iOS hardcode user location - iphone

I would like to introduce a specific user location by code.
I only need to hardcode the userlocation to make an screenshot for the appStore.
Could somebody help me?

You can create a GPX file with a single coordinate and add it to your project. Once created, you can then select the "location services" arrow in xcode, then select the GPX file you created with your one coordinate in it.
File>New..File>iOS-Resource>GPX File
Then replace the default coords in there with your desired location coords.
Run your app
Select the "location services" arrow and select the name of the GPX file you created.

Instead of using Core Location, override it and plug in your own Coordinates.
Just make sure you revert back before you ship :p


Generate Delight VR virtual tours

Delight VR is a Virtual Reality Player that gives you the tools to build simple virtual tours.
This is a code example of a two room tour:
<dl8-tour poster="poster.jpg" title="Example Tour 1" author="John Doe"
start-probe-id="Living Room">
<dl8-tour-img probe-id="bathroom" title="Bathroom" format="STEREO_360_TB"
<dl8-tour-portal to="living-room" lat="0" lon="270" distance="1.5"
title="Enter Living Room"></dl8-tour-portal>
<dl8-tour-img probe-id="living-room" title="Living Room"
format="STEREO_360_TB" src="bathroom.jpg">
<dl8-tour-portal to="bathroom" lat="0" lon="90" distance="1"
title="Go to Bathroom"></dl8-tour-portal>
You just need to copy and paste this on a html file and call their script and you have your tour up and running.
I want to create a tool that generates this kind of "code", a visual interface to build this tours.
Is it possible to use a simple 360ยบ panorama viewer and click on a image, detect the position of the click and convert it then to latitude and longitude to create a "portal" (dl8-tour-portal) and then select another image that would be the destination of that portal? If yes, what would be the 360 panorama viewers that you advise?
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
If you work with equirectangular images this has at least helped me:
FSPViewer is a free viewer for spherical (equirectangular) panoramic images made by Fulvio Senore.
Just see that "Show yaw and pitch in the status bar" in General preferences is checked and that you are not in full screen. And you will get latitude and longitude for the center of the image. You can also "Set View Parameters" in Menu:Tools

How can I preset the geolocation on iPhone through xCode build settings?

Here are some steps of what I am trying to accomplish:
1) In XCode, I am creating a new single view project.
2) Without the app doing anything, I am deploying it to my iPhone.
3) What I would like to do is specify a setting for the app so that when it gets built/installed on my iPhone through xCode, it will trick my iPhone into thinking I'm in a specific city.
4) When I open maps, it should default the current location to the city specified in #3.
5) Once my phone pings the carrier it will then pick up my current location and be accurate once again.
The problem I am running into is that I can not find the place to specify the default city location in #3.
Figured this out.
TO accomplish, you need to go into file menu -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Core Location -> Default Location -> SET TO WHEREVER YOU WOULD LIKE

change icon/product name and image iPhone

I have given name of my application "Test" while creating my application/project in XCode 4.4.Now, I want to chage the name from "Test" to some other name.And also,I want to show an image in the icon.
I tried changing name in the Target -> Product name under packaging, But, its giving me error
Dependency error build setting product name undefined
How can I fix this?
Could any one please tell me the steps how can I change the product name and show an image in default icon, so that it will be shown when some one install my application on iPhone?
If you need to rename your product.
Select your Targets type Product Name on search bar. And Change the Product name.
Change the name in Info.plist changing Bundle Display Name property from ${PRODUCT_NAME} to the desired name.
Go to Xcode-->Project-->Rename
You can changed it from main file name where all files are available like .h and .m by single click on name of the project and then you can easily rename it and also can do this by click on edit schemes and then go to manage schemes and edit your project name. Hope it will helpful for u.
and for the icon image just name it Icon.png for iPhone 4 and for iPhone 5 just give the name Icon#2x.png, it will automatically set as icon image
If you just want to change the name of the application that is being displayed on iPhone homescreen then go to "Target" settings, "info" tab and change the value of "bundle display name", and the name of your application will be changed.
For icon, add the icon image file in your project and change its name to "icon.png" and it will pick it up automatically.

Where to find my DB in my iPhone?

I have a problem with my App.
In the update I'm testing I'm modifying the DB adding a column to a table.
Everything works just fine in the simulator, but when I run the App in my iPhone, at the moment it reaches the query where the new column is, it completely skips the while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) and returns no rows to my tableview.
I want to check if the DB in my iPhone has been updated correctly but I don't know where to find it.
If you want to find the DB,On your device follow this steps
1.Go to organize window of your x-code.
2.There you can find a option name as device on the top bar.
3.ClIck on device your connected device has greens button side.
4.Click on your device,go to application there you can see a folder as Document.On the folder your DB reside.Download your DB and test.
Well exactly where the DB is depends on where you put it. However all app files are stored within this folder when using the simulator, so it will be somewhere in here -
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
You can access this by going to 'Go', then 'Go To Folder', from the menu bar in OSX

iPhone App display name

If I have an iPhone app named: MyCoolApp
How do I keep the bundle named:
But have the app name on that shows up underneath my icon read: My Cool App
I have changed my PRODUCT_NAME target setting to be "My Cool App" and changed my plist CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleName to be "MyCoolApp". So far my app name on the device still reads "My Cool App"
I'm pretty green to this stuff still. Thanks for any help you can provide.
You might need to delete the app from the device and reload it for the change to take effect.
Sometimes when changing the Project Properties it does not work. Project Properties and Target Properties Window look the same. I have mistaken there sooo many times. ;)
The best way to do this is using a key called Bundle Display Name. It has to be added in the info.plist.
This is not a good approach as it changes your bundle identifier. All you need to change is the product display label.
Note: Make sure to include this in info.plist in your projectTests info.plist also.