slide show with UIGestureRecognizer and with tap action - iphone

i am noob and new in development iphone application so i want to create a slide show(ios 5 with storyboard) ( banner with 5 or 6 image and every image the user can clicked on him and go to link in itunes for the app it's like a banner but no only one it's multiple )
i want the user can swipe between images and can click in every one and go to specific link so if on people have a tutorial or documentation or sample code for how to do this it's will be very helpful thanks

you can understand UIGestureRecognizers by some examples like these:
How to detect Swipe Gesture in iPhone SDK?

Best way is to use UIScrollView with paging, so you'll have to deal with only one UITapGestureRecognizer.

Take a look at the Facebook app's Three 20-framework for inspiration:
There is a fully functional slideshow-framework in there that you can look at and get some idea as to how you can make it on your own.
The TTPhotoViewController is the class you are looking for:


Developing a swipe and view change iPhone application

I am trying to develop an application whose view closely matches with groupon app. User should be able to swipe on the screen and the entire screen changes with top pointer pointing to different tool bar entity.
Any pointer of how to go about it?
Take a look at UIScrollView Reference and PageControl Reference from Apple Guides
Hope it helps,
Looks like a pagecontrol+scrollerview
The complex part is making the toolbar elements move when you are changing the page at a different speed

Recreating the iTunes (iOS app) tableViewCell which previews songs

I'm creating an app which would provide the user with a list of audio files and let them sample a small piece of audio when they select the song (just like the iTunes iOS app).
I love the way the iTunes iOS App has implemented it (image attached); wherein I can click on a cell and the album cover flips over to show a progress indicator and a stop button. I can select a cell and the sample starts to play, and the moment I stop it, the progress indicator flips back over to show the album/song art.
I'd like to create something like that for my app. Any suggestions on how I can go ahead with it.
Thanks a ton in advance! :D
EDIT: Based on Till's suggestion, I'm adding this edit. What I wish to get by asking this question is suggestions for the best approach to make the flip animation, showing a custom view in a UITableViewCell image space, possible. Currently, I'm not worried about playing the audio or displaying the progress of the playback. I simply need suggestions on the best approach to perform the flip animation and substitute the image with a custom UIView. :) Thanks again! :D
You will need to create it. I suggest making it as a custom tablecell. If you polish it well enought, you can put it on CodeCanyon and make it worth your while.
Also, I can recommend looking at the works on - It might not have exactly this one, but it has many interesting controls and inspirations.
This is exactly what u looking for:
You can also refer to some Sources :

Walkthrough / tooltip / demo for iPhone app

I've got an app that appeals to an older demographic. The interface is simple but with some custom controls where a simple graphic is not completely self explanatory (save to playlist, sort by genre for example).
I've seen plenty of apps with great first run walkthroughs (examples here) but don't know if there are some existing libraries out there.
Your suggestions are welcome.
I found CMPopTipView that, while it doesn't fit my needs completely may be of use to those that are looking to pop a tool tip every now and then.
Most of these overlays/walkthroughs can be accomplished by adding a subview to the main window of your app. There are some edge cases to take into account, but for the most part, you need to simply grab a reference to the key window with
UIWindow* keyWindow;
keyWindow = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow;
You then would add your overlay view as a subview with:
[keyWindow addSubview:anOverlayView];
Handling taps to dismiss the overlay can be done with a tap gesture recognizer.
If you are looking to create a click-through demo which runs in the browser and on mobile devices, AppDemoStore is the right tool for you. You just have to upload some relevant app screenshots, add hotspots for the navigation between the screens and callouts for explanations. It takes only a couple of minutes and it's free.

iphone, tableView and appStore application

I want to create an application excacly like appStore.
A nice table (I have the source code from apple using custom table cell)
But my main problem is that I cannot find a nice tutorial or a guide on how to make the product detail page.
I want to have a label at the top then a text and after that I want to have the images.
I notice that in appStore when you reach the images it locks there for a while!
How can I do that???
I tried using a UIScrollView but I believe this is not the case.
I am thinking using tableView again with custom cells but again I am not sure.
Any ideas? or any good working example? or tutorial?
thanks for your time :)
start from here:
Which will teach you basic table design skills and how to create custom cells with images on the left.
Then if you would like to learn how to create a tab bar application an be able to have a navigation controller at the top then you can follow this descriptive tutorial step by step to achieve this.
What do you get after following these two tutorials?
the appStore application, well not exactly but you will get your own version.
EDIT: Added Details page how to achieve appStore like UIScrollView effect.
follow this brilliant video tutorial.
Have fun

IPhone SDK - How do I implement an Apple like rating UIAlertView?

Does anyone have an Idea how to implement an UIAlertView for rating purpose like Apple show when you are removing an app from the iPhone?
You can choose how many stars to rate the app or don't rate it at all.
I already have a view that shows the stars according to the user touches but don't know how to connect it to the UIAlertView...
A good tutorial how to do this:
I like the TSAlertView. It's a complete replacement of UIAlertView based on UIView. So you don't use any private APIs.
I used it in multiple projects and I really like it. Take a look at it. With that one it should be easy to add your "starview" to the AlertView becuase you have methods to add a contentView.