Why does my apps icon disappear after an ad hoc install (iPhone) - iphone

I have an app that I'm trying to install via standard OTA ad hoc. On iOS 4.1 The app installs ok. On newer versions (4.3.1 and 4.3.3 tested) the app installs without error, but the icon disappears from Springboard when the install is done. If I restart the device the icon is back.
I have two questions:
Does anyone know what causes this behaviour?
Is this a problem when it comes to App
Store submission?
Edit: It's the whole icon that disappears, not just the graphics. It is not possible to start the app from Springboard.

I think this question is similar to this one:
In-House App Disappears After Install
Give it a try, maybe it helps...

Just spent hours sorting out the same problem.
We deliver our AdHoc build over-the-air.
Turns out that when I changed app ID, I didn't change the bundle-identifier parameter in the OTA installation plist.

You might want to check that both high and standard resolution icon files are entered correctly into the info.plist file.
On older versions of iOS, entering just the standard resolution file name for the "Icon File" Key was sufficient, iOS would select the high resolution file by just adding #2x to the filename.
On newer versions there is the "Icon Files" (note the plural form) Array, where you may enter several files in different resolutions. I experienced similar errors using the "old" style, which were resolved using the new one.

I had this issue and the problem was that our distribution/provisioning certificates had all expired in between when the ipa was created and when it was installed on the device. Renewing all the certificates, rebuilding and redeploying fixed the problem.


Getting Mulitiple App Icons on ios7 device

Im getting a strange bug on ios7 (iPhone5 device). I installed iPhone app using xcode5 on ios7
my problem is whenever I install my app on the device, I'm getting my app icons multiple
times with same name, I also tried for different apps through my system. I'm getting the same problem, even duplicate icon image not deleting from my device.
Any help will be appreciated.
I also have similar issue. the installation icon with a "download circle" is left behind. I have a workaround to delete this extra icon. Try to install the app again and when device is downloading the app, delete the icon!
I also observed that when I upload the same ipa on testflight, or use itune directly, it work without leaving another icon behind.
Any help?
I had a similar problem when downloading the app from server. The issue occurs when there is a conflict with the bundle identifier in your info.plist in your app bundle and the bundle identifier in the plist file on the server from which you download your ipa. If both the bundle identifier are of exact match, you will not run into this issue.
Have you made sure all the app icon dimensions are correct? I don't know if that would help at all. Another thing you should try is loading the app onto another iPhone that isn't yours to see if it is on your Computers side or just your phones problem.

iphone/ios adHoc distribution crashing (shut down only in case of adHoc distribution)

I've made an app using the Facebook API. I completed it, and there's no problem at all when I run my app on my device with development code signing.
So, I tried making it with adHoc distribution code signing and building was succeeded. There's also no problem when it goes through any other functions.
But when I try to share something to Facebook (using Facebook dialog API), this app shut down even though it worked well in case of development code sign on my device.
I can't debug cause this is adHoc version, so I don't know what the problem is. Can you let me know what the problem is?
When does this happen in what case?
What's the problem? Delete the app from your device, then install the ipa with itunes to your device. Then, while your device is still connected, go to Xcode => Organizer => Devices => your device => Console and start your app on your device. Then you should see the reason for the crash.
I checked the Device logs via Xcode > Window > Devices > View Device Logs.
The problem for me was that I am using a custom font which is integrated into my project via CocoaPods. During development time, the app runs smoothly because my computer can see where the font files are. However, Xcode doesn't bundle the font files (.ttf) from the pod into the project, so I had to either:
Add the font files into Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources and adding the font files into my main project folder (without copying them; only as references).
Or, remove the custom font as a CocoaPods dependency and copy-paste the font files to my project instead.
I went with the second one since I might accidentally delete one of the references to the font files and encounter the problem again.

