recognition
abcdefg-MacBook-Pro:Development abcdefg$ find . -name speech_recognition-Swift.h
abcdefg-MacBook-Pro:Development abcdefg$
Any help would be appreciated!!
Make sure that the project has been created with the -i command as shown below: futter create -i swift [your_project_name].
after doing this verify that you are using in the properties of the runner SWIFT_VERSION = 4.2. since previous versions could cause this error.
And finally add below in podfile:
target 'Runner' do

Swift for TensorFlow - dyld: Symbol not found: _$sSly7ElementQz5IndexQzcigTq

I'm trying to work through the model training workflow tutorial ( but when running the code (it's a MacOS app) in Xcode 10.2 (on MacOS 10.14.4 ) I get the following error:
dyld: Symbol not found: _$sSly7ElementQz5IndexQzcigTq
Referenced from: /Users/Luke/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ANN-ffxhvyujcitzkqfhbrwqjnpftijw/Build/Products/Debug/
Expected in: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib
in /Users/Luke/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ANN-ffxhvyujcitzkqfhbrwqjnpftijw/Build/Products/Debug/
I've followed the official installation instructions (
Downloaded the latest release "swift-tensorflow-RELEASE-0.2"
Run the installer
Set the toolchain to "Swift for TensorFlow Release 0.2" created 02/03/2019
Set the Build System for shared and per-user to Legacy Build System
Set Swift Compiler - Code Generation -> Optimization Level to Optimise for Speed [-0]
added and to Linked Frameworks
Added "/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-tensorflow-RELEASE-0.2.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx to Runpath Search Paths. $(inherited) and #executable_path/../Frameworks were already present in the list
added -lpython to Other Linker Flags
I found this to be quite helpful:
On macOS Catalina, Verify Code Signature for Swift for TensorFlow toolchains produces a code signature error. This prevents Xcode projects built using Swift for TensorFlow toolchains from running. To work around this issue, go to Project Target Settings > Signing & Capabilities > + Capability > Hardened Runtime and check Disable Library Validation. issue with open source swift project. Error: xcrun: error: unable to find utility "launch-with-toolchain", not a developer tool or in PATH

I am trying to Start Xcode with the custom toolchain and to be enabled to use the open source version of Swift.
Steps are taken from
And I receive this error:
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "launch-with-toolchain", not a developer tool or in PATH
The open source Swift toolchain from requires the latest Xcode 7.2 (currently: beta 4).
The location of the developer directory used by xcrun and other build tools must be set to this Xcode 7.2. This can be done from the command-line
sudo xcode-select -s /path/to/
or in the Xcode "Locations" preferences:

Building SoundCloudAPI Fails with Apple Mach-O Librarian Error

I'm trying to integrate SoundCloud sharing into my project using the instructions at In my workspace, OHAttributedLabel, OAuth2Client, JSONKit and SoundCloudUI all build fine, but building SoundCloudAPI for iOS always fails with the following errors:
/Applications/ can't locate file for: -lSoundCloudAPI
/Applications/ file: -lSoundCloudAPI is not an object file (not allowed in a library)
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
Does anyone know what's going on here?

how to install coreplot on mac and use it for ios applications

I downloaded the latest coreplot installer from their site and extracted the package file the procedure as mentioned in the installer was followed
Add to your project's .PCH file:
#import < CorePlot/CorePlot.h >
Open Project -> Edit Project Settings and for All Configurations:
3a. Add to Additional SDKS:
I checked this but there is no sdk in the following path
I added this only to the additional sdks
3b. Add to Other Linker Flags:
-ObjC -all_load -lCorePlot
4 Add the QuartzCore framework to the project.
after this step i tried to run the application but a lot of errors are being displayed
the errors are :
warning: "__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED" redefined
warning: this is the location of the previous definition
error: syntax error before '^' token
error: 'type name' declared as function returning a function
how to correct this error?
Add a CPGraph to your application.//how to add the CPGraph
any detailed description on how to install this.urgently required
You can do that Simply without any complications please navigate to this link:
Instructions for using Core Plot in your OS X or iPhone/iPod Touch application
Read the Wiki section carefully and Good luck.