How to install universal application in 2G iPhone - iphone

i have created an universal application using xcode 3.2.4. in my build setting i have set "target device" as 3.1.2. This application is working fine with iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 and iPod touch 3G. But i am facing "Unsigned" error if i try to install my universal application into my 2G iPhone which have iOS 3.1.3 I have included 2G iPhone UID into provisioning file. But still getting same error.
please guide me as how to over come this issue and make my universal app to work in 2G devices also.
thanks in advance.

Unsigned seems to imply you still have an issue with your provisioning profile. Open the Organizer in XCode, click on the device on the left, and look at the provisioning profiles that are associated with it to verify that the one to which you assigned that device's UID is actually on the device.


Compile iPhone only app to iPad device in Xcode

Is it possible to compile my iPhone app (which is developed for iPhone only) to my iPad with Xcode? I want to to this for presentation purposes, so I know it is not really compatible but I want to show it to a client and run it in 2x mode.
The iPad devices is attached in my provisioning profile.
When I try to compile it in Xcode it says:
Xcode could not run using the selected device
In Xcode I choose: "iOS device" (the other options in this menu are: iPad 5.1 simulator and iPhone 5.1 simulator).
In Xcode, select Organizer and in the Devices section, having the iPad plugged thru usb cable, select 'Use for development'.
This way allows you to run the app directly in the iPad form Xcode.
make sure you have added the device id in iOS provisioning profile you are using in the project

No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version

I'm trying to test my app on an iPhone 3G, however I'm getting this error:
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Note that:
The 3G has version 4.2.1 of iOS installed
The iOS deployment target is set to version 4.2
The device has valid development profiles installed
I'm using the latest Xcode 4
I'm at a loss. Can anyone help?
Solved this problem by closing and re-opening xcode.
Xcode... it's the new Windows.
Try clicking "Use for Development" on your device in the Xcode Organizer. I got this same error and that was the only way I fixed it.
I finally found a solution to this.
If anyone else has this problem then it might be useful to know that Xcode now creates applications for ARM7 by default.
To support the iPhone 3G and other arm6 devices, you need to specify arm6 and arm7 in in the Architectures list, and set the device requirements to only arm6 in the plist.
Another observation for anyone who still has the problem after adding armv6: I found that Xcode was still listing "iOS Device" in the Scheme dropdown rather than filling in the name of my 3G. When I clicked on the dropdown, I saw that there was another slot that listed my 3G. (Presumably the "iOS Device" slot only applies to my other development device, an iPhone 4). I'm curious whether this is intended functionality, so leave a comment if you develop with multiple phones and have seen this.
I have Xcode 5.0, and try to build for my iPad with iOS 5.1.1. And I get the message: No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
The solution you can see in 4 step:
(1) Select project settings > project settings > Info. Choose deployment target instead of 7.0 i.e. 6.1.
(2) Select project settings > project settings > Build Settings. Change architecture . Don't compile for 64bit.
(3) Select project settings > target settings > General. Set Deployment Target according your device iOS version. Afterwards the device name IPad appear after IOS Device to run on.
(4) Finally I selected IPad.
Maybe you have set the minimum required iOS to a higher version than your 3G has. Could you try to change the iOS Deployment Target in the build settings to the version of your 3G?
I develop on multiple devices and multiple generations of each device. Look at the scheme. In the case of an iOS 5 device, at least, if it does not have the specific device name, but instead shows iOS Device, then eject the device in iTunes and unplug the device. Plug it back in and try to run/install. The device name should show up and the device should have a green dot in Organizer and everyone will be happy. I believe the 3G iPhone just shows up as iOS Device, and I'm not sure about the 3GS, but an iPhone 4 or 4S will show its device name. This is what I get for trying to continue supporting old iPod Touches and 3G phones with 4.2.1. At some time I'll just cut them off and move on.
Not sure, i understand your settings right. But, the rules are:
Base SDK Version >= Development device iOS version
Deployment Target version = Lowest iOS version to be supported.
Hence, i guess, setting base SDK version equal or above 4.2.1 might help.
i also get this case:
when i reset iphone, plugin to xcode again, xcode dont recognized iphone in schema, iphone still have full provision
I go to Organizer window, check device again and see that my iphone dont have green light and have button that ask to use this device for development. Click on button and all work well again
When I changed my app from iPhone to Universal, automatically xCode changed the Deployment Target from 4.3 to 6.1, my device had 6.0 so it wasn't recognized.
Changing the value back to 4.3 solved the problem.
When the first time , your new test iOS connected to you Mac, you can't see it in the pop-up menu. only "IOS Device"
You may try From menu: Window->Organizer->Devices ; then Choose you connected iPad and click “Use for development" ; So it appears .
In Organizer, I had to copy (drag and drop) the provisioning profile from the general 'Profiles' section to the device's 'Profile' section.
This can also happen because you've started to use your device on a computer that's never used it before. Once you've plugged in your device via USB, you'll need to choose to "trust" the device. You'll see a message like the following on the device itself:
Your settings and data will be accessible from this computer when
connected via USB or Wi-Fi
Choose "Trust" when prompted, and then XCode will be able to use the device.
More info here at Apple's site:
"No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination."
I had this same problem when trying to build on my device.
Then I realised I was using an aftermarket lead.
Changed the lead to the original iPhone lead and... Hey Presto!
I solve this problem just change iOS Device of the following image to iPhone Retine ....,
I had a similar problem, with this error message: "No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination."
I solved it by simply going to the "jump bar" and changing it from "iOS device" to iPad 6.0 Simulator."

