how to creating localizable.strings file by code in iPhone - iphone

I am working on one multilanguage project which will download string from server depend on language selected by user. I would like to save this downloaded string into localizable.string file. So how could I do that? I know how genstrings works but I would like to generated *.strings file by code and save it. My code will read this *.strings file for localizable. Anybody know which api i have to use?
thanks in advance

Typically, localization depends on strings files that are within the app bundle. Since you can not modify the app bundle at run time, you will have to put the strings files you downlaod elsewhere and you will have to modify the usual localization methods to find and use those strings files.
Look at Apple's iPhone samples to see how they do localization and fetching of the strings, and see if you can replace all the local accesses of the localization resources with resources in another directory.


Reading/writing data to encrypted custom file type

I'd like to create a custom file type, say, .cstm, and be able to create .cstm files on the mac, and read them on the iPhone.
I want the .cstm file to contain XML data. Currently I've got the mac app to successfully make .xml files and the iPhone app to successfully read .xml files, but I'd like to create a proprietary custom file type.
How would I go about doing this? I know how to allow the iPhone app to open a custom file type, but that's as far as I know.
You don't need anything special per se. You can just save and load to the URL with the ctsm extension. To support your app automatically launching as an editor of that extension in OSX, you will want to add an entry to your Info.plist file CFBundleDocumentTypes array entry declaring your app as an editor of that extension

internationalization of an iPhone Application

I am new to iPhone App development (I am using XCode 4.2) and I was wondering if there is a way to translate all the strings , caption etc ... internally without having to translate them one by one .
an idea I have in mind is to use NSUserDefaults to save the language as a global variable and translate everything accordingly
another option is to make a look up table (is it even possible in Objective-C ?)
You can use NSLocalizedString(#"<#key#>", #"<#comment#>") and one file (named Localizable.strings( per language. If you use the above function you can use the App Linguan (available on the Mac App Store) to generate the Localizable.strings files.
There is also a command line tool called genstrings that will create the file for you, but believe me that Linguan app will pay for itself in minutes.
You should always add a comment to allow a better translation and to provide context about the key.
You can read a step-by-step tutorial of the process here:
iPhone Localization Tutorial
Here's a high-level overview of the basics (the above tutorial has details):
1) Change all your coded strings to call: NSLocalizedString(#"My text", #"Context for the translator")
2) Export all your strings using the genstrings Terminal command.
3) This creates a text file called Localizable.strings with all your English (source) strings. It looks like this:
/* Context for the translator */
"My text" = "My text";
You send that file to the translators. They'll translate the right side like this: "My text" = "Mi texto";
4) You place each translated Localizable.strings file in its proper language folder: en.lproj, fr.lproj, es.lproj, etc.
When your app loads on the iPhone it will check the user's language settings. If the user has chosen French as the system language, the Localizable.strings inside your fr.lproj folder file will load. If there are any untranslated strings, it just defaults to English (or whatever your source language is) for those.
It's worth following the whole tutorial and note that the file/folder names have to be exact!
Look up the documentation for NSLocalizedString. And how to localize your .xib files (you make localized copies in English.lproj, de.lproj, fr.lproj, etc.).
All you will have to create are the files with the key-value pairs for each language you want to translate and name them accordingly i.e. _en, _fr and so on.
Then all you have to do is send a message to this method:
NSLocalizedString(#"myKey", nil)
And this will return the localized String, in whatever language the current iPhone configuration is.

how to copy property list file and its localized version to documents folder and make the system recognize the two version for a loclized application

i make a localized iphone application and in run time i want to modify the property list, so i at the first run of the application i copied the plist file but i don't sure if the copy operation also copied the localized version which the system store in a folder like:
my quetion is: what i must do for the system to recognise the two files? should i make two directory in documents folder like lp.en and and copy the two files?
also also xcode make the two plist with the same name, how i can determine every version and copy it?
i am waiting for some one to direct me to write way.
Take a look at NSBundle's pathForResource:ofType. It clearly states that it will return a non localized file if it exists or else pick a file in the order of user's language preferences. As you wan't to copy a localized resource, don't create a non localized copy and this will return the path for the most suitable resource. You can just copy that file and make changes to it.
If you are interested in getting the path to a resource of a specific language, take a look at pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:forLocalization.

Change a localized InfoPlist.strings using an Xcode target

Here's an obscure problem. I'm using an InfoPlist.strings to localize my app name. It's only got one value: CFBundleDisplayName = "Mon App". The strings file is localized (putting it in a directory for that localization).
I've just made an extra target, where I change things like the non-localized app name (different Info.plists), and the icon. I'm also changing the Default.png using a run script build phase (copying different files depending on the app type I'm building).
I've tried using the script to copy different versions of my InfoPlist.strings, but I couldn't make it work. Here's what I used:
if($TARGET_NAME == "MonApp")then
cp fr.lproj/MonApp_InfoPlist.strings fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
I've seen a post suggesting wincent strings util for processing strings, but wanted to see if there's an easy way to do this. Any help greatly appreciated.
You don't need to do this.
If you have fr.lprog/InfoPlist.strings and en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings in your project, you should see just one InfoPlist.strings entry, with two subitems fr and en. If you drag and drop the InfoPlist.strings file into a Copy Bundle Resources build phase, all localized versions will be copied into the appropriate .lproj files at build time. You don't need to create a separate target or write a script to do this; the right thing happens.

iphone localization: retrieving a different file

i have an app that i have to localize. I am already localizing the nibs and some texts, i just have a doubt.
I need to pull a plist from the bundle which contains some texts, for the other languages i would have other plists. How can i accomplish the loading of them in a nice simple way.
My initial though is to have a text.plist , text-sp.plist , text-fr.plist and retrieving the current language then if language == english grab the text.plist, if language == spanish grab text-sp.plist and so on.
Is there a better way to do this?
I'd rather somehow make the .plist localizable and do something similar to what i do with texts using NSLocalizedString, but i am not sure how to use it in this case.
Sorry, just found the solution.
Just right click the .plist file and add new localizations like any other file. Then the OS handles which one to load according to the current locale settings.
I had to clean my targets in order for the changes to take effect, thats why i initially thought this was not working.