Is it possible to add custom info to manifest file used to distribute iPhone enterprise applications? - iphone

I am creating an application that will be distributed using the iOS Enterprise Program. I know I'll need to create a manifest file that will be used to download and install the application. What I want is to add some custom info within the manifest file and read this info in the installed application. Does anyone know if this is possible and how can I do that?

If by 'manifest file' you mean the .plist defining the IPA url etc. then yes, you can add your own custom key/value pairs. It's just a standard plist format which you can edit like any other, and additional key/value pairs will be ignored by the Over The Air distribution mechanism.
If you want to read these values from the application itself, the app will have to download the .plist again itself and parse out the values.


Reading/writing data to encrypted custom file type

I'd like to create a custom file type, say, .cstm, and be able to create .cstm files on the mac, and read them on the iPhone.
I want the .cstm file to contain XML data. Currently I've got the mac app to successfully make .xml files and the iPhone app to successfully read .xml files, but I'd like to create a proprietary custom file type.
How would I go about doing this? I know how to allow the iPhone app to open a custom file type, but that's as far as I know.
You don't need anything special per se. You can just save and load to the URL with the ctsm extension. To support your app automatically launching as an editor of that extension in OSX, you will want to add an entry to your Info.plist file CFBundleDocumentTypes array entry declaring your app as an editor of that extension

Titanium.App.Properties is it safe

I'm using Titanium.App.Properties to store user highly confidential data. So is it safe to store values here. Is it possible jailbreak iPhone's to leak this values. Is this values encrypted or stored as plain text?
Thanks in Advance.
Here is an update to this old question:
From Titanium 3.X docs:
As of Release 3.2.0, any application properties defined in the tiapp.xml file are stored in the device's secure storage, making them read-only. Additionally, external access to these properties is now restricted. Other iOS applications cannot access these properties and native Android modules must use the Titanium module API TiApplication.getAppProperties method to access these properties.
If you need to change the values during runtime, initially create the property with these APIs rather than defining them in the tiapp.xml file.
Prior to Release 3.2.0, application properties defined in the tiapp.xml file could be overwritten by these APIs and accessed externally by other applications and modules.
So, the answer to the question is:
If using SDK version 3.2.0 and above; Titanium.App.Properties is secure enough to store sensitive app-related data:
For storing constant values (cannot be changed at run-time); use tiapp.xml file.
e.g. <property name="" type="string">key_here</property>
To get and set values dynamically at run-time, use Titanium.App.Properties.
You can also use this module for securely storing and reading app or user related data.
See this example code that defines security levels of each
Titanium.App.Properties are stored in a simple .plist file. It is in a compressed (encoded) XML file. So not encrypted, but also not technically in plain text (although any .plist reader, including the Mac itself, can present it in plain text.

How to build a iPhone/Ipad application builder

What is the approach/methodology to build a iPhone app builder so that end users can develop apps without using code like they are doing in Mobile Roadie. How will the xcodeproj/ipa file will be generated from the website when we create our own app in websites like Mobile Roadie? Thanks in advance.
Well.. Its a Big Question -
First what you need is to crate a fully featured project that mobile roadie gives you when you select all the modules. You need to build this project keeping a settings.xml file in your resource this file should control the modules in your poject like if you want to disable a module in the app then you can disable that from this xml. You can also configure your other parts of the app using this xml like color theme and other settings like mobile roadie provide in there web interface.
Now you need to build a web interface to generate this settings.xml file. User choose modules, color theme, Images etc. and they get entered in the xml file. and finally a settings.xml file gets generated.
Third - now you have to manually download this xml file and drag in your project file and build the app.
Fourth - upload the app on appstore manually. (There is no automatic process for step 3 and 4 you have to do it manually)
Well the above approach is not very precise we your question if very very broad.

Is it possible to search files of particular extension in the entire device?

In my application, i am trying to find all files of particular extension (like .pdf, .txt, etc) that are stored in the device (either downloaded or transferred from system) and want to list them in table View. Is it possible to do so and if it is then can i associate file of specific extension to get it open in supporting application (any third party plug-ins).I went through numerous documentation but couldn't find the solution. Also how can i index files of these extension for fast search.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
No, it's not possible. You app can't access files of other apps directly.

how to creating localizable.strings file by code in iPhone

I am working on one multilanguage project which will download string from server depend on language selected by user. I would like to save this downloaded string into localizable.string file. So how could I do that? I know how genstrings works but I would like to generated *.strings file by code and save it. My code will read this *.strings file for localizable. Anybody know which api i have to use?
thanks in advance
Typically, localization depends on strings files that are within the app bundle. Since you can not modify the app bundle at run time, you will have to put the strings files you downlaod elsewhere and you will have to modify the usual localization methods to find and use those strings files.
Look at Apple's iPhone samples to see how they do localization and fetching of the strings, and see if you can replace all the local accesses of the localization resources with resources in another directory.