iphone provisioning profile

I have been through the device provisioning several times, and I still don't understand it.
I have one phone and one ipad provisioned to work, but I can't get another phone to work.
All the devices are listed in the apple provisioning profile-devices and show the provisioning profile that I am using.
On both phones, in XCode 4, under organizer-devices, I deleted the existing provisioning profiles on each device. Then I downloaded the current provisioning profile from the apple provisioning portal and dropped it onto the XCode organizer-devices for each device.
I can still load my application on the two devices that were working originally. But the third device is a no-go.
The ipad runs ios version 4.3
The working phone runs ios 4.01 (jailbroken)
The non-working phone runs ios version 3.1.3 (jailbroken)
The non-working phone does not show up in the schema device list in Xcode 4.
I'm obviously not sure what it is that I missed. Thanks for the help.
You need to have the device ID of all devices you use in the provisioning profile. The minimum OS version of the project must be <= your device OS version. If the device is an arm6 based device you might have accidentially disabled dual builing for arm6/arm7.
I think you probably set the deployment target too high and/or statically linked a framework that required >= iOS 4
PS: it is also very likely that Jailbreaking is responsible for the device not being recognized by the organizer. Have a look at the console log both on Xcode and on the device. Jailbreaking might be causing a crash in your baseband when Xcode tries to probe it.

iPhone SDK: Profile was not copied because it cannot be played on this iPod

I've created an AdHoc distribution profile. When I try to copy it to an 3g iPod touch, I get the following error message.
Profile.mobileprovision was not copied to the iPod because it cannot be played in this iPod.
I am confused.
Why would I have a problem installing a Adhoc provisioning profile on an iPod touch?
Any help appreciated.
Because you haven't registered that specific device in the Provisioning Portal.
For each and every device, you have to make sure they are added to your iPhone Provisioning Portal, just like you did with your original device using the UDID.
Make sure you have the sdk installed in Xcode that is on your iPod. That caught me out earlier this week - upgraded my iPad to 3.2.1 and Xcode could only handle 3.2, so had to then upgrade that too

How do I use the iPhone Simulator in 3.2 (not iPad Simulator)

I'm fixing my app to be a universal binary. Testing on the simulator seems to default to the iPad. For small corrections like checking orientations and small UI updates, the only way I can find to get the iPhone version is to plug in my iPhone and build and run on device.
Loading the debugger takes valuable time, when running on simulator is so much faster for this kind of work. Can I set the simulator to default to iPhone for this? Setting it to 3.1.3 doesn't work because of the 3.2 code I have in the binary for the iPad.
The Hardware -> Device, and ->Version menu choices in the simulator quits my app. When I relaunch, it goes back to the iPad. The app is not installed in the simulator
If you don't have the latest xcode, get it.
Set the project info to build for 3.2, but in the build drop down pick iPhone Simulator 4.0 and it will open in the iPhone simulator instead of the iPad simulator.
That is the dilemma: if you want to use OS 4 on the iPhone, you have to use iPhone SDK 4, which comes with XCode 3.2.3.
Previously I used iphone_sdk_3.1.3_with_xcode_3.2.1__snow_leopard__10m2003a, where the simulator was fine, but now after I update the iPhone to OS 4 (which is by iTunes), I cannot use the SDK 3.1.3 any more, and the simulator 3.2 which comes with SDK 4 actually does not work for iPhone at all!
Even when you specify the "iPhone OS Deployment Target" to "OS 3.1.3", and an iPhone-frame shows up in the iPad simulator, many functions are not responding at all.
Does Apple have an official answer to this dilemma?
I finally solved this problem myself.
First, install new version of xCode, which is xCode 4.
Then set project scheme to iphone simulator and run app in xCode several times.
And re-install xCode 3 and the problem will be gone away!