WYSIWYG Editors Ripping Table Cells and Images on Save - tinymce

I have built a bespoke CMS in php and have used a wysiwyg editor to save description areas. For some reason when a table or an image is inserted they are not getting saved. On preview they seems to be fine however after the data is saved the edit seems to rip off the tables and images.
I have tried both CKEditor and Tinymce and have the same problem on both hence I am guessing this could be a database or server side error.
If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.

One thing I noticed was that I had to go into settings and specifically tell tinymce to stop taking out the <p> and <br /> in my code.
My tables were getting screwed up until I did that. While that might not be your specific problem, it might help to go through the advanced settings for your wysiwyg and check for things like that.

Check your tinymce settings valid_elements and valid_children to find out if tinymce strips out your elements.


Tinymce Plugin Rendering Source Code With Form Results

I am using Tinymce in a textarea form field to add 'Rich text Editing' to the field. (Form Method = POST).
I used this tutorial to install the files.
In the form itself.. the editor works great.
ISSUE: When my form results are produced, the results include the raw text and source code, instead of the formatted text.
Obviously... the Tinymce plugin has several files and folders. But....
If anyone has experience with the Tinymce plugin, perhaps I am making a rookie, generic, first time error???
Any guidance would be helpful. Thanks.
I figured it out. In my php, I just had to remove htmlspecialchars

Umbraco Richtext Editor not loading

I've been scratchign my head on this one, hopefully someone can provide some feedback.
Umbraco Version: 4.7.2
A solution I developed for a company is having problem loading the rich text editor. They have a virtual IP solution acting as a proxy for their servers. After debugging on the client we noticed that the editor (tiny mce) was not loading because for some reason it is requesting the script and icons via the IP and not the URL. Obviously the IP is not hardcoded anywhere...
Need Help...
The client's IT department insists the configuration is ok; I think they are right, everything else in Umbraco seems to be working correctly. So I need help...
Is there anyway I can force the editor to be loaded from a specific URL?
I have experimented with changing the JS on umbraco_client, but the changes do not show when I load the editor. they appear to be cached somewhere (processed by the compressor), I've re-started the app and cleared my cache with no luck. How can I make my JS Changes be picked up?
What I've Tried
Setting the document.domain="my-url". No luck.
Setting the document_base_url on tinyMceConfig.config. Of course this is for links within the editor, so.. no luck
All other changes I've tried are on the JS files on /umbraco_client/tinymce3/, but I can't get them to show.
Any pointers?
Is the RTE not rendering within umbraco it self or is the content not rendering on the front end?
This is a very good question - have you tried removing the property and adding again?
Other than what you've tried so far I'm out of suggestions other than the above sorry.

joomla tinymce editor problem

hi i am using joomla 1.5 for my site.
in this i fetched the problem of tinymce editor when i clicked on any article the image button are not shown. when i clicked on edit html source button It showing only “{$lang_theme_code_title}” on the Title bar and all body is blank.
so plz help me to resolved out from this problem.
thanks in advance
You should consider trying the JCE editor instead of trying to debug Tinymce. I'm running JCE error free on over 40 sites. It has a superior image manager, link manager, and code view. It installs easily and is highly configurable. The only caveat is that you should disable the Joomla insert image, page break, and read more buttons as JCE has those built in.
See this thread:
Try adding www. to your domain. Most often this is the problem.
I searched joomla project for vars $lang_theme_code_title... and related... There are not. Looked at Tinymce editor, it has javascript driven language file...
Most likely problem is cause by JavaScript. Try using different browser (firefox or chrome).
I read info on some other forums, some claim that temporarily disabling the antivirus solved the problem. I don't think that this will work, but you can try.
If none of this helps, you will need to give more information. Load firefox with firebug and see the NET tab for JavaScript files and Ajax Requests, most likely you'll find something interesting there (i think 500 Error)

How to integrate TinyMce with Zend Framework with Gzipping and Image managers?

I have done some research on this subject, and found out, that Gzipping and adding a new image manager through a plugin would not be as difficult. The only question is the Image manager.
I have seen some quite good ones, like the Image Manager for JCE, which is a Joomla wysiwyg editor, but none for TinyMce for itself.
Could someone show me a good image plugin?
P.S. SwampyFoot is out of question, as it's download links are broken, and PhP Letters Ajax image manager is quite hard to install.
EDIT: I just found Mad File Manager, which seems to work excelently except for a little glitch: An image can be uploaded, but cant be selected... Thats sad...
EDIT2: I've found KCFinder, which seems to be very promising, but I just can't get it to work properly. Somehow, the configuration is quite difficult.
Ok, So I have been able to answer my question myself. So here it goes:
Set up TinyMce with Sozfo solution. The important ting to remember here is, instead of extending your Forms from Zend_Form, you have to extend them from Sozfo_Form. As to the defining your own extendable controller, it didnt work for me, So I put the path defining helpers in my Bootstrap. And if the whole ordeal works, there is a textarea that should have TinyMCE controls, but there aren't any, try checking the comments at Sozfo, or checking if the page is cached or not. It took me a good hour, to find out, that the only reason why no JavaScript was pushed to the header was because of a very persistent cache.
Set up KCFinder. The main problems I faced here were due to wrong paths to corresponding files. When the paths were correct, the only thing to remember is to enable it. There is a boolean to change in configuration file.
The last issue was adding the KCFinder to my Tinymce, and what I ended up doing was, I added the function needed to call KCFinder in TinyMCE.php View helper. ( Due to some glitch I seem to be unable to post the code here). Once you have set up your paths correctly, everything should work splendidly.
All in all, it took me about 3 days to figure this whole thing out. Talk about steep learning curve...
Have you looked at MCImageManager - its not free but its an option if you're happy to pay for it
Not really a suggest as you've got it but swampy foot download does work
As you're already using zend framework, why not use dojo, set up the dojo form and call the editor element and integrate this http://docs.dojocampus.org/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog into it?

TinyMCE writes terrible HTML!

I've currently got TinyMCE incorporated into the backend editor of a simple blogging/page-editing app, but I'm extremely unhappy with the HTML code it creates. It does all sorts of messy things like:
Adding inline style information to span tags that you can't ever find to get rid of without editing the HTML directly.
Nesting tags in nonsense ways (e.g. <p><strong><p><span>some text</span></p><strong></p> just to make something bold.)
Adding empty <p> </p> lines where they don't belong and I'm not trying to create blank lines.
EDIT: I've looked at lists of the other editors out there (including on SO), but I want to know if people firsthand have had better luck getting clean code out of their wysiwyg editors.
Any recommendations for one that outputs better code behind the scenes?
How about a rather drastic alternative, and using a WYMIWYG (What You Mean is What You Get) editor rather that another WYSIWYG editor. That way the author is in full control of the schematic markup as well as the content he/she is entering.
Unfortunately I haven't found one that is as feature rich and usable as tinyMCE, but it seems to have come a long way - see http://www.wymeditor.org/demo/
Use HTML purifier before saving the content into the database.
HTML Purifier
I found JoomlaFCK to be a very good alternative to Tiny MCE.
Hope you like it.
BTW I know it is an old thread but someone might use it. ;)