I'm unable to create NuGut Package. How to solve? - nuget

I'm unable to create nuget package, due I think to a lack of write permissions.
The path is the result of the Click Once installation.
How can I solve this?
NuGet Package Explorer
Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).
error CS0016: Could not write to output file 'c:\Users\Adam Speight\AppData\Local\Temp\0c2jg3wu.dll' -- 'Access is denied. '

Strange. Have you checked the folder exists, and the permissions on it? You could try temporarily granting Everyone write access on the folder to see if that helps.
Also check the disk isn't full, or the folder full of filenames generated by GetTempFile() - not sure what that does if it generates a random filename that already exists.


Why does an attempted export of a plugin fragment "not find the exported unit"?

I am writing a plugin fragment named JunitGenerationFragment. I can test it using Launch an Eclipse application, and everything works fine.
I try to export using the 3 steps on the Exporting section of the manifest's Overview tab. When using the Export Wizard, I choose to install into a particular directory.
I get a Problems Occurred dialog that says "Could not find the exported unit with id..."
As far as I can tell, the directories have the appropriate content.
However, if I try to install from that site, "There are no items available".
How can I successfully make this plugin fragment available from the export repository?
Possibly there was some kind of file system problem? Additional attempts to export the repository to the C:\Tools\Eclipse\workspace2019-06\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\install directory failed. However, I could export to another directory.
Later, I renamed the original C:\Tools\Eclipse\workspace2019-06\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\install directory to something else and retried an export to C:\Tools\Eclipse\workspace2019-06\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\install. This time it succeeded, and I could load the plugin from that repository.
Update: The renaming "solution" does not seem to be repeatable. A repeat attempt to use the Export Wizard to exprort to C:\Tools\Eclipse\workspace2019-06\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\install fails, as in the original problem description. Renaming the directory again did not help.

php_warning on installing ext

I want to intstall the ext "my_redirects". On my local machine it does what it should. But now, on the live site, i got this error:
1: PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/kunden/homepages/28/d574274134/htdocs/update7/typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Private/Sql/Cache/Backend/Typo3DatabaseBackendCache.sql): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/28/d574274134/htdocs/update7/typo3_src-7.6.14/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Cache/Backend/Typo3DatabaseBackend.php line 441
I got a hint to delete the typo3temp/autoload/ files. Then the installation works, but if i after that go into the install tool, i get this error again. Can someone give a hint?
This file is part of the core and must exist. Look into the src-tar/zip file. Maybe the file wasn't transferred to the server.
I don't think it's an autoload issue, because the .sql file is missing, not the PHP class.
Please verify that the sql file does exist. If it's missing, check the hash of your downloaded TYPO3 core. Make sure you compare the correct path on the server.
But I guess you got an access restriction. Maybe bad ownhership of that .sql file? Perhaps you ran into some security problems with file_get_contents() and at least sql files? So please also check your security settings.

Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to missing repodata directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly generated

I am new for centos installation. I downloaded a minimul version of centos 6.5, around 339.7mb of size. I am trying to install this with GUI interface but I got an error after selecting the drive option, which comes after selecting the country.
This is complete message,
Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to missing repodata directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly generated.
repodata/743fec56b2af0ce8d6ec82c47a4efafc2a4d18cddfa9683f29611cb18d1a33de-primary.sqlite.bz2 from anaconda-CentOS-201311271240.i386: [Ermo 256] No more mirrors to try.
Sorry but I am new here, so I can't put the exact image here.
I believe that i had this same issue and was able to solve it.
The files under the /repodata folder are missing their file extensions and are not matching their full names in the "TRANS.TBL" file, under this same dir.
Rename all the files to match what is in the "TRANS.TBL" file, then try the install over again.
Please let everyone know if this works for you.
In the past i would just put a URL in that pointed to the correct files on a server, i feel that most people take this workaround and that's why it's not as hot of an item as it should be. I hope this gets fixed in the .ISO.
Thank you,
It worked for me.
I renamed all 8 files.
i.e. 0e371b19e547b9d7a7e8acc4b8c0c7c074509d33653cfaef9e8f4fd1d62d95de
The correct file name is given in file "repomd" under folder repodata
example - location href="repodata/b124f0ec5323cfee56b420906a3103f0daef656dde3f7ac8220120aa7504e57a-primary.xml.gz"
I had exactly the same issue ;
under "repodata" directory opened "repmod" xml file
Searched file name within repmond xml file
Found matching strings
Renamed 8 files as specified in .xml file
and it worked like a charm
Thanks to "Your Friend"
I had the same problem. Even if you manage to get past this step, you will encounter at a later point other errors related to filenames.
The root cause was using Unetbootin to create the bootable media. I switched to Rufus and everything works fine now.

How to set workspace in eclipse to a directory that has space in it?

In my code, i get the workspace directory and then create a temporary file in it. However, my workspace directory has space in it:
C:\Documents and Settings\F1QB\Workspace
When my code reads this, it throws an error saying that it cannot find the directory. Now, i read that i should use a directory with no spaces in it. But, since i am working on my company's machine, I don't have admin access. So, this is the only directory i can use.
I tried switch workspace option and gave %20 instead of the space. But, eclipse throws an error on restart. It says:
The folder C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\F1QB\.metadata is read only.
Is there any workaround for this problem? Thanks for the help in advance
Try c:\Docume~1\F1QB\Workspace that usually works for long file and directory names.

Netbeans Error: The folder name is not valid (when creating a new file)

I'm trying to create a new file however I keep getting the error The Folder Name is not valid whereas the file path to that directory most definitely exists
here is a screen shot
Has anyone ever encountered this bug?
Possible problem 1: Drive C: and/or further folder structure does not exist on your computer
Possible problem 2: You don't have write permissions for that folder
Possible problem 3: It is hosted on *nix and therefore case sensitive...
In Netbeans 6.8 there was a bug like this. Take a look
Bug 177353 - The Folder Name is not valid