Why does an attempted export of a plugin fragment "not find the exported unit"? - eclipse

I am writing a plugin fragment named JunitGenerationFragment. I can test it using Launch an Eclipse application, and everything works fine.
I try to export using the 3 steps on the Exporting section of the manifest's Overview tab. When using the Export Wizard, I choose to install into a particular directory.
I get a Problems Occurred dialog that says "Could not find the exported unit with id..."
As far as I can tell, the directories have the appropriate content.
However, if I try to install from that site, "There are no items available".
How can I successfully make this plugin fragment available from the export repository?

Possibly there was some kind of file system problem? Additional attempts to export the repository to the C:\Tools\Eclipse\workspace2019-06\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\install directory failed. However, I could export to another directory.
Later, I renamed the original C:\Tools\Eclipse\workspace2019-06\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\install directory to something else and retried an export to C:\Tools\Eclipse\workspace2019-06\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\install. This time it succeeded, and I could load the plugin from that repository.
Update: The renaming "solution" does not seem to be repeatable. A repeat attempt to use the Export Wizard to exprort to C:\Tools\Eclipse\workspace2019-06\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\install fails, as in the original problem description. Renaming the directory again did not help.


ftp-kr - Cannot edit in read-only editor

I cannot figure out how to use the ftp-kr extension for VS Code properly. I have read and re-read the GitHub Wiki and the README documentation and cannot find any other help for my issue. I posted this question to the project Issues on GitHub but have yet to receive a response.
ftp-kr is just a simple extension for editing files via FTP that are located on a remote server. Many other users seem to be using the extension with no issue.
I installed the extension, and then I successfully edited the connection settings (in ftp-kr.json) and successfully made a connection to the remote server I am trying to edit files on.
I opened the FTP-KR: EXPLORER pane to look at all of the files on the server, but if I double-click any of the files to open them and then try to edit them, I am unable to type and just get a warning in VS Code that says "Cannot edit in read-only editor".
I have tried right-clicking on files and clicking the "Download This" button, thinking that maybe I need to download a local copy of the files to edit before uploading the changes. However, whenever I click the "Download This" option on any file in the ftp-kr Explorer, it just gives me an error message that says "[file_name] is not in remotePath".
I tried running the >ftp-kr: Download All command, but it just spits out a notice that says "Nothing to DO".
How do I edit files located on the remote server and save those changes to the server?
P.S. I have tried the solutions found in this question but unfortunately none of them seem to work. Particularly, "code-runner: Run in terminal" is not in my settings and "Edit in Local" is not a context menu item that appears in my editor.
After a number of months, I finally have a solution to this thanks to the developer eventually responding on GitHub. There are a few things going on here.
Any file that a user wishes to modify must be downloaded as a local copy on the user's machine first and then that copy can be uploaded to the webserver via FTP.
ftp-kr cannot auto-download individual files. (Either when they are double-clicked on or through any other method.) It can only download entire directories, and those directories can be changed by using the localPath and ignore options in the configuration file, then stopping and restarting the ftp connection.
The "Download This" context menu option that appears is a piece of non-implemented code. It will not do anything.
>ftp-kr: Download All is the preferred way (by the developer's intent) to download the remote files onto the user's computer. The fact that it was returning an error before was a bug which has now been fixed.
Confusingly, the user can view the filenames and context of every file on the remote file system using a convenient tree view, you just cannot simply download any of those files individually.
In all, this plugin does not provide the functionality that I hoped it would have. (Namely, being able to easily download, modify, and upload individual files.) So I know how to properly use it, I will just be switching to a different plugin for my purposes.

VS Code is looking for files in C:\c:\ directory which does not exist, resulting in many problems with namespaces and modules in my project

I have a project opened in VS Code. The project folder is on my desktop. When in VS Code, I attempt to work on a file but get many problems in the 'PROBLEMS' tab. It says the file is in C:\c:\Users\Me\Desktop, but I don't have a C:\c:\ directory which I believe is the cause for all the problems. This prevents intellisense from working correctly. How can I fix this problem?
I've tried cloning the project into different directories but the same problem arises.
I've tried looking for the C:\c:\ directory but it does not exist.
When I click on one of the problems I get, 'Unable to open 'filename.fs': Unable to read file (Error: File not found (c:\c:\Users\Me\Desktop\projectfolder\src\Client\foldername\filename.fs))'
Problems that appear are namespace or module 'Elmish' is not defined. This happens for everyt namespace and module in my project.
'Unable to open 'filename.fs': Unable to read file (Error: File not found (c:\c:\Users\Me\Desktop\projectfolder\src\Client\foldername\filename.fs))'
This is a known issue and a fix is on the way:
bug report
In the future please submit bug reports to the extension repository directly, as we do not track stackoverflow and this site is not meant for technical support.

