How to safely update a grails plugin - plugins

I've been working on a grails project for a while now and some of the plugins I installed initially have been updated.
I ran the following scripts to see what plugins needed updating
grails list-plugin-updates
and the result was
Plugins with available updates are listed below:
<Plugin> <Current> <Available>
joda-time 1.1 1.2
jquery-ui 1.8.7 1.8.11
recaptcha 0.5.0 0.5.2
searchable 0.6
tomcat 1.3.7
Now how do I go about updating all or some these plugins?
Is it a matter of uninstalling and reinstalling each one?
How does this affect usages/references to the plugin in the main code?

To update a plugin you just run install-plugin again and it'll detect that the plugin's already installed and will remove the old one and install the new one. For a small version delta this should be fine, but I'd do them one at a time and test in-between (but do the 2 JQuery plugins together).
If you're lucky the plugin either has no compatibility issues, or they're documented in the plugin docs, so be sure to check there before upgrading.

From Grails 2.2 on, you should change the plugins section of BuildConfig.groovy. After that you should run 'refresh-dependencies'.
If you use Groovy/Grails Tool Suite or something similar, you should simply right click on your project > Grails Tools > Refresh Dependencies. This will run the grails command which will update your dependencies, but it will also update your project.


Groovy compiler on Eclipse doesn't include version 2.4 anymore

I need to set up my Eclipse IDE again and unlike when I first set it up I have issues with the Groovy software. I would need the Groovy compiler version 2.4, but can only select between 2.5, 3.0 or 4.0.
I used the same location as last time:
Also I tried other location which unfortunately don't work properly. I have the Eclipse version 2020-06.
Can anyone tell me what I do wrong this time or which configuration to adapt?
Thank you.
Download "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" (2020-09 a.k.a 4.17) from
Note: The first link on the page gets you the Oomph installer which WILL NOT WORK. Use one of the links below. If there is "inst" anywhere in the name of the file you downloaded, try again.
The reason why Oomph breaks GRECLIPSE is that it will add an update site which will try to install the latest 4.x GRECLIPSE -> fail.
Unpack the archive somewhere.
Go to Help -> Install New Software.
Add this update site:
(Using the marketplace will leave you with GRECLIPSE 4.x)
Always select the main package and Maven support if you need it.
Click Next.
Make sure that it tries to install 3.9.0 and nothing else.
Click Next & Finish until it installs.
--- old instructions for reference ---
You will need to download Eclipse Photon from here
and then Groovy Feature 3.5.0.v201909291357-e48-RELEASE add this update site:
All the versions of Eclipse after this one don't support Groovy 2.4 anymore.
I've tried to do this with Oomph but that way, I always ended up with Groovy Feature 4.1.
My solution then was to create another workspace for all my Groovy 2.4 projects (Jenkins Pipelines, mostly).

GWT+Eclipse without GWT_CONTAINER

The situation
I'm using GWT with Eclipse and Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE).
Gradle is the build tool and the Eclipse classpath is generated by Gradle. As I have no "" on my classpath, GPE always shows the error "The project 'Test' does not have any GWT SDKs on its build path" and the Console sometimes prints "GWT SDK not installed.".
Annother effect is that Eclipse doesn't let me GWT-compile the project (but running dev mode works fine). But that one is ok for me, as I compile using Gradle.
Things I'm aware of
I know that I can exclude all GWT depedencies from the Eclipse classpath and add the container through Gradle (I did that for other projects). But as I can't enforce the GWT version provided by Eclipse (I can only specify the SDK's name in the classpath by adding the suffix "/" to the conatiner), I think thats an ugly solution. Another point is that the GPE update site only lists the latest GWT version available. There's no way to automatically install an older version (yes you can provide one externally).
When using GPE together with Maven and m2e it simply works: GPE links no real SDK for Maven projects but there's a link to the "" group in the local Maven repository. But that's magic I can't use because:
Gradle's local repository format is different to Maven's
This logic is implemented in the plugin "" and I can't use that without adding a pom.xml to the project
The questions
Is there a possibility to deactivate this nasty error without loosing other GPE features?
Is it possible to do something similar to what GPE+m2e does without
creating my own Eclipse plugin?
Am I right that excluding the jars and adding the container is the only viable solution by now?
You can adapt this library to launch with custom classpath and other settings:

Maven for Eclipse plugin m2ecplise installation

I want to try out this websocket implementation:
The project is provided with maven. Thus I want to install the m2eclipse plugin as suggested on their site.
The problem is that the provided link does not work:
I also tried this one:
Both are not working.
Can someone give me a hint how to install this plugin?
That information is outdated, referring to Eclipse 3.3 and 3.5.
Maven integration is part of Eclipse itself now. If you download a current Eclipse bundle it can be part of it.
If you downloaded the "classic" version go to Help > Install New Software, select the update site for your version (should be "Kepler") and select the Maven integration via filter or category ("Collaboration").

eclipse plugin update problem with my own custom Plugin

I have a Plug-in named myPlugin-1.1.0 (1.1.0 is the version number).
I installed that plugin in my eclipse through update manager.
Now, I modified few things and now I have a plugin named myPlugin-1.1.1. When I try to install the plugin through update manager in the same eclipse Helios it shows the message that plugin is already available so it will just update the plugin(what actually I want), but after doing the process nothing get changed not even the plugin version.
So what is the actual feasible way to create such type of update plugin.

Installation of maven eclipse plugin doesn't finish

Hello I'm trying to install maven plugin with eclipse and I have a following problem, more in picture below :
So my question is, is this supposed to take this long or I did something wrong?
I'm using eclipse galileo , I went to the window-> install new software -> typed in website and name maven
Pressed next then finish, did I do something wrong, or is there another way to get maven working with eclipse? I need it for my project . thank you
First, update site url you pasted is url for stable version builds. According this document stable version of m2eclipse works with Eclipse 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4.
To work with Galileo version (Eclipse 3.5) try update from stable development builds site. I work with this version and I'm happy with it. It has a lot more features than stable one.
You could use maven-eclipse-plugin instead of m2eclipse.
With maven-eclipse-plugin you just add some configuration to pom.xml, execute mvn eclipse:eclipse and refresh project in Eclipse and you are done.
You will lose UI to handle dependencies etc. directly from IDE (that would be provided by m2eclipse) but I have not seen much benefit from that. You can manually edit pom.xml just fine.