How to build a iPhone/Ipad application builder - iphone

What is the approach/methodology to build a iPhone app builder so that end users can develop apps without using code like they are doing in Mobile Roadie. How will the xcodeproj/ipa file will be generated from the website when we create our own app in websites like Mobile Roadie? Thanks in advance.

Well.. Its a Big Question -
First what you need is to crate a fully featured project that mobile roadie gives you when you select all the modules. You need to build this project keeping a settings.xml file in your resource this file should control the modules in your poject like if you want to disable a module in the app then you can disable that from this xml. You can also configure your other parts of the app using this xml like color theme and other settings like mobile roadie provide in there web interface.
Now you need to build a web interface to generate this settings.xml file. User choose modules, color theme, Images etc. and they get entered in the xml file. and finally a settings.xml file gets generated.
Third - now you have to manually download this xml file and drag in your project file and build the app.
Fourth - upload the app on appstore manually. (There is no automatic process for step 3 and 4 you have to do it manually)
Well the above approach is not very precise we your question if very very broad.


Multi-page Airconsole controller?

I'm just starting to create a controller for use with Airconsole. I'd like it to be somewhat complicated and will be using Angular to create different pages.
In Unity, I can drag in a controller.html file. However, I've been getting resource not found errors when I try to access say controller.js or controller.css. How can I upload multliple files to the Airconsole host? Is there a general pattern used by other games?
So far I'm considering
hosting my app separately and just redirecting to my separate web page. This seems to give errors in the emulator though.
Compiling the entire app into just one HTML file.. Not sure how to get these entirely into one file. When I run ng build I get a smaller dist compiled file, but it still consists of several smaller files. Will try dragging that into Unity and trying again. But dragging the entire Angular project inside Unity felt like a really bad idea..
Link to files hosted on separate pages but still have the uploaded HTML file do something.. But not sure how much I need to do here vs how much I can move to other files that I host.
You can create your controller using controller.html with Angular (1?!), have different pages (e.g. via ng-include and the angular routing module) and upload everything to AirConsole (developers).
By using ng-include you can have multiple .html views you dynamically load into the controller.html.
I once wrote an example app for AirConsole and Angular:
Just think of it as if you would make a (mobile) website which in addition uses the AirConsole API for device communication.
My basic "how to include other files" question was answered well by another question: How to include js and css.
For the more generic question of working with Angular, I still haven't quite figured it out. But what I'm doing at the moment:
I have an Angular project outside of Unity. I run ng build to compile everything into a folder dist. Then two options work:
Deploy the dist folder to static file hosting and change index.html's relative links to point to the separately hosted files with <base href="https://cloudfilehosting/airconsole-host/">
Copy the dist folder into Unity's Assets/WebGLTemplates/AirConsole folder.

how to create multiplatform file browser in ionic

I need help. I'm trying to create a multiplatform mobile application. One of the functionalities is a local file browser that will allow user to select a directory and create a list of file in this directory. I've already spent couple of hours on that issue and I can not find any solution for that.
I've checked
But if I understand it correctly it is used when I already have a file, it not allows user to pick the directory.
I don't need anything fancy, it should as simple as possible
The Cordova FileSystem plugin (and ngCordova's wrapper) provide the ability the read directories from the file system. They do not provide any UI, so you would use the plugin to ask for a list of directories and then render it as you see fit. (A UL, a table, whatever.) To "browse" you could use a click handler on the list of directories such that when clicked, you then get the files/subdirectories of that folder. Again, the FS plugin adds support for doing that.

