Eclipse 2019 12 lack of Tomcat 9.0 in Runtime Environment - eclipse

I need to develop simple servlet using Tomcat 9.0, but once I try to add it as my Runtime Environment it does not show on the list of available ones. I am using latest version of Eclipse, and I have installed JST Adapters, Java EE Developer Tools and Eclipse Tomcat Plugin 9.1.4. What do I do in order to be able to see and use tomcat 9.0?
The only answers to this question I found were that I'm possibly using old verion of IDE or lacking the plugins I installed already.
Does anybody know what could be the problem here?

What could the problem be? The second one. You need the JST Server Adapter Extensions feature.


Jboss 6.1 Eclipse 4.19.0 Integration

I have joined a new company where they do not allow us to download anything (Eclipse Marketplace). The default installation of eclipse does not have JBoss wildfly plugin.
Currently, even if I remove a comma in my code, it take 7 to 8 minutes to build/deploy/test
I need to configure Jboss in eclipse and able to do hot deployment whenever I change code. To download the plugin, I need to raise a request. Can I raise a request for below? would it solve my purpose? Can I install this plugin to my eclipse and configure jboss server in the server tab?
Jboss 6.1 Eclipse 4.19.0 (I have eclipse 4.2 as well)
Any other idea would be helpful
Yes if you download the update site as a zip file, you will be able to install JBoss Tools plugins in your local Eclipse even in the case you don't have access to network

Can't install glassfish server in eclipse oxygen

Hi I am using Eclipse Oxygen in Ubuntu 18.4 with Oracle Java 10. I tried to install glassfish server in Eclipse but failed. every time I tried it said java development kit is required instead of JRE. I had given the path "/usr/lib/jvm/java-10-oracle". Even if I put the path as "/var/cache/oracle-jdk 10-installer/",it says "Java installer not found in the specified folder". i am putting the two screenshots here for your reference. Please help.Here are the 2 screenshots for the above two cases
[Note that in this answer I am assuming you are using GlassFish 5.0, which is the latest version]
GlassFish will not currently work on Java 10 due to the JPMS (module system). You need to use Java 8 instead.
You should also be aware that you need specifically Java 8u161 or lower for GlassFish, but the latest release of Java 8 can be used with Payara Server which will work in the same way as GlassFish.
If you really need to use GlassFish on a version of Java 8 higher than u161, then you can use the latest 5.0.1 nightly build

Is it possible to integrate Glassfish support into Liferay IDE yet?

I am looking for a bit of Liferay/Glassfish assistance here.
I am currently using a Liferay 6.0.6 portal running on Glassfish 3.0.1 and developing in Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo). I have downloaded the Liferay IDE for Eclipse as well.
The trouble I am having is in actually developing in Eclipse against a Glassfish server. I cannot create an actual Liferay project in Eclipse because the wizard requires me to specify a Liferay-Tomcat runtime environment.
Now I realize that this is the only server that is supported for the Liferay IDE as it is clearly documented in multiple places on the Liferay website and various forums around the web. However, I seem to recall one site (which, of course, I didn't bookmark :/ ) that gave instructions on a workaround for using Glassfish within the Liferay IDE. I believe it had something to do with creating the initial project as a Tomcat project, then going behind the scenes and changing some configuration files' Tomcat references to point to my Glassfish server.
I have set up my Liferay SDK environment correctly, including the file. I have this file pointing to my Glassfish server.
# Specify the paths to an unzipped Glassfish bundle.
However, everytime I try to do a deploy through Eclipse...
...this file gets overwritten with Tomcat settings from the runtime environment.
app.server.type = tomcat
app.server.dir = C:\\DEV\\bundles\\liferay-tomcat-6.0.6\\tomcat-6.0.29
app.server.deploy.dir = C:\\DEV\\bundles\\liferay-tomcat-6.0.6\\tomcat-6.0.29\\webapps = C:\\DEV\\bundles\\liferay-tomcat-6.0.6\\tomcat-6.0.29\\lib\\ext
app.server.portal.dir = C:\\DEV\\bundles\\liferay-tomcat-6.0.6\\tomcat-6.0.29\\webapps\\ROOT
Is there somewhere else that I need to make a change in order to get Eclipse to recognize my Glassfish server?
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.
It is not currently possible to use a Liferay+Glassfish bundle directly as a runtime or server adapter in Eclipse with the Liferay IDE plugins. As you pointed out the only runtime and server adapters for Liferay IDE are the tomcat bundles. However, you can still use Liferay IDE to develop with Glassfish by using the following receipe with version 6.0.6 and current version of Liferay IDE.
Download Liferay+tomcat bundle
Configure it as a Liferay runtime
Create the project pointing to Liferay runtime
Go to Window > Preferences > Liferay > Installed SDKs, switch "update" option to Never
Launch Glashfish externally using startup script
Modify the in your SDK to point to Glasshfish as runtime
For deployment use the SDK deploy action just as you showed and it should be deployed to glassfish.
This should work for now. In the future, we will be adding support for Glassfish server to our Server Manager plugin that can be using with Liferay IDE and Liferay 6.1 for remote deployment and development, so it will work just like a local tomcat instance except it will be remote Liferay running on glassfish or jboss, or whatever you like. But right now the Server manager plugin in 6.1 beta4 only supports Tomcat6/7 and Jboss7. We hope to add Glassfish very soon.

how to configure Sun One in Eclipse?

I need a step by step method because I have never used a server like this in Eclipse.
Do you have some installation tips and tutorial links for this kind of configuration?
As mentioned in this old GlassFish FAQ:
What is the difference between SunOne, SJSAS, and GlassFish?
SunOne is an old branding which was replaced by Sun Java System some time ago.
Sun Java System Application Server is the supported version of GlassFish.
Specifically, SJSAS 9.0 PE and GlassFish v1 are the same bits (except for the installer). Similarly SJS AS 9.1 and GlassFish v2 will be the same.
(See also the SO question "eclipse for sun one server for debugging and running application")
So you could rather declare a GlassFish server in your Eclipse.
Actually, at, you have a link to download a Eclipse Galileo preconfigured with the GlassFish v3 Java EE 6 runtime.
From there, you can fond some tutorials (like this one) to configure your GlassFish server in Eclipse.

Where can I obtain an Eclipse server adapter for WebSphere Application Server Version 7?

I need to set up an Eclipse WTP project pointing to a WAS V7 instance but I can't find the server adapter to work with version 7. Version 6 is supported.
I believe this answer comes late in the day, but it is put down to help others understand how WTP support for WebSphere works in Eclipse.
WTP support for the newer versions of the WebSphere Application Server come only with commercial IDEs - Rational Application Developer, for example. MyEclipse is another IDE that comes with support for WAS 7; one would need the Blue Edition to work against a v7.0 WAS instance.
The philosophy is that if the vanilla Eclipse WTP project has to support an application server, then the application server vendor must either provide the adapter or some means to perform the integration. For obvious reasons, this is absent for WAS 6.1 and 7.0, but available for 6.0.
This was the case, but IBM has since release WebSphere Application Server tools edition and has donated a server adapter to the Eclipse market place. This will cover WAS 7, 8 and 8.5 alpha.
Eclipse 3.6 plugin
Liberty profile (8.5 alpha)
This was the case, but IBM has since release WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools and has donated a server adapter to the Eclipse market place. This covers WAS 7, 8 and 8.5 alpha.
WebSphere Developer Tools are available via Eclipse marketplace. I am using it right now with WAS 8.5 and Eclipse version: 2019-12 (4.14.0)