iOS app icons updated, not showing on clean Build/Run

I'm prepping for my first update (1.0.1) on the AppStore and will be changing the icon in the process. I deleted the old 57x57 and 114x114 icons, dropped new ones into Xcode 4's target summary, and did a clean build/run. The new icons show up in Xcode, but not on the device's home screen.
I suspect if I delete the app and redo the above steps, this may work, but that leaves me to wonder if an AppStore distribution will update the icons for all users.
Is there something I'm forgetting to do to update the icon for this next release?
I was having this problem when replacing icons for an app, the new icons didn't show up on the iOS device, no matter how many times I did a clean/build. The solution for me was to reboot the device and the new icons were recognized.
I'm guessing this is a problem only in development, it is likely that the cached icon is refreshed when an app is installed or updated from the App Store.
The answer turned out to be that my new icons had slightly different names than the old. Strangely, Xcode never complained and still showed them next to the target and in the summary.
Lesson learned: When doing an app update (or "Appdate"), modified resources need to be of the same file name to be found. It seems replacing a resource with a different resource is not sufficient. Overwriting the old resource is the way to go.
It will update the icon for the user's when it's distributed. I had an app i released to the app store that I had gotten from Google Images and made into an icon. Long story short, I had to change my icon so it didn't look like another App's which had the same icon! If you change it in your Build Settings you'll be ok.
If you change your apple-touch-icon.png for both regular and retina in your Build Settings, it will update on the app store, and the end user's ultimately. Bottom line. It should've did it for yours, I don't know why it didn't?

Anyone else having problems installing iPhone Enterprise apps on released IOS 5?

Anyone having problems deploying Enterprise apps on iPhone/iPads running the released version of iOS 5 using the OTA ("over the air") methodology?
During the installation process, we get the alert box: "the app could not be installed at this time". Tapping the Retry button does nothing. In some cases, repeated tapping of the Retry button eventually results in a gray, empty launch icon being left on the home screen. No app installed. No other errors.
Anyone else seeing this or have a resolution?
The below description is a bit involved, but please bear with me as it may help others who run into the situation. I will post the resolution if get a resolution from Apple. So far, no joy there.
Our app refuses to install OTA on iOS 5. This same app WILL install on iPhone/iPad devices running iOS 4.x.x AND the same app will install on iOS 5 devices physically connected to a desktop machine using the iTunes app.
The Apple Developer forums under the IOS 5 Beta category complained about the problem but no indication of resolution as of last week just before the official release of iOS 5.
Cookies are set to be accepted.
Bowser cache and history cleared.
Using mobile safari originally installed with original iOS version 4.x.x.
System hardware and operating system configuration
iPad 2, iPhone 4 or any iPhone device running iOS 5 RELEASED version.
Browser and version
Mobile safari that is installed with iOS 4 on ipad2. Don't know if mobile safari upgrades with ios 5 upgrade.
Using a corporate wifi network. Yes, we are behind a firewall and use a proxy server. Since iOS4 devices install without problems, I don't think installation being blocked by the proxy or firewall.
Enterprise app built with Xcode 4 and ios5 sdk provided with it. Built to be backward compatible with iOS 4.0.
Distribution provisioning profile is correct as we have been using it for several weeks.
This app installs properly on iOS 4 devices both over the air and via iTunes application method.
This app installs properly on ios5 devices through the physical connection with iTunes application on the Mac desktop.
Steps to reproduce:
User types in the URL in mobile safari on iPhone/iPad running ios5.
The resulting webpage shows the download app link.
User taps on the link and is asked if they want to install the app.