Unity web open custom html after build

I made a custom html file for my Unity web project. Though after building my project, it opens the default pre-made one. Is there a way to make Unity open my own html file instead of the default one?
You're looking for the Web Player Templates manual page.
In your Assets folder, create a folder named WebPlayerTemplates, and put your template in there. You'll need an HTML file. To help make this slightly easier, Unity will look in that HTML for certain tokens that it can replace with data from the project.
For example, one such tag is %UNITY_WEB_PATH%, which will be replaced with the path to your built project file.
Some tags include:
UNITY_WEB_NAME Name of the webplayer.
UNITY_WIDTH UNITY_HEIGHT Onscreen width and height of the player in
UNITY_WEB_PATH Local path to the webplayer file.
UNITY_UNITYOBJECT_URL In the usual case where the page will download
UnityObject2.js from the Unity’s website (ie, the Offline Deployment
option is disabled), this tag will provide the download URL.
UNITY_UNITYOBJECT_DEPENDENCIES The UnityObject2.js have dependencies
and this tag will be replaced with the needed dependencies for it to
work properly.
In every deployment I've seen, the WebPlayer plugin is is launched via JavaScript, by instantiating a UnityObject2 and calling its initPlugin method:
var u = new UnityObject2();
u.initPlugin(jQuery("#unityPlayer")[0], "Example.unity3d");
The above assumes that you have a div with id #unityPlayer, and that Example.unity3d is a valid path to your Unity build file.
In practice, though, I recommend working from Unity's generated HTML files; they include some failsafes for cases where the WebPlayer plugin isn't installed or fails to load. The manual page linked above also has HTML source examples which include some of those special tags.
UnityObject2 does have some advanced features, which are also documented in the manual. If your game needs to communicate with the outer web page, that is also possible.

Best way to remotely update app settings in iOS

I am working on a application in which i have to update all app related settings remotely.
App setings include
Text Font
List item
Text Color
background Color
Url etc..
My idea is something like this, the first time when the user install the app it start downloading all images and settings like text color, font etc.
And when ever any changes happen the app itself downlaod those changes and store it locally.
Currently i am using a constant file where i have written all required settings.
Tell me some best way to achieve this and also tell me where to save the settings.
If is there any sample app available please provide me the link.
You could try something like GroundControl. It updates values in NSUserDefaults from a file found on a web server.
If you have a constant file from which you read all your settings, you can place an identically formatted file on a server, (maybe have a "last updated" date saved inside these files). Upon every session init, try to download the remote settings file - if it is "later" than the one you have, or any settings is different than the one you have saved, save the newly downloaded file instead of the old one, and act upon the changes.
The settings' flags and vars may change instantly across the app, while downloading images for skin and UI occurs immidiately after this, and take effect after they have completed downloading (which may look awkward to the user) or, more plausibly, upon init of the next session.
IMHO, using NSUSerDefaults settings and downloading a remote plist with the same keys and structure is most convenient file format for settings stuff.
Also, you may place the remote file in a web service, and have the client send that web service the request for the file accompanied with a "my last updated settings are of the date X" - the date of the latest settings you have locally. Then, the server may return a file, or an "you already have the latest file" response.

Creating an IPA, "contains multiple products"

I am working on an email client based on ReMail. Basically, I reused the ReMail project so that the MailCore etc dependencies would be all set up out of the box so I could build a new app on top of them. I'm trying to give the app to some beta testers via ad hoc, but when I try to create an IPA, I receive this error:
xxxx does not contain a single–bundle application or contains multiple products. Please select another archive, or adjust your scheme to create a single–bundle application.
I have set Skip Install to YES for all dependencies, and moved all files under Copy Header to the "project" section, but I am still unable to build a single APP file.
I don't know if this is significant, but when I open up the xcarchive file, within the products directory, I find a the APP file under Applications, and then a file structure mirroring the absolute path to the header files for MailCore.
Any ideas as to what might be going on? I'm very near the tearing-out-chunks-of-hair-in-frustration stage, and I don't think the unnaturally bald crazy person look would suit me.
Try removing the “Copy Headers” phase entirely. It's only supposed to be used for frameworks, not static libraries. The Xcode static library template that includes a “Copy Headers” phase is wrong.
Check out the “Working with Schemes and Projects in Xcode” video from WWDC 2012, starting at 45m10s.