Customize UI for game kit - iphone

I am using game center for my game, I want to create my own UI for authentication and other screen rather than provide built in UI.
So can we use customize UI for leaderboard or authentication screen?

As far as I know this is not possible. Additionally I haven't seen any app with a custom UI for this.


How to check whether another app is using camera in flutter?

I'm trying to create an app which will look for when another app is trying to use camera and override it and choose a pic from gallery and forward it to that app. Can I do that with flutter? If yes then how can I implement it?
No, that does not work. It does not make sense to change the behavior of apps apart from you own.

Full Screen Interstitial HTML5 vs Creative Template

I have been researching how to best implement an interstitial advertisement that has a black overlay background that covers the entire screen with the advertisement piece placed in the center of the screen.
I have successfully created an interstitial creating a custom creative template however this only supports an image ad.
I am trying to achieve the effect where the background is a black overlay and either a image/video/image+video are all shown within the center of the screen.
Can someone tell me if HTML5 is the way to achieve this effect or if creating a custom creative set using Input variables and javascript is going to work better? I would like to be able to use one creative HTML5 template or custom DFP Creative set to allow the ad to handle an image or video.

How to load iPhone UIViewController from Unity3d?

I am developing one game application and i want to give login functionality to user. So i am planning to show Login view which is developed in xCode but how can i show it when my unity3d game is running. Means if user click on Login button from Unity3d it should show LoginView from xCode native.
can any body help me?
You'll have to use a plugin to interface between the Obj-C and Unity's C#. Here is the page that discusses plugins:
At the bottom, there are some links to help you with setting up the code.
I believe that this is included in Unity iOS. Otherwise, it requires Unity Pro.

Recreating iOS Camera app overlay buttons

I'm trying to recreate the buttons and interface from iOS in my own, custom camera application built on GPUFilter. Specifically talking about the Flash, Options, and front vs back camera button toggle that are across the top of the app:
Curious to know if these are built into Storyboards as UI objects or if there's another easy way to recreate these without totally reprogramming. I'm also interested in using the overlay table view that they use (in picture above) for options.
You can using AVCamCaptureManager and AVCamRecorder classes. Apple has a demo program build on its developer site here.

Animated view transitions in an iPhone app

I have an iPhone app which has a menu. Each menu item will take you to another page. I would like to know how to perform simple animations page transitions (fade in/out, slide). Is this possible within interface builder or do I need different software?
Anyhow, we can do this programmatically.
Pl. look at this a link