Groovy compiler on Eclipse doesn't include version 2.4 anymore - eclipse

I need to set up my Eclipse IDE again and unlike when I first set it up I have issues with the Groovy software. I would need the Groovy compiler version 2.4, but can only select between 2.5, 3.0 or 4.0.
I used the same location as last time:
Also I tried other location which unfortunately don't work properly. I have the Eclipse version 2020-06.
Can anyone tell me what I do wrong this time or which configuration to adapt?
Thank you.

Download "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" (2020-09 a.k.a 4.17) from
Note: The first link on the page gets you the Oomph installer which WILL NOT WORK. Use one of the links below. If there is "inst" anywhere in the name of the file you downloaded, try again.
The reason why Oomph breaks GRECLIPSE is that it will add an update site which will try to install the latest 4.x GRECLIPSE -> fail.
Unpack the archive somewhere.
Go to Help -> Install New Software.
Add this update site:
(Using the marketplace will leave you with GRECLIPSE 4.x)
Always select the main package and Maven support if you need it.
Click Next.
Make sure that it tries to install 3.9.0 and nothing else.
Click Next & Finish until it installs.
--- old instructions for reference ---
You will need to download Eclipse Photon from here
and then Groovy Feature 3.5.0.v201909291357-e48-RELEASE add this update site:
All the versions of Eclipse after this one don't support Groovy 2.4 anymore.
I've tried to do this with Oomph but that way, I always ended up with Groovy Feature 4.1.
My solution then was to create another workspace for all my Groovy 2.4 projects (Jenkins Pipelines, mostly).


How can I upgrade the eclipse version my STS is using?

I downloaded STS 3.2.0 with Juno 3.8 a month a go. Last week it updated my STS to 3.3.0 without automatically.
I've checked that Kepler 4.3 has come out and would like to upgrade my STS installation to use that. I don't want to just install the new package from the website as I loose all my configs and such when I do that.
Can anyone help?
Or can anyone explain to how I can copy my settings etc. to a new installation of STS?
I don't know STS. In a normal Eclipse installation, you can run Help -> Install New Software, add the Kepler update site using the "Available sites" link, close the dialog, run Help -> Check for Updates and Eclipse will update everything it can find, under the condition of not breaking dependencies.
Your settings are not lost, if you use your old workspace with your new installation (as the majority of settings has workspace scope and is stored within it). Therefore you can also try the following: Install a newly downloaded version of Kepler besides your existing Eclipse. Then in the new installation run File -> Import -> Installation -> From existing to have it automatically copy plugins from the old installation to the new one. Afterwards install whatever is missing using the installation menus described at the top or using Help -> Marketplace.
I just upgraded my STS from 3.3 to 3.5. The following method worked fine.
Open STS > Help > Check for updates > Choose the latest version and install (lists all plugins available for upgrade as well as STS).
Open STS(Spring Tools Suite)-> Help -> Check for Updates -> it will automatically updates with latest version.
Version: STS 3.8.0 requires a JDK 8 to run on top of.
STS 3.9.0 requires a JDK 8 to run on top of.
STS 3.9.4 requires a JDK8/9/10 to run on top of.
STS 3.9.6 requires a JDK8/9/10/11 to run on top of.

What is the best way to upgrade Eclipse 3.6 to 3.7 (or a subsequent version)?

In the past I've always downloaded the new version, and then manually reinstalled all of the plugins I use - but this is tedious in the extreme.
Is there a way to upgrade Eclipse "in-place"? How do I do this exactly?
The approach below worked for me, and seems to be the easiest. It's from this eclipse FAQ and slightly modified for clarity:
For upgrading from Eclipse 3.5+ to 3.6+
Help -> Install New Software
Enter the release update site url eg. '' <- if upgrading from 3.5 or 3.6 (Helios) to 3.7 (Indigo)
Click Add
Click Cancel
Help -> Check for Updates
Note: The original URL has changed. (I've left the original link for posterity)
following the NEW FAQ instructions
Also you may have to remove any incompatible updates plugins before proceeding.
(For Example: JBoss Tools has different versions for Helios and Indigo that are incompatible)
Update: I didn't try this when upgrading from 3.x to 4.x (Juno). I just set up a whole new workspace. I think I read somewhere that doing that is the safest approach to upgrading major versions.
As of 3.7 (Indigo), you may export/import install configurations via the
File > Import/Export > Install menu.
This allows you to install a new release of Eclipse, point it at your
existing workspace, and install your plugins from an older installed
If you always download all plugins manually and then deploy it by copying to dropins folder, then while migrating to newer version, just need to copy that folder to the new eclipse.
And even not all plugins will support newer version of Eclipse so I guess there is no really easy way available to do the migration.
The answer is, there is none. It's pointless to speculate here as to why the Eclipse community chooses not to make one. They haven't.

