iPhone custom Pop Up Message on Click in iPhone - iphone

I am learning iPhone and i have seen a beautiful thing in ipHone builtin Photo Gallery.
In the image attached below i can see a small pop up (COPY) in black color is displayed on the pic.
I want some thing like this to implement in iPhone. Can anybody guide me??
Or atleast guide me that how can get the x,y coordinates of the Button i clicked on and then how would i display an image over that Button on the same co ordinates.
I hope you get what i am asking for
Thanks a bunch
Waiting for some positive response

use UIMenuController controller to show the options and forgetting the coordinate of your UIButton use it's frame property.
Check the below blog post

Use UIMenuController. Since your button is a UIView you can easily get its position on screen.


How to make full screen zoom feature with scrolling multiple images with TNImageSliderViewController?

I am losing most of my work time stucking at scrollview,autolayout issues.And now,when i found TNImageSliderViewController.I see that i have hope in scrolling images with no autolayout issue.Thanks to the developer who write TNImageSliderViewController.But,after that I want to do another thing which still keep making me stuck.I tried many tutorial and video and which keep making me stuck.
Here is what i need to do...
1.When I clicked one of my image in scrollview,i want to see full screen of that images i click at another view.
2.That another view should also have capabilities like TNImageSliderViewController which we can slide images.
3.I want to add zoom with pinch or tapped zoom at full screen image that i clicked.
Any Idea?or suggestion or library which it can do it easily and completely with no autolayout issue which we can rotate as we like?
Please help...Please,I really need help.Also all newbie like us might want the same answer like me.

how to use animation to show the calendar

I can successfully show the calendar when clicking on the button using property called alpha. To show a calendar I am doing
calendar.alpha = 5
To hide by clicking, I am doing
calendar.alpha = 0
This is just very simple thing.What I am looking for is some animation to show and hide calendar.
Here's some images
Above is the textfield and a button. When you click on a button, calendar will show like below
Question :
How can I animate the effect such that it looks like when you are browsing the photo in your Album. If you dont like one of the photo you click a trash icon at the bottom right and the photo will slide into the a trash. So with this example, when I click on the button, I calendar will slowly show from a button and fully display onto the screen eventually
*Edit: I think the effect called suckEffect in iphone
That suck effect can't be done with Core Animation. To achieve that one, you would need OpenGL.
While that would be a cool effect, it's probably not worth it. Though, I think you might want to add the tag 'opengl' to your question. That might draw the attention of some OpenGL developers who might be able to offer more specific suggestions.
one more thing value of opacity vary from 0-1 you are using 5 its ok but 1 is maximum.
you can also use jquery function like .show() , .hide() or .toggle() method for show hide your calender and animation http://api.jquery.com/category/effects/

slide show with UIGestureRecognizer and with tap action

i am noob and new in development iphone application so i want to create a slide show(ios 5 with storyboard) ( banner with 5 or 6 image and every image the user can clicked on him and go to link in itunes for the app it's like a banner but no only one it's multiple )
i want the user can swipe between images and can click in every one and go to specific link so if on people have a tutorial or documentation or sample code for how to do this it's will be very helpful thanks
you can understand UIGestureRecognizers by some examples like these:
How to detect Swipe Gesture in iPhone SDK?
Best way is to use UIScrollView with paging, so you'll have to deal with only one UITapGestureRecognizer.
Take a look at the Facebook app's Three 20-framework for inspiration:
There is a fully functional slideshow-framework in there that you can look at and get some idea as to how you can make it on your own.
The TTPhotoViewController is the class you are looking for:

UIView with touchesMoved event for scrolling UIimages from web?

Actually i need a uiview on which touch moved event will be attached and i need that when we swipe left and right the images should be downloaded from web and should be displayed on uiview ,only one full image will be displayed on this uiview.
Second thing which i need is that when user viewing any image then their next and previous images should be downloaded, for fast viewing on images.
Let me know if i am not able to convey my question's message to u.
Thanks in advance to all my great developers friends.
I think below link will help you

Where can I get the original images for the Accessory buttons in a UITableView?

I want to create a custom accessory icon to go to the right of my cell in a UITableView and want it to match the blue >, I have tried creating from scratch and it looks good on its own but when put next to a cell with the blue > it looks messy where the two icons look similar but not of the same style. Does anyone know where I can get hold of the original DetailDisclosure button icon so I can use it as a base for my icon? BTW tried doing a screen capture, but you don't get any transparency information with that.
Check this blog post:
Put that code in a project and run it in the simulator. It will extract the artwork from UIKit and save it in the app's Documents directory. NSLog(documentsPath) to see where they're going. It will save out tons of images for pretty much everything.