How google adsense to filter the invalid click? - adsense

How google adsense to determine the ads which was clicked is valid or invalid(click by a person maliciously or by bot)?
I know a company doing these kind of work.
Formerly knows as Click Forensics.

They are extremely secretive about this. However, their overall strategy is that if they think something is not right, like the traffic or the clicks are coming from specific IP addresses or the ratio of click/page impression is too high, they just suspend the user because they don't want any potential fraudulent activities; advertisement is where all their money is made from.


Google analytics and different domain tracking

I asked this question directly to the Google Analytics community with absolutely no answer.
The question is as follow:
I have a AI based site, which give a customer a specific aid to select the right product he/she want to buy. The front ed application is React/js based.
My site is usually a small icon on a merchant site, and the user, while he/she is navigating the merchant site, can decide to recall clicking on a specific icon.
Then my site opens and help the user to select the right product(s) belonging to the merchant site. The product are choosen and then clicked to be added to the merchant cart.
Of course, there is a written agreement between the merchant and I to be signed, and some changes to the merchant site to incorporate my clickable icon: I'd like to pass a piece of code to the merchant including the icon and all the code needed to implement this kind of application.
So, given that the merchant call my site passing a specific transaction related token and the customer info (if any) when the user click on my icon, how can I:
directly add one or more items into the merchant cart
track the action made by the user after he/she leave me site and return to the merchant one to conclude the journey with a payment, so I can later invoice the merchant for the right commission
track if the user remove some (or all the) item from the cart, so I have less to nothing commissions to invoice.
I tried to follow the instruction given by google, but they are a mess, and I wasn't able to reach any conclusion.
Any help will be really appreciated.
Adding items to the merchant's cart is possible using some live API that the client would extend, but the easiest way to do it would be just using the window.postMessage(). So, I would suggest having your button implemented as a simple iframe. That will make it possible for you to send messages to the parent page from that button. The parent page, however, has to be ready to listen to those messages and add to cart whatever ids you specify. So the client devs will have to do some implementation for this to work.
Well, no, this is a bit too much to ask for. You can ask the merchant to share that data with you so that you could improve your algos (tune them for the client) and, therefore, improve the merchant's conversion rates (which is a win-win scenario), but the merchant would have to actively either implement parallel tracking to your instance of analytics (install your pixel, if you're willing to develop one), or share their own data with you.
That's what a lot of very similar services do. Let's say, Facebook. Facebook sells traffic. When you buy traffic, you generally don't want to pay for irrelevant/badly converting tracking, so you're implementing so-called facebook pixel. Facebook doesn't do this implementation. Client's developers/implementation experts implement it and trigger various events through it, making it send signals to the FB endoint, indicating which client this is from, for which campaign, what the action is page load, purchase, add to cart... Just take a quick glance at FB documentation:
Facebook is just an example. There are many-many services that do similar pixels. It may be not about selling traffic, it may be about adjusting site look and feel based on AI, or generating discounts and customizing conversion funnels, or even simpler stuff like feedback chat performance and suggestions modules. All these and more exist as third parties and pretty much all of the established ones use pixels for tracking.
If you don't want to spend time at the moment to make your own tracking logic, then implementing a parallel GA tracking will be a pain for you (for your clients, actually). Instead, it would be easier to enrich their data with your products. Let's say, have them implement a product-level custom dimension that would "paint" products added to cart by you and share the data with you.
Note that a client who goes for it must be a very loyal client since analytics data is normally treated as sensitive and is not readily shared with third parties, not mentioning the implementation of a custom dimension (or the using the expensive product parameters) just for a third party to count their conversions. Yes, it has to be a good friend that allows this.
Finally, you could ask them installing your GTM instance or giving you access to theirs, but that would effectively give you the power to execute arbitrary code on any of their page. I would never give a third party that power.
Tl;Dr: I would suggest making your own very simple pixel. Even though it sounds now like a lot of work, it will worth it if the project itself has real potential to be useful for ecommerce.
Exactly the same as 2.