Installing eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) - update site does not work?

I'm trying to install the WTP (web platform tools) to my Eclipse installation so I can get the XSL transformations working. The base Eclipse they installed for me here was the plain Java IDE (the splash screen says "Ganymede" if that means anything). Looking at this site, the URL to get the download should be here: ...But when I give that URL to the Eclipse update manager, I get an error telling me: "No repository found at"
Anyone else had this problem? Anyone know what might be up? Anyone know how to get the xsl-transform plugin installed?
I should have mentioned before that I want to find a way to do this without installing any new instances of Eclipse. This process will eventually be sent to several other developers who already have Eclipse (same version that I'm testing with) and I'd rather just do an in-place upgrade rather than have everyone go and install a new product.
I found another plugin, Xcarecrows 4 XML which can also do XSL transforms. The interface is ugly and seems more than a little quirky, but it's also a small download, and at least it runs and transforms. Unless I can find an easy way to get WTP working, I'll probably just stick with this.
You can try and install WTP through the main Ganymede update site:
Or you can download the latest Java EE bundle and use that instead of your current Eclipse
(do NOT unpack it on top of your current Eclipse, but unpack it elsewhere, to test that second installation: it will come with WTP inside)
Note: check then "How do I start Eclipse" to point to your existing workspace in order to see all your previous project in your new Eclipse installation.
As mentioned in your link, XSL Tools is now part of WTP (for Eclipse 3.5 Galileo), and that may explain why your Eclipse Ganymede (3.4) might not interpret correctly the P2 update site for WTP (P2 being the new Eclipse provisioning mechanism introduced late in the 3.4 release cycle)
For Eclipse 3.5, you have an XSL Tools installation illustrated here:
But Eclipse3.4 is more likely to be compatible with XSLT0.5 and you will need a separate installation, because "XSL Tools" wasn't yet part of WTP.
I am not sure, however, where to find such an installation package within the Eclipse projects.
Use the following update site :
For Juno :
For Indigo :
I'm assuming you don't have any firewall exceptions for Eclipse right?
The site for the WTP update is indeed the one you've listed. Maybe post a screenshot? You've added it specifically to your remote update site list?
Either way try a manual update which should be more reliable and get you up and running for now.
All-In-One Update (Eclipse IDE included):
Go to the Eclipse Download site.
Grab the all-in-one package: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Install, have a coffee and enjoy. (WTP is included)
Manual Update your existing installation of Eclipse:
Download the applicable WTP source package to your desktop
Shutdown Eclipse
Extract the package to your Eclipse installation directory
Startup Eclipse. (WTP is now available)
Follow the steps in the FAQ at .
Are you behind a proxy? If so, you need to make sure you configure your proxy settings in Eclipse.
Window > Preferences
General > Network Connections
Ok, I can probably get it working if I do a clean install of Eclipse. I can do that on my machine, but not the other team members' machines (at least not without going through many emails and paper work) so I'm going to say that XCarecrows 4 XML is the solution. It is able to do XSL transformations in Eclipse 3.4 and doesn't require anything else to be installed. Since XSLT is all I need, the plugin will do.
you can use the marketplace:
like the site says:
Drag to Install!Drag to your running Eclipse Workspace.

How to update Eclipse from 3.4 (Ganymede) to 3.5 (Galileo)?

I've got my Eclipse 3.4 envirnoment set up nice and cozy the way I like it. Took me some time too, to find all the plugins (Mylin, PDT, Subclipse), set all the settings, etc. Now I see that some of the plugins (like PDT) only support 3.5 in their latest versions.
Is it possible to update from 3.4 to 3.5? I'd hate to do it all again.
I read in some mailing list where they noted that it's possible, but the conversation trailed off in another direction. Google wasn't much help, and Eclipse's documentation either.
All of your settings are actually stored as part of