iOS app icons updated, not showing on clean Build/Run - iphone

I'm prepping for my first update (1.0.1) on the AppStore and will be changing the icon in the process. I deleted the old 57x57 and 114x114 icons, dropped new ones into Xcode 4's target summary, and did a clean build/run. The new icons show up in Xcode, but not on the device's home screen.
I suspect if I delete the app and redo the above steps, this may work, but that leaves me to wonder if an AppStore distribution will update the icons for all users.
Is there something I'm forgetting to do to update the icon for this next release?

I was having this problem when replacing icons for an app, the new icons didn't show up on the iOS device, no matter how many times I did a clean/build. The solution for me was to reboot the device and the new icons were recognized.
I'm guessing this is a problem only in development, it is likely that the cached icon is refreshed when an app is installed or updated from the App Store.

The answer turned out to be that my new icons had slightly different names than the old. Strangely, Xcode never complained and still showed them next to the target and in the summary.
Lesson learned: When doing an app update (or "Appdate"), modified resources need to be of the same file name to be found. It seems replacing a resource with a different resource is not sufficient. Overwriting the old resource is the way to go.

It will update the icon for the user's when it's distributed. I had an app i released to the app store that I had gotten from Google Images and made into an icon. Long story short, I had to change my icon so it didn't look like another App's which had the same icon! If you change it in your Build Settings you'll be ok.
If you change your apple-touch-icon.png for both regular and retina in your Build Settings, it will update on the app store, and the end user's ultimately. Bottom line. It should've did it for yours, I don't know why it didn't?


Updating iTunesArtwork and screenshots for published app

I have a published app on app-store, which appears in iTunes as expected. The product logo has changed recently, hence I am supposed to update all graphics.
I changed all icons and republished the app. I now notice that the search result in iTunes for the app shows the older icon. The "Large Icon" in itunes connect also sows the older icon.
Upon Googling, it turned out that I need to update the iTunesArtwork file. Where shall I put that file, prior to Archiving it and preparing the app submission through XCode.
Also, I need to update the four screenshots of the app that appear in iTunes. How do I change that?
Thanks in advance
I found out ... while registering for an update, iTunesConnect provides an option to change the Large Icon and the Screenshots. No need for adding any files in the app source tree.

Why app's icon shows blank in iCloud settings?

I'm currently adding iCloud support for my app, but i noticed that in the iCloud -> manage storage settings my app's icon is missing. I've added the Icon-Small.png/Icon-Small-50.png plus their #2x versions in the xcode project in the "Resources" folder, then added their names in Info.plist but it still shows white.
What am i doing wrong?
Once you show up in Settings, a little like registering your device for push notifications, there's some caching happening. You should try resetting all settings and installing fresh. Also if it's a physical device, not the simulator, try to delete the app, set the date forward by over a day, install fresh, and it should bypass that cache.
Did you build the app, compile it, and added the icon very later on? This is usually a caché issue. The best way to go around this is to uninstall the app from your device and do a clean build.

how to update app icon for my iPhone app?

