App Crashes on IPad 2 build in XCode 4.0 - iphone

I have made a text editor app in XCode 4.0. It's working fine on iPad 1 but not working on iPad 2. When i try to load it on iPad 2 it show a black screen and just exits.

Check if the remote device has the correct provisioning profile installed

Check these:
- Do you have a developer account?
Have you created App Profile on iOS
provisioning portal?
The iPad2 is in the devices list In the iOS
provisioning Portal?
Have you send
the monileprovision to the adhoc
The mobile monileprovision
contains the iPad2 device?


Compile iPhone only app to iPad device in Xcode

Is it possible to compile my iPhone app (which is developed for iPhone only) to my iPad with Xcode? I want to to this for presentation purposes, so I know it is not really compatible but I want to show it to a client and run it in 2x mode.
The iPad devices is attached in my provisioning profile.
When I try to compile it in Xcode it says:
Xcode could not run using the selected device
In Xcode I choose: "iOS device" (the other options in this menu are: iPad 5.1 simulator and iPhone 5.1 simulator).
In Xcode, select Organizer and in the Devices section, having the iPad plugged thru usb cable, select 'Use for development'.
This way allows you to run the app directly in the iPad form Xcode.
make sure you have added the device id in iOS provisioning profile you are using in the project

sending project into personal iDevice

I have an iPhone 4S with iOS 5.0.1 and also have xcode 4.2. When I try to build & run my app in my iDevice instead of iOS 5.0 Simulator, it pops-up error like this: "No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version." so is there any way to send my app into my own iphone?
You'll need to make sure your device has a provision profile installed that includes the device's UDID and the app's ID. If you're fairly new to iOS development and haven't installed one of your apps on a device before, you'll definitely want to go through the instructions in the iOS developer portal -- they'll walk you through the provisioning process. Also, if you've only recently updated the device to iOS 5, make sure that you tell Xcode to use the device for development.
Did you purchase the iOS Developer Program for 99$/year?
Did you register your Device with your UDID?
Did you install the Team Provisioning Profile on your iPhone?
In order to test your application on an iOS device (such as an iPhone or iPad), you must create an Apple provisioning profile and developer identity. Then you'll also have to create an app ID and register your device. If you have purchased a developer profile, I highly suggest following Apple's step by step guide on how to do this.
For now, here's a guide to to the first steps:
Once you've created a developer profile, you can just use Apple's step by step guide

iPhone Ad Hoc Failure

I am distributing an iPhone app to beta testers, some of whom (with iPhone 4 or 4s, iOS 5.0.1) have reported that the provisioning profile loads fine, they see the standard "installing" progress bar on the screen of the phone, and then, just before the installation is complete, they receive an error on the phone stating
"(Name of app) failed to install"
I'm using XCode 4.2.1. My phone is running 5.0.1 on an iPhone 4s myself, and I have no problems loading the app via Ad Hoc installation.
Any ideas as to what's going wrong? Does this indicate that there's some problem with the provisioning profile?
It sounds like you haven't signed the distribution for their devices. It's not enough to have them install the profile. Ad hoc's have to include every UDID they are going to run on.

How to install universal application in 2G iPhone

i have created an universal application using xcode 3.2.4. in my build setting i have set "target device" as 3.1.2. This application is working fine with iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 and iPod touch 3G. But i am facing "Unsigned" error if i try to install my universal application into my 2G iPhone which have iOS 3.1.3 I have included 2G iPhone UID into provisioning file. But still getting same error.
please guide me as how to over come this issue and make my universal app to work in 2G devices also.
thanks in advance.
Unsigned seems to imply you still have an issue with your provisioning profile. Open the Organizer in XCode, click on the device on the left, and look at the provisioning profiles that are associated with it to verify that the one to which you assigned that device's UID is actually on the device.

iPhone SDK: Profile was not copied because it cannot be played on this iPod

I've created an AdHoc distribution profile. When I try to copy it to an 3g iPod touch, I get the following error message.
Profile.mobileprovision was not copied to the iPod because it cannot be played in this iPod.
I am confused.
Why would I have a problem installing a Adhoc provisioning profile on an iPod touch?
Any help appreciated.
Because you haven't registered that specific device in the Provisioning Portal.
For each and every device, you have to make sure they are added to your iPhone Provisioning Portal, just like you did with your original device using the UDID.
Make sure you have the sdk installed in Xcode that is on your iPod. That caught me out earlier this week - upgraded my iPad to 3.2.1 and Xcode could only handle 3.2, so had to then upgrade that too