User taps the yes, install button.
App proceeds to install.
A gray launch icon shows up on the home screen with the progress bar empty at the bottom of the icon.
Message below the icon indicates "loading".
Seconds later, user gets the "cannot download app at this time" error message as seen in screen shot attached.
Tapping the retry button results in the same action just described.
Tapping done results in the download stopping.
If you tap retry several times, user sometimes is left with the gray empty launch icon, which will not launch and cannot be deleted.
Note: In the apple developer forums, under the iOS 5 beta category, people are describing the exact same problem with no resolution.
Had the same problem, and was able to resolve it. However, the error noted is not specific to a single cause that handles every case... some detailed investigation needs to occur.
Your best bet is to connect the device to your Mac, and using the Organizer of xCode view the console logs while you are attempting to do a wireless deployment. There will be some useful information available -- please post the logs.
For my case -- the icon files were missing from the build, as a result of moving from xCode3 to xCode4 and also, the distribution plist was referencing an image that returned a 404. Both were logged in the console, but not very clearly.
Also, as a sanity check, manually verify the URL to your IPA file also.
I had this same problem and was sure everything was correct in my project; but restarting Xcode and doing a clean revealed my Enterprise scheme had somehow defaulted to the wrong provisioning profile.
Re-selecting the correct profile and re-archiving the app fixed the issue for me, I'm able to install an enterprise app on both iOS4 and 5.
I wanted to chime in after fighting this for a few hours. It is iOS 5 specific.
We had an htaccess password protection on the directory. Removing this allowed the app to finally download. So if you have htaccess, perhaps you can point the user to a parent directory that is password protected, then navigate to the subdirectory containing the app that isn't password protected. This is a temporary solution, apple needs to fix this.
Another thing to consider is the URL you specified in your over-the-air Application.plist file. I received the same error message ("-application- could not be installed at this time") because the URL I specified was too unspecific. Rather than writing "directory/directory/application.ipa", I had written "directory/directory/". You must include your application in the complete URL of the plist file's configuration.
If you didn't do this, don't fret! You don't have to rebuild the entire thing from step one, you can open your .plist file in any standard text editor and simply change the URL.
We had the same thing.
Our mistake was to point to a wrong 512.png icon in the manifest.
Which was no problem on iOS4 but turned out to stop iOS5 into a "...at this time" alert.
Wanted to chime in on my experience.
In my case, we were changing the address where the IPA file was hosted. Although I updated the PLIST file with the proper URL to the IPA file, iOS was still going after the old URL almost as if it cached the PLIST data. Creating a copy of the PLIST file and renaming it resolved the issue (data within the file remained unchanged)
I met the same problem today. The app can be installed in ios4, but failed in ios5 with "** could not be installed at this time" alert.
According to patricksan's suggestion, I download iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5 for Mac OS X, and try to catch the log while install the app through OTA.
The log helped me finally, one sentence of the log says entitlement 'get-task-allow' has value not permitted by a provisioning profile. It remind me that if the code signing identity in build settings of Project and Targets are correct, after checking them in Xcode, I found the code signing identity are not correct one, they should be iPhone distribution:.... other than iPhone developer:..... After correcting them, and re-Archiving the ipa file, it can be installed in iOS 5 now.
Check your Info.plist for Required device capabilities property. I recommend to delete completely this property if you haven't any restrictions on use.

Why do I get "could not be added to your itunes library because it is not a valid app" error when trying to install Ad-Hoc build?

I've recently upgraded my Mac to Lion, and also Xcode 4.
In Build Settings, I've set "Code Signing" for "Release" to be "iPhone Distribution" which matches our Ad-Hoc provisioning file (which we've used in the past, on Snow Leopard/Xcode 3).
I have deleted the old Entitlements file (as it's apparently no longer used by Xcode 4).
In the Scheme section, I've set Archive to use the Release build.
I'm building with Product > Archive.
I'm saving the file by going into the Organiser and clicking Share, then making sure the same Ad-Hoc provisioning is selected.
I'm sending the resulting IPA file to my boss, who has previously installed this app. When he tries to install it, he gets the message "[appname] could not be added to your itunes library because it is not a valid app".
I've been trying every combination of settings I can think, but we just cannot get this to work. I can find this error only twice in Google - once from someone with a jailbroken phone and another posted in comments of an article, someone having the same issue, but there are no responses.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Edit: Same thing happens trying to drag the IPA into iTunes on the Mac that created it! :(
Edit2: Just taken another (almost identical) project and tried a build without "Modernizing" the project, or selected any of the new options in Xcode (icons, launch images, orientation etc.), and this build works. I'm going to work through each of the things I did with the original app with this one, testing at each step. Hopefully should be able to isolate which step is breaking the compiled app!
(also posted to Apple Dev Forums)
I believe I've tracked this down... It seemed to be happening really intermittently, so it's taken some time (I'd reproduce it, roll back the change, confirm it worked, then re-apply the change, for it to then work again!).
However, after much cleaning/restart/etc., I believe it's related to the "Build" version in the target settings (there are now two version fields, "Version" and "Build"). It seems that if "Build" is blank, then this error occurs.
Unfortunately, changing this value doesn't seem to rebuild properly, so sometimes if you change it, then Archive, you still get the previous value. Manually cleaning before Archiving seems to work around this.
The value gets written into the plist file as CFBundleVersion.
Recently I suffered a problem with an Ad-Hoc installation using TestFlight service, the message in the log didn't help too much:
Jul 25 12:52:39 MyiPad installd[477] <Error>: 0x10059c000 init_pack_state: Archive we've been requested to install is 0 bytes. That can't be a valid ipa.
After many tests, I found this question and the problem was the same, the Build field was empty (this answer save my day :-) )
So, if anyone else has this problem on TestFlight, I hope my answer allows to find this page easier ;-)
I also faced the same issue. After doing some research found below answers as:
App Version and Build version should not blank.
Don't put special characters in my app bundle name.
And also there was no issues with my provisioning profiles.
After debugging found that there was name mismatch in my scheme name and info.plist file name. In my project, I have 3 schemes like a,b,c and only one a-info.plist file. I was creating IPA for different scheme like 'b'.
In your scenario, if you have created multiple schemes then check your Info.plist name. That should have to be same as your scheme name (for which you are creating an IPA).
Example. The scheme name is 'myScheme' then your Info.plist file name as 'myScheme-Info.plist'.
Hope this will help you.
I got the same message ("not a valid app"). In my case, I was FTPing the built app to a web server then I would be able to OTA provision it. I was not swapping to binary mode before I was putting the file, so the .ipa file got corrupted on the way. Took me most of the evening to figure that stupid mistake out...
ok.. do one thing.. Open info.plist.. Go to bundle identifier and change bundle identifier name. It needs to be unique.. something like "com.yourcompany.projectname" and create and try to install the ipa.. It should work
I came across this question while researching a similar problem so I'll answer here even though the cases are not identical, because others will search for the same error message.
I had an ad-hoc app that everyone in the development team could install fine, except one person, who got the error from iTunes:
X is not a valid app
He had been able to install earlier versions of this app. Rebuilding the app, changing the version number and changing the build number had no effect, he still could not install but others could.
I fixed it by creating a brand new Xcode project, either copying the files or copying and pasting the content of the files from the old project to the new one, and rebuilding the app and signing it in exactly the same way as the old project. It worked.
I had a similar issue while trying to create an .ipa for adHoc distribution for one of the Old project (built a year ago by ex-developer). After a lot of research in google and following the above solutions it didn't worked out for me somereason.
Later after following this link - here. By replacing the .plist file with the existing working projects (obviously - the relevant icons/bundle display name/identifier) and renaming with the current .plist name. It worked for me.
I literally spent about 3-4 hours to fix this issue. Hope it helps some one.
environment was native - iOS app.
"Application requires iPhone environment" in your info.plist or if added give it value "YES".
Check "Build" and "Version" in general are not empty....
hope this will work
Importing the project contents in to a new Project solved the issue for me.
For me, we were trying to do an enterprise build of a very old app, from iOS 5.
After confirming profiles and everything else was fine, debug builds work correctly, I noticed the general consensus was around issues with the info.plist file.
I compared the info.plist with another app and sure enough,
Application requires iPhone environment = NO
Basically this key needs to always be set to YES for iOS apps regardless whether its for iPhone, iTouch or iPad...
It may not be limited to that key for everyone but make sure the info.plist looks similar to working apps.
Bundle version
Bundle versions string, short
should always be present!
right.. but I guess it is clashing with earlier bundle identifier( this happens because you have upgraded the Xcode). Did you try and change the existing bundle identifier name and install ? I had identical problem and wasted 3-4 days.. I changed existing bundle identifier name and it worked.. Also you may want to check Bundle name and Bundle version are present in info.plist