Can't install glassfish server in eclipse oxygen - eclipse

Hi I am using Eclipse Oxygen in Ubuntu 18.4 with Oracle Java 10. I tried to install glassfish server in Eclipse but failed. every time I tried it said java development kit is required instead of JRE. I had given the path "/usr/lib/jvm/java-10-oracle". Even if I put the path as "/var/cache/oracle-jdk 10-installer/",it says "Java installer not found in the specified folder". i am putting the two screenshots here for your reference. Please help.Here are the 2 screenshots for the above two cases

[Note that in this answer I am assuming you are using GlassFish 5.0, which is the latest version]
GlassFish will not currently work on Java 10 due to the JPMS (module system). You need to use Java 8 instead.
You should also be aware that you need specifically Java 8u161 or lower for GlassFish, but the latest release of Java 8 can be used with Payara Server which will work in the same way as GlassFish.
If you really need to use GlassFish on a version of Java 8 higher than u161, then you can use the latest 5.0.1 nightly build


Eclipse 2019-09 R Cannot Install Tomcat 9

Hi I tried to install tomcat9.0 on Eclipse but I got "unknown version of tomcat was specified" and the "next" button is dimmed. Any idea to fix it?
Tomcat 9 is not the only version that explicitly supports Java 8: If you check this page, you will see that "Supports Java version: 8 and later", which in this context means, that it officially supports only Java 8 and above. It does not mean however this is the only one supporting Java 8. Theoretically, you should be able to use any Tomcat version, in practice a.
Tomcat 8 will work perfectly: well since it supports Java 7 and above. The majority of people with a Java8 + Tomcat combination are using Tomcat 8. Tomcat 8 also has Eclipse WTP support.

Eclipse 2019 12 lack of Tomcat 9.0 in Runtime Environment

I need to develop simple servlet using Tomcat 9.0, but once I try to add it as my Runtime Environment it does not show on the list of available ones. I am using latest version of Eclipse, and I have installed JST Adapters, Java EE Developer Tools and Eclipse Tomcat Plugin 9.1.4. What do I do in order to be able to see and use tomcat 9.0?
The only answers to this question I found were that I'm possibly using old verion of IDE or lacking the plugins I installed already.
Does anybody know what could be the problem here?
What could the problem be? The second one. You need the JST Server Adapter Extensions feature.

How can I chose a specific version of Java EE in Eclipse?

It's my first day with Java EE and I would like to understand:
How I can set up a Java EE 7 project? and where can I check what Java EE version I am actually using?
I downloaded the latest Eclipse for Java EE Developers (Neon) and am now trying to understand how all these parts fit together.
I ended up downloading Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 Web Profile SDK Update 3 as well as a Shell file to install Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 SDK Update 3.
I know there is a lot of instructions provided but I would just like to set up my Eclipse environment.
Happy for any help or resource!
You can follow this tutorial it's old but it basically the same thing
You have to create a new project (Dynamic Web Project)
The versions of the Facets you choose will determine which Java EE spec version it aligns with
Choose your application server (I personally recommend Wildfly, but the built-in Java EE Preview Server can run Servlets on its own)
And you are ready to go !

Can I deploy to and debug on Glassfish v2 using Eclipse Kepler?

I'm trying to make the switch to Eclipse. I am using the most recent release (Kepler). It looks like the plugins which let me deploy to Glassfish only support versions 3 and 4 on Kepler. Is there any way to deploy and debug on Glassfish version 2 from Kepler?
No. You will need to stay with Juno until you are able to move to a newer version of GlassFish. The last version with GlassFish v2 support is available at the following location:

how to configure Sun One in Eclipse?

I need a step by step method because I have never used a server like this in Eclipse.
Do you have some installation tips and tutorial links for this kind of configuration?
As mentioned in this old GlassFish FAQ:
What is the difference between SunOne, SJSAS, and GlassFish?
SunOne is an old branding which was replaced by Sun Java System some time ago.
Sun Java System Application Server is the supported version of GlassFish.
Specifically, SJSAS 9.0 PE and GlassFish v1 are the same bits (except for the installer). Similarly SJS AS 9.1 and GlassFish v2 will be the same.
(See also the SO question "eclipse for sun one server for debugging and running application")
So you could rather declare a GlassFish server in your Eclipse.
Actually, at, you have a link to download a Eclipse Galileo preconfigured with the GlassFish v3 Java EE 6 runtime.
From there, you can fond some tutorials (like this one) to configure your GlassFish server in Eclipse.