Eclipse - JBoss 4.2.0GA runtime with JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.6] interoperability - eclipse

Is JBoss 4.2.0GA operational with JavaSE-1.6? I have openjdk installed in Ubuntu. Whenever I am trying to set the Properties of a Dynamic Web Project to
JBoss 4.2 Runtime
JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.6]
The project explorer of Eclipse showing an error beside the project name.

Is JBoss 4.2.0GA operational with JavaSE-1.6?<<
Absolutely, this is what we use in production.


Eclipse 2019 12 lack of Tomcat 9.0 in Runtime Environment

I need to develop simple servlet using Tomcat 9.0, but once I try to add it as my Runtime Environment it does not show on the list of available ones. I am using latest version of Eclipse, and I have installed JST Adapters, Java EE Developer Tools and Eclipse Tomcat Plugin 9.1.4. What do I do in order to be able to see and use tomcat 9.0?
The only answers to this question I found were that I'm possibly using old verion of IDE or lacking the plugins I installed already.
Does anybody know what could be the problem here?
What could the problem be? The second one. You need the JST Server Adapter Extensions feature.

Can't install glassfish server in eclipse oxygen

Hi I am using Eclipse Oxygen in Ubuntu 18.4 with Oracle Java 10. I tried to install glassfish server in Eclipse but failed. every time I tried it said java development kit is required instead of JRE. I had given the path "/usr/lib/jvm/java-10-oracle". Even if I put the path as "/var/cache/oracle-jdk 10-installer/",it says "Java installer not found in the specified folder". i am putting the two screenshots here for your reference. Please help.Here are the 2 screenshots for the above two cases
[Note that in this answer I am assuming you are using GlassFish 5.0, which is the latest version]
GlassFish will not currently work on Java 10 due to the JPMS (module system). You need to use Java 8 instead.
You should also be aware that you need specifically Java 8u161 or lower for GlassFish, but the latest release of Java 8 can be used with Payara Server which will work in the same way as GlassFish.
If you really need to use GlassFish on a version of Java 8 higher than u161, then you can use the latest 5.0.1 nightly build

which J2EE IDE support tomcat-8.5.11 and JDK 7

i want to use tomcat-8.5.11(64-bit windows) and jdk-7u80-windows-x64 for creating web-application so which J2EE support both version.
i use Neon J2EE 64-bit but it gives error while open eclipse it required JDK-8 version.
so i want to configure tomcat-8.5 server and java compiler jdk-1.7 in eclipse.

No server runtime environment for GlassFish on eclipse kepler?

I am using Eclipse Kepler and GlassFish tools plungin. After I upgraded the latest version of GlassFish tools ( and other eclipse components, the Server Runtime Environment for GlassFish is gone.
The Server Runtime Environment only has Apache, Basic, JBoss and ObjectWeb. I can't start up GF server in eclipse anymore.
I am using JDK1.6 to startup eclipse, I don't know whether this is the root cause.
I ran into this same problem. Un-installing, then re-installing the glassfish tools did the trick for me.

What is the equivalent of sysdeo for developing applications in Eclipse Helios for Websphere 7?

What is the equivalent of sysdeo for developing applications in Eclipse Helios for Websphere 7?
I am looking for a plugin that allows the deployment and debugging of Java EE applications in Eclipse using WebSphere.
You need to have Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (not necessarily Juno) edition and install WebSphere® Application Server Developer Tools.
Another option is to use Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software which is an Eclipse based environment for developing WebSphere applications.