Flutter: How to get the users address from contacts

I've guessed the Users Address from their GPS, looking up their location using Google's Places, but the output of that is pretty variable (no locality oftentimes, outside cities a consistent locality field would be helpful to my app). The thing is I do NEED the users home address for my app to work, but they may not be at home when they download the app.
I'd prefer to get their address from contacts. I've looked at a couple of Flutter plugins for accessing the address book, flutter_contacts, etc., but I can't see how you simply get the users details. So how do I request the Users HOME address, HOME email, MOBILE phone, whatever I can get from the device? Age might actually be beneficial too, so I could pivot the app to the needs of those who are using it.
I feel this is such a commonly useful thing it should have its own special permission, rather than the blunt one of exposing their entire contacts address book. So is there a better way of doing it? Less invasive so the user can more easily consent?
There's a special contact called "Profile" that contains the user's details if they bothered to add them on their phones, but in most cases it'll be empty, and anyway, accessing the user's profile requires the "Read Contacts" permission.
It'll be strange to ask the user for the "Read contacts" permission without they understanding why on earth would your app require such a permission "to guess your address" is not a very good reason.
And I suppose might cause some users to uninstall and/or flag your app as potential spyware.
If you app relies on having the user's address, you should instead simply pop a dialog with a question to the user to fill out their address manually.

storing full address from google places api

Users will be able to submit places through my site, providing title, description, address and other info. Info will be later used in mobile app and elsewhere.
Anyway, I was thinking to use autocomplete, powered by google places api. Am I allowed to store the full addres user types in, or selects from autocomplete list?
It is user provided information, the api is used to suggest and display on map, which is on the right from the form. The only thing I need is the full address.
Thanks for your answers.
Probably. Google's Terms of Service are a little vague in this respect, but what they appear to be prohibiting is bulk copying of their database. In your case you're using Places to assist the user. Of course it's impossible to say how Google will choose to change or interpret their TOS in the future, but you should be on safe ground.
Also see: Google Places API mass download?

How websites like Facebook are protected against bot without any captcha

How websites like Facebook and Twitter are protected against bot during registration? I mean, there's no captcha at all on the signup form?
I want to create a signup form for a project, and I don't want bot during registration and Captchas are often ugly..
My question is really during the registration because I know Facebook uses Captchas once registred for the first time.
Facebook uses some sort of hidden spam protection, if you view source of sign-up form you will see things like:
class="hidden_elem"><div class="fsl fwb">Security Check</div>This is a standard security test that we use to prevent spammers from creating fake accounts and spamming users.
so capture becomes visible when javascript will think that you are a bot.
Where is few methods of making it harder for bots to complete registration without capture, things
like timing to fill out form, originators of mouse clicks events ect.
also random session based values in form (to privent direct submissions without downloading of the form first)
also some people use hidden form elements with common names like 'email' that is styled invisible in css but common simple bots will try to fill out all form fields and so you can block them if this hidden element have any value
twitter and fb spend lot of time on developing tecniques to block spammers i don't think they will made it public as it will be counter productive for them to fight the spammers.
But all the client side javascripts you can download from fb or twitter and study them if you want, because most of the protection will happen inside client not on server.
server could only issue some random session variable, check for valid headers in request, overall time etc. its really limited.
some sites are also use ajax exchanges between server and client during the time when user is filling out the form , mostly just to make it harder for bot developer to do simular fake exchanges of data.
Anyway, unfortunatelly where is no easy solution to do decent protection , espesially without captcha or some kind of question
for submit button you can use image map instead of button,
you can dynamically create big image with a submit botton image drawn on it at random position using things like GDI in PHP and using css to display only portion of that image with the actuall button, and on server side check X and Y position of where mouse was clicked, this will be hard for bots to break.
Unless they use real browsers and just emulate keyboard and mouse. Anyway , as i said unfortunatelly where is no easy solution.
One way would be to send a verification to the user's email address or cell phone and obtain verification (so in that case, you would have to allow only one email address or cell phone per account)
Another option is to use "Negative CAPTCHA" or "Honeypot Captcha"
I don't know how Facebook and Twitter do it, but if you want to create something simple and that doesn't interfere with your site aesthetics, I know that some websites just ask the user to enter an answer to a simple math problem like "what is 2 + 3?". This is not the most secure way to do it, but it's just a thought.
Well you can always deploy hardware solutions as well to create Layer 4-7 firewall rules. You can create specific rules to look for the well known agents of bots crawling the web. However to stop newly created bots you need to know what agent they are using for the bot.
Since you don't want CAPTCHA, you can use Keypic - - which is an invisible protection, no CAPTCHA needed. It's an efficient antispam method for any web form. Site users don't pass any tests which is good for the site as it improves the quality of the user experience and thus raises user engagement. The solution is a kind of an expert system which analyses the behaviour of the users and checks the databases, then makes a conclusion if the request comes from a legitimate user or a robot.
BTW, Twitter and Facebook still use CAPTCHA for password verification which is a very disputable method in terms of efficiency of such protection.
I had a problem with tons of bots signing up for my Nintendo site so I put a single image of Mario on the sign-up page (making sure nothing in the image data said "Mario") with the text "Who is this? Answer in one word." Haven't had a single bot sign-up since. Not sure if this is actually a good solution though, not sure how smart bots are. I'm kind of surprised that it worked.
In theory it might be keeping out a few legitimate users, but it is hard to imagine many legitimate users of a Nintendo site not knowing who Mario is...

