How i add image map in joomla article? - joomla1.5

I have to give link to multiple parts of the please tell me how i can do it in joomla1.5.22.

You are using JCE as your WYSIWYG editor right? If not, start by adding that. It's free and way better than TinyMCE. Once you have JCE installed, go to Components > JCE > Configuration and add map[name],area[shape|coords|href|alt|title] to the extended elements. Now you will be able to add the map code without losing it when you save plus you get a much better editor.


2sxc 10+, is it possible to add menu/commands to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor?

I have a client hoping that we can get 1 or more custom menu commands added in to the default or advanced TinyMCE toolbar used in 2sxc. Is that possible? If yes, how/where do I get started?
There is no quick & simple way to do it, as there is no "injection" point for this. There is so much you could do with tinymce it's a difficult to provide a clear place to inject changes.
So as of now the best way would be to replicate the existing input-component and register your modified one as another input-field. For 2sxc 9 there are some blogs explaining how to do this, in 10.x the API isn't official yet - we want to be really sure it will be long term.

Can Emmet Be Used to Create FXML?

I have a scalaFX app that currently has its views created programmatically. I am wondering if I can use the Emmet tool to create FXML (particularly ScalaFXML) because I want to recreate my views in ScalaFXML to separate my views from my controllers more effectively. I have searched the internet and cannot find out if this is possible. So far I have only used Emmet for HTML. Thanks in advance for the help!
I have been looking around for something for PrimeFaces; I had trouble finding anything. I guess maybe it's because people who are using it are actually writing "normal" HTML with JS frameworks.
The good news is, it's completely (and easily!) customizable: just find the installation directory, and edit the "snippets.json" file, or create a new one called (for example) snippets-scalaFX.json. Mine on a Windows 10 machine, installed as a plugin for NPP, was C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\EmmetNPP\emmet\snippets.json.
It's pretty obvious once you get in there, but inside the "snippets" object just add some more fields for yourself. For example, to make a PrimeFaces commandButton tag I added:
"pc": "p:commandButton"
You can use $0 or ${<placeholder text>} to define tabstops for expanded snippets, and | to define the caret starting point.
Full docs on editing snippets are here.

Missing captioned images feature in TinyMCE and Plone5

I'm missing the function to enable captioned images in TinyMCE/Plone5. It was possible to enable that in the control panel with Plone4 (
Now I'm using the new Plone5rc3 with TinyMCE 1.4.3, but the properties of TinyMCE in the control panel don't have the needed checkbox.
Does anybody know how to get that?
Thanks a lot!
So here's an answer in parts: you need several things for the captions to work:
Your <img> tags need to have the class captioned. I still need to find a good way to do that. The image picker will remove all other classes everytime you open it, so I guess a good way would be to change the classes that are added by the inline/left/right selection, but I've not easily found where those are defined.
You need the output filter, but fortunately, that is still there. However, the filter wants to see an IImageCaptioningEnabler, which is essentially a flag to turn the captioning mechanism on, and the old editors used to have that and currently, nothing in standard Plone does provide such a beast. If you're comfortable with add-on development, the class you want is
from plone.outputfilters.filters.resolveuid_and_caption import IImageCaptioningEnabler
from zope.interface import implements
class CaptioningAlwaysEnabled(object):
available = True
with corresponding configure.zcml stanza
<utility factory=".resolveuid_and_caption.CaptioningAlwaysEnabled"
zcml:condition="have plone-5" />
(you can tell I patched buildout-cache/plone.outputfilters-2.1-py2.7.egg/plone/outputfilters/filters/configure.zcml and to include that, but of course, you shouldn't do that.)
If you're not comfortable with add-on development, you could, bizarrely enough, see if another editor provides that global switch, you don't need to have it set as your editor or the default editor. (Products.kupu would, but it doesn't install in 5.0. collective.ckeditor might, I can't try that right now due to missing dependencies.)
So, summary: no, you can't easily turn it on; you can turn it on with a bit of hacking; and if you file it as a feature request, it's the kind of thing that takes about fifteen minutes to fix for somebody who knows their way around the code.

How does customization work in tinymce

I have a question before downloading tinymce.
Does anyone know if its possible to disable features for the users? (Example, make it so the user can only input text, not pictures)
And also, is it possible to change the style/css of the buttons and toolbar so they fit with your site?
You should manipulate tinymce.init() by adding or removing the unwanted plugins.
There are tons of options, so do some experimenting.
However, you should really begin with reading the documentation.

WYSIWYG Editors Ripping Table Cells and Images on Save

I have built a bespoke CMS in php and have used a wysiwyg editor to save description areas. For some reason when a table or an image is inserted they are not getting saved. On preview they seems to be fine however after the data is saved the edit seems to rip off the tables and images.
I have tried both CKEditor and Tinymce and have the same problem on both hence I am guessing this could be a database or server side error.
If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.
One thing I noticed was that I had to go into settings and specifically tell tinymce to stop taking out the <p> and <br /> in my code.
My tables were getting screwed up until I did that. While that might not be your specific problem, it might help to go through the advanced settings for your wysiwyg and check for things like that.
Check your tinymce settings valid_elements and valid_children to find out if tinymce strips out your elements.