NuGet Server cannot find .nupkg package files

Okay this is a derivative of Could not load file or assembly 'NuGet.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies seeing as though I couldn't find a solution to that.
I am publishing my Nuget Server project to my Windows 2012 R2 server and pointing to the applicable directory where the files live. The package files exist, as shown below in the screenshot however I keep on getting the below error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Copying file Packages\PackageName.1.0.0.nupkg to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\Packages\PackageNameJson.1.0.0.nupkg failed. Could not find file 'Packages\PackageName.1.0.0.nupkg'. nuget_server_02 0
I have NuGet Server v2.11.3 installed and my project targets .NET Framework 4.6. One thing to note is that the packages themselves are from an earlier version of .NET - most likely 3.5.
This is my web.config file:
<add key="packagesPath" value="D:\RootFolder\SubFolder\SolutionNameFolder\ProjectNameFolder\Packages"/>
Even after several Restore NuGet Packages attempts I am still faced with this dilemma. The one thing I am really struggling to understand is if I point the packagesPath to a local directory, it works and does retrieve the packages however, when I point to the very same project on my server I get this headache.
Previously, in the included link to the related SO question, I could publish but now I can't even get through that stage even though I never made any changes to the project since last working on it. I decided to revisit it today.
I have deleted the bin folder and rebuilt my solution as per Could not load file or assembly 'someProject' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied But it still can't find the file.
You can run your nuget server and it will show an html file as output (Default.aspx). You can, of course, modify this file to make it look like anything you want and otherwise change it. You can't change the way the nuget server service behaves because that is run from a dll. You should be able to show your repository files using the output page of your nuget server.
I encountered a similar set of errors, and monitored the Event Viewer while I was trying to show the contents of my repository.
The Event Viewer showed that an error was being thrown every time my Nuget Server attempted to list the contents of the packages folder.
Keeping in mind that nuget packages are zip files, and to display the details on the information contained in the nuget packages, the nuget server must unzip them. If the file is corrupted, the server will throw an error and stop attempting to list the contents of any further files. This error results in a w3wp.exe crash. It will be recorded as an ASP.NET error in the Windows->Applications section of the event log.
The cure for me was to delete the contents of the packages folder on my nuget server, and re-up them.
This may be impractical if you have a lot of files in your repository, so any files that were uploaded near the first error shown in the event viewer should be chosen for upload first.
One of the files is likely corrupted.
I would recommend checking out the event viewer on your server, and making sure you have no corrupted files in your repository.
You can view (and edit, to a point) your repository contents with Nuget Package Explorer. If the file you want to view is corrupted, then it should show an error for that file. You can then re-up that file, and if the problem is a file problem, this will cure it.
You can also reinstall your nuget server if that fails. It is somewhat unlikely that the code has been corrupted, but worth a shot.
Good luck.

how to run doctrine.php in command prompt

I'm trying to use Doctrine with Zend, I have copied the doctrine.php and doctrine file in the script folder in the Source Files folder.
However when I type in command prompt following command: "php doctrine.php" by entering in the scripts folder, Nothing happens, there is no error printed, the cursor just goes to next line. Can someone please tell me how can I use doctrine.php.
When using Guilherme's integration suite, you need to do a couple of things.
Download / clone the Doctrine Common, DBAL and ORM libraries and make sure they're available in your include path. For this, I usually just copy the lib/Doctrine code from each into my project's library folder. If using git, you can add them as subtree splits but that's a topic for another time ;-)
You also need the Symfony Console and Yaml namespaces. Again, it's easiest to place them in your project's library folder under library/Symfony/Component/Console and library/Symfony/Component/Yaml. These usually come as submodule dependencies in the Doctrine libraries but you can also get them from their github pages
Remove the bootstrap('Config') call from the doctrine.php script. Don't know what Guilherme was thinking there :-)
That's it, from there it should work as expected.

Synchronise files between Eclipse and FTP Site

I am currently coding with Eclipse PDT, and I need to synchronise the files on my workstation with the files on the FTP server.
I've installed RSE, but I can only download and edit files as far as I can see it. What I want to happen is when I hit save, the file is saved locally, and the file to be updated on the FTP site.
Any ideas of how I can achieve this?
Create an ant builder on your project. See this article about how to do that. The important things you should know after you read the article:
You can use Ant FTP task to
transfer the files.
You can define properties given by
the Eclipse platform to get project
root, list of changed files, change
type (add, modify, delete) and so on.
Use them wisely. You will need
project_loc, resource_loc and so on.
See picture at end to see how to get
other available variables that can be
passed to the script.
Tune your Ant script, since if it run
for each file update, then it can be
slow. If it is slow anyway, then you can create a builder plugin for eclipse, which is not so complicated. I created some before.
Be prepared, that ant script can get
not only one file as changed, but a