Is there a way to know if a mobile user previously visited a site via a QR code URL?

Client looking into using QR codes in print advertising that will reward the visitor with a discount. Simplest solution (to the best of my knowledge) is to make the QR code point to a unique URL (ex. using a GET parameter for a "coupon code") that is used to store a cookie and then check for that cookie upon checkout to apply the discount.
Now most of the QR apps I've been looking at have embedded browsers. If the user scans the code and completes the purchase right within the app, I believe the above solution would work. But an ideal solution would allow the user to scan the code on the go and then visit the site up to X days later and still receive the discount. If a user returns to the site later they will probably use the mobile phone's standard browser app (i.e. Safari on iPhone) and not the app they originally used.
The answer to this question says that "each SDK app is given its own WebKit cache and cookie stores, so while cookies will persist within the same app, they aren't accessible betweeen apps." So it seems impossible to me to use the above solution to enable a user to scan a QR code and visit the site later and guarantee that a discount would be applied. I cannot think of any other solutions, but before I conclude that it simply cannot be done I wanted to see if there are any other solutions I am simply not thinking of (short of having the user create an account and store it server-side)
P.S. Obviously there are other devices besides iPhones but if I can't even get it to work for iPhones that would be enough of a deal breaker. In fact the variety of possibilities regarding mobile devices and QR apps makes me think there's a very good chance that it really can't be done.
There's no way to setup a website that will can automatically give the discount to returning visitors across different web clients on iOS. You'll need the end user's help.
You could have the QR code link to a special landing page that tells the enduser to bookmark the page to get the discount at a later date. If QR app can save a bookmark, the end user will come back through the QR app. If the QR app can not save a bookmark, the end user will view the page in Safari and bookmark it there.
You could have the end user register for the discount, and then send a discount code by e-mail. Merely asking for an e-mail address should be sufficient. When he returns to get the discount he will use the e-mail with the discount code.
The solution to this problem is not to tie discounts to browsers, but to humans. Humans tend to have the same address, and fairly often the same credit card number. These are things that are much more valuable to check than cookies. If a given billing address or credit card # has been used for a discount before, then deny the discount on the second usage. This will solve the problem 90% of the time (and nothing will beat about 90% of the time).
Cookies are a fine first step (low-hanging fruit and all that), and are fine to check if they happen to be there, but keep in mind your actual goal. You want a single discount per paying customer, not a single discount per app/device/blah-blah-blah. All the latter are proxies for the former. Focus on things that identify actual paying customers.