Full Screen Interstitial HTML5 vs Creative Template - google-dfp

I have been researching how to best implement an interstitial advertisement that has a black overlay background that covers the entire screen with the advertisement piece placed in the center of the screen.
I have successfully created an interstitial creating a custom creative template however this only supports an image ad.
I am trying to achieve the effect where the background is a black overlay and either a image/video/image+video are all shown within the center of the screen.
Can someone tell me if HTML5 is the way to achieve this effect or if creating a custom creative set using Input variables and javascript is going to work better? I would like to be able to use one creative HTML5 template or custom DFP Creative set to allow the ad to handle an image or video.


how to insert a webview inside unity UI layout?

I'm developing an app in unity which to run in iPhone,what I wanna do is to add a webview to show website, then add other UI elements created in unity to cover the webview,is there any way I can do this?Because it seems after adding a webview,it is always shown above everything I created in unity,I can't find a way to position it middle of my UI,is there anyone who has ideas?

iOS development, show UIScrollView area on top of current view

Has anyone used the Instagram app lately?
It has a very neat feature, where, while you are using camera, you can touch the 'eye' button, which pops up a small scrollable UI area that contains different filters that can be applied to the camera video.
Can anyone help me on what kind of UI element I should use to get such popup?
The one on the Instagram app looks like a simple UIScrollView with custom subviews added in. What these subviews contain and how they look is completely up to you and your design.

Customize UI for game kit

I am using game center for my game, I want to create my own UI for authentication and other screen rather than provide built in UI.
So can we use customize UI for leaderboard or authentication screen?
As far as I know this is not possible. Additionally I haven't seen any app with a custom UI for this.

Accessing UIImagePickerController Camera's Preview Screen

I am working with a basic UIImagePickerController. I have read about camera overlays and am not ready / don't need to dive into that world yet.
After the user takes a photo, the UIImagePickerController displays a "Preview" screen. All I want to do is change the text on the button on the preview screen from "Use" to "Upload".
It seems to me that there should be a very easy way to access this, but I have found very few references to the "Preview" screen.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
That functionality is not exposed in the SDK. There is no way to customize the Preview screen.

iPhone App Tutorial/Help Screen UI

What is the best way to create tutorial or help screens that can be viewed in an iPhone App on launch?
I'm debating between using two paradigms:
Edit a screenshot of the app with an image editing program to add static help text. Interaction is tapping or scrolling through the tips. This involves creating a custom UIViewController to advance to the next help screen.
Create a custom iPhone UIControl on top of the App user interface that can be tapped to advance to the next tutorial tip. The application will transition between the modes and will be active, rather than static. It involves adding hooks into the App's custom ViewController's to handle "TutorialUIControl" objects.
Here's some screenshots of the application that I need to make help screen UI for, it's an application that creates artwork. More App Information
Screenshot 1: View mode that allows viewers to scroll through an image list, like the UIImagePicker, but for custom image collections.
Screenshot 2: Action mode - allows viewers to select images to save to the "My Saved" album from the active art generation album "My Evolution" or evolve images using sexual/asexual image reproduction.
The "right" answer really depends on the application you are designing. I would highly suggest getting as many apps as you can and looking at how they do help. See what works and what doesn't and think about how that is related to your own design.
In my app (a game) I chose to build a set of static images that could be scrolled through to provide detailed help (based on Apple's sample code). But, I also built an interactive tutorial that plays the first time you run the game. I also pop up a welcome overlay the first time the app is run and suggest what button to press to start a game.
It also helps if you test your tutorial with a lot of different people. After several designs with things too complex, I boiled down my instructions to something extremely simple: "Press the green buttons", and then built up from there.
You can easily store a preference to say whether the app has been launched before, and if that entry is blank you run the tutorial again.
You can create an HTML tutorial that you view through a UIWebView. In on of my iPad apps, I just made a large image that I presented modally with images and text explaining how to use the app.
For iPhone, the best way to include a "How-To" tutorial for your app would have to be a web document, seeing as how you can add images and formatted text.
Alternatively, You can add more views to your controllers with transparent backgrounds and animated buttons and text, for a more interactive feel.
To answer my own questions many months later.
I revamped and used WEPopover to show my help popups, as seen in the iPhone/iPad App, Wallpaper Evolution Lite. The help disappears only if tapped or the button it was attached to was pressed. Using this flow I could highlight a series of buttons to the user.
I added help images within the application to highlight interaction behaviors with the content. The tap, zoom, and drag images are fully interactive.
As #WrightsCS mentioned HTML is another avenue. I use the UIWebView to provide a more in depth help/tips screen with contact information.
In my upcoming app, I'm making use of a paging UIScrollView with help content highlighting app features. The help screen is loaded on the first start of the app, and is accessible through a help menu option.
Here's my fork of the WEPopover github project: https://github.com/PaulSolt/WEPopover