We have an updated version of our app icon to replace the existing one, we tried to simply overwrite the old one (image file) with the new version (image file), build and then deploy, what we found on the device is still the old icon being used for our app. Is this a normal behavior, what's the "official" steps for such needs? Note that we are still in development stage, which is why we need to update our app icons based on the new art work done by our designers.
Even i faced the same issue ,& its just because the app still has the reference to the old icon file or may be it has not been deleted from the resources, you may have opted for reference only while deleting the app icon.
It's simple ,
For easy followup I have attached the Screenshots too : ;)
1) Delete your application icon.png from the app, selecting an option "Also Move to Trash" .
2) Now Clean build & all the targets.
3) Reveal in finder the resource folder in your app & first copy your New App icon over there.
4) Now, drag & drop the new application icon from application finder to your Resource folder, make sure to check the option to copy items.
5) Also, prior to submitting the application to AppStore, make sure to do changes in your .plist file.Add value icon.png value to Icon file key.
Once, you are done with all the steps, just reset your Simulator & Run the app. I am sure that would solve your problem.
First of all delete the icon.png then select the image you want to create the icon select and drag it and put the following place and clean up your project(Cmd + shift + k).
Now the run the project and it change the icon of the application.
i think it's helpful for you
do cmd+k (to clean) then cmd+r (to run)
Clean build folder first before you redeploy, Xcode cache some of the data. To clean build folder, Go to Products, and hold option, there will be an option to.
Reference Apple Technical docs, about Troubleshooting section. That technical document gives details about this icon issue.
The following is what I encounter.
Error: Invalid Image Path
Your application's information property list references one or more icon images that were not included in the compiled bundle.
If your application is using asset catalogs to manage its icons then the information property list should not include any icon related keys; they will be added at build time by the asset catalog compiler.
Open the information property list for your app's target. It can be found under the Info tab in the project editor or in the File Navigator where it will be named either -Info.plist or Info.plist, where is the name of your app.
Remove the following keys, including device specific variations.
“Icon file” (CFBundleIconFile)
“Icon files” (CFBundleIconFiles)
My project use App Icons Source to manage app icons, but the Info.plist also contains Icon files, and images in the resources.
More ...
If you encounter following case, reference that apple docs, it will help you.
The wrong icon appears in the App Store
Your application bundle includes additional images which are being detected as valid icon images.

Why does my apps icon disappear after an ad hoc install (iPhone)

I have an app that I'm trying to install via standard OTA ad hoc. On iOS 4.1 The app installs ok. On newer versions (4.3.1 and 4.3.3 tested) the app installs without error, but the icon disappears from Springboard when the install is done. If I restart the device the icon is back.
I have two questions:
Does anyone know what causes this behaviour?
Is this a problem when it comes to App
Store submission?
Edit: It's the whole icon that disappears, not just the graphics. It is not possible to start the app from Springboard.
I think this question is similar to this one:
In-House App Disappears After Install
Give it a try, maybe it helps...
Just spent hours sorting out the same problem.
We deliver our AdHoc build over-the-air.
Turns out that when I changed app ID, I didn't change the bundle-identifier parameter in the OTA installation plist.
You might want to check that both high and standard resolution icon files are entered correctly into the info.plist file.
On older versions of iOS, entering just the standard resolution file name for the "Icon File" Key was sufficient, iOS would select the high resolution file by just adding #2x to the filename.
On newer versions there is the "Icon Files" (note the plural form) Array, where you may enter several files in different resolutions. I experienced similar errors using the "old" style, which were resolved using the new one.
I had this issue and the problem was that our distribution/provisioning certificates had all expired in between when the ipa was created and when it was installed on the device. Renewing all the certificates, rebuilding and redeploying fixed the problem.

Icon is not changed after update of an app

I have created a new version of iPhone app. I wanted to change the icon, so:
I added the icons in different sized to the Resources folder of my Project in XCode:
I specified the icon files in the info.plist file:
in iTunes Connect I added new version of my app and replace the old icon with the new one. The new icon is now visible when I log in to iTunes Connect.
The effects:
I can see the new icon when I run my app on simulator.
I can see the new icon when I visit AppStore with iTunes on my Mac.
I can see the OLD icon when I visit AppStore on my iPhone.
I can see the OLD icon on my iPhone after upgrading my app to the new version.
Any ideas why the old icon is still visible in some of the places?
kind regards,
Use "Build > Clean all Targets" and then build and run. Xcode doesn't always see that images have been updated, and leaves them out of incremental builds. Cleaning before building makes Xcode build the app file from scratch, and will pick up any images it's failing to get.
Why it's inconsistent is that different build types (simulator vs device) are different build targets, and got built with different versions of your images. Not unusual.
The one thing that this WON'T address is the old icon on the iPhone's app store app. You might need to update your app store submission with fresh images.