Can I record videos on iPhone 3G using AVFoundation? - iphone

Is it possible to record video on iphone 3g with ios 4.1 using AVFoundation?
I m able to record audio and can pick still image using AVFoundation but not able to record video.

If you see the AVFoundation reference documentation its stated that
You should typically use the
highest-level abstraction available
that allows you to perform the tasks
you want. For example:
If you simply want to play movies, you can use the Media Player
Framework (MPMoviePlayerController or
MPMoviePlayerViewController), or for
web-based media you could use a
UIWebView object.
To record video when you need only minimal control over format, use the
UIKit framework

As long as a device has a camera, you should be able to record using AVFoundation, check out the AVCam demo code from WWDC 2010 to see how you can do that.


Dropbox app like video & audio preview

How do I generate a audio and video preview function exactly like it is in Dropbox iPhone app? Is it AVPlayer or MPMoviePlayer? Or is it custom made controls and slider? I need exact same controls and slider option.
Also I need to play the video and audio using a web service. The files are on the server. So I need to buffer them and play them as they get buffered.
Please suggest some help.
I'm not sure what is in the Dropbox app.
AVPlayer doesn't include any search etc. controls, and adding them yourself is fiddly. Consider instead MPMoviePlayerViewController (a newer controller class which wraps the old MPMoviePlayerController).
Be aware of the iOS limitations of whatever classes/techniques you use. For example, if you want your code to work pre-iOS3.2, you need to use MPMoviePlayerController directly (when running on iOS < 3.2) instead of MPMoviePlayerViewController. If the device iOS >= 3.2, you use MPMoviePlayerViewController.
Disclaimer: I don't know all of your requirements etc. For a good overview of the complicated history of multimedia APIs, check out this page.

Playing movie in iOS applicatione made in Flex

I'm writing the application for iOS in Flex (sdk 4.5). Is it possible to play movie in such built application?
I was trying to use Video component - which works well on my desktop, but it doesn't work on my iPod. Of course my application is running, but the video isn't playing.
I think I have final results:
It is possible to play video in iOS app written for AIR 2.6 but it can't be decoded by using h.264 video and acc audio codecs.
For me it was working when video was decoded by using vp6 codec and standard Video component. There is an issue with low frame rate which can be partially resolved when setting renderMode to gpu in descriptor file, however as you can see here it's not recommended.
P.S. Thanks for help J_A_X.
I would recommend that instead of trying to play the video internal to your application, you just link to it and let the native OS handle it. The OS will either open up a browser to play the file or launch a native app to handle it.
Have you tried to use the StageVideo class? It's new in 10.2 and meant to utilize full hardware acceleration. Follow this tutorial for more information.

Capturing video while processing it through a shader on iPhone

I am trying to develop an iPhone app that processes/filters and records video.
I have two sample apps that have aspects of what I need and am trying to combine them.
AVCamDemo from the WWDC10 sample code package (Apple Developer ID required)
This deals with capturing/recording video.
Brad Larson's ColorTracking sample app referenced here
This deals with live processing of video using OpenGL ES
I get stuck when trying to combine the two.
What I have been trying to do is to use AVCaptureVideoOutput and the AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferProtocol to process/filter the video frames through OpenGL ES (as in -2-), and at the same time somehow use AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to record the processed video (as in -1-).
Is this approach possible? If so, how would I need to set up the connections within the AVSession?
Or do I need to use the AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferProtocol to process/filter the video AND then recombine the individual frames back into a movie - without using AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to save the movie file?
Any suggestions for the best approach to accomplish this are much appreciated!

Video Editing in Iphone

In my application user should be able to select a video from video library and also should able to trim the video and play the video in a movie player. Can any one please help me???
Look into the AVFoundation framework. As you mentioned below, you want to use the UIVideoEditorController class.
Note that what you ask is only supported by the AVFoundation in iOS 4.0 and higher.
Also check out this Apple's sample project.
And for documentation

video API iphone

I want to play H.264 video streamed from network. To play video iphone provides the media player API. Does anyone one aware of any documented or undocumented API for decoding and playing single video frame?
Is it Live video or on demand ?
If live the only way is to use iPhone OS 3 with MediaPlayer.
take a look at the discussions group from apple there is some interesting thread.