eclipse plugin update problem with my own custom Plugin - eclipse

I have a Plug-in named myPlugin-1.1.0 (1.1.0 is the version number).
I installed that plugin in my eclipse through update manager.
Now, I modified few things and now I have a plugin named myPlugin-1.1.1. When I try to install the plugin through update manager in the same eclipse Helios it shows the message that plugin is already available so it will just update the plugin(what actually I want), but after doing the process nothing get changed not even the plugin version.
So what is the actual feasible way to create such type of update plugin.


run as testNG is missing

The option runAs->TestNG on xml file is missing somehow on my eclipse,
I tried to install the eclipse from scratch and now I have Version: 2018-12 (4.10.0).
Also I have latest JDK and JRE testNG is installed as far as I see and when I want to install them again I have a problem.
All the threads that i saw till now nothing helped me and i tried all the solution as i wrote maybe you have any idea
the only solution i founded till now is that i need to install eclipse from scratch and convert the same project again to TestNG and to copy the old XML to the new one, if its the latest eclipse than to download the beta version of TestNG
There is an issue with the TestNG plugin and Eclipse 2018-12 ( You can use the current beta version from
If the picture above of your installed software is the current state of your Eclipse 2018-12 setup, it cannot be a clean install. The version 6.14.x of the TestNG plugin is not compatible with 2018-12. It is not possible to install the plugin with Eclipse. Either the existing Eclipse directories are reused or the plugin directories have been added manually. It is important to remove them. After that, it should be possible to install the version 7 beta of the TestNG plugin.
It should look like this:
With this setup, you will get your context menu entry for TestNG:

After i deleted plugin, it is still executing in my eclipse

i have created a plugin for eclipse and created update site for it and everything. I installed on my Eclipse and it worked like a charm.
But then i want to remove the plugin.
I have tried using help>install new software>what´s already installed>click on plugin name > uninstall...
It didn´t work, the plugin is still on my eclipse.
I have tried deleting the .jar on my plugins folder...
It didn´t work, the plugin is still on my eclipse(i know that because my plugin does something when my mouse is hovering a method).
What do i do? How can I(and my plugin users) remove this plugin?
By the way, to build my plugin website, i used this tutorial:
And uploaded my plugin on my website
When the plugin is installed using Features:
To Uninstall a plug-in from Eclipse the usual UI way is to select About Eclipse then click Installation Details button and select the plugin you want to uninstall. Then click Uninstall button.
When the plugin is not installed with a Feature:
When you have installed it in your running Eclipse from the Plug-in Export dialog, and after as you have done deleting the plug-in from your plugins directory, you need to restart Eclipse from the command line using the -clean flag. This will rebuild the plugin cache. This is very low-level and not recommended.
- Always develop plugins using features

Eclipse Plugin Development : How to get event on eclipse plugin installation / updation

I am developing a custom eclipse plugin.
My requirement is to get an event as the eclipse plugin install or update completes.
It can be either before restart of eclipse or after restart of eclipse.
In case of plugin install I require an event because as plugin installed successfully I want to show a customized message of successful installation.
In case of plugin update I require an event to make some changes in some of my work space files.
Please suggest me how Can I come to know that install / update completed and from where I can call my procedures.
I think you can't get event of plugin installation, because installation requires restart for Eclipse registry update to take effect.
For the second part (after plugin udate), you may keep current version in some workspace file (e.g. preferences),
then on plugin start check if current plugin version is bigger than version in workspace, then take some actions.

How to safely update a grails plugin

I've been working on a grails project for a while now and some of the plugins I installed initially have been updated.
I ran the following scripts to see what plugins needed updating
grails list-plugin-updates
and the result was
Plugins with available updates are listed below:
<Plugin> <Current> <Available>
joda-time 1.1 1.2
jquery-ui 1.8.7 1.8.11
recaptcha 0.5.0 0.5.2
searchable 0.6
tomcat 1.3.7
Now how do I go about updating all or some these plugins?
Is it a matter of uninstalling and reinstalling each one?
How does this affect usages/references to the plugin in the main code?
To update a plugin you just run install-plugin again and it'll detect that the plugin's already installed and will remove the old one and install the new one. For a small version delta this should be fine, but I'd do them one at a time and test in-between (but do the 2 JQuery plugins together).
If you're lucky the plugin either has no compatibility issues, or they're documented in the plugin docs, so be sure to check there before upgrading.
From Grails 2.2 on, you should change the plugins section of BuildConfig.groovy. After that you should run 'refresh-dependencies'.
If you use Groovy/Grails Tool Suite or something similar, you should simply right click on your project > Grails Tools > Refresh Dependencies. This will run the grails command which will update your dependencies, but it will also update your project.

Is there a way in Eclipse to find out plugins that are not used?

I am struggling with this!
While trying to install some features - eclipse keeps complaining about some dependency not met and about old version of some dependencies. The messages are rather not straigtforward.
Is there a way to clean the eclipse installation of the unused plugins? Does eclipse tell you on its own as to which features/plugins have not been used (for a while)?
What would be the definition of an unused plugin? All plugins that Eclipse update manager is referencing are currently in use because they were installed directly or are referenced by plugins that were installed directly.
I am not aware of anything that would actively track which features you are utilizing while using Eclipse and then report on unneeded plugins.
The error that you are running into typically happens because plugin A that you have depends on plugin X v1 and you are trying to install plugin B that requires X v2. Since both v1 and v2 of X cannot be simultaneously installed, installation of B aborts.
Here are the two most common causes of users finding themselves in this situation:
You haven't run "search for updates" recently, so many of your plugins are on older service levels. The plugin you are installing, however, requires a newer service level of a particular plugin. Resolve by updating your installation prior to trying to install the new plugin.
The plugin you are trying to install was not designed to be compatible with the major version of Eclipse that you are running. For instance, you might be running Eclipse "Galileo" 3.5 platform while the plugin you are trying to install was designed to work with Eclipse "Helios" 3.6 platform. You cannot use the update manager to move between major releases. Pay attention to what yearly release the plugin advertises support for. If it needs a newer version and you are willing to upgrade, you will need to download a new package.
Outside of that, post a new question with specific failure message you are getting along with details about your current installation and what you are trying to install. Someone here ought to be able to translate the installation failure into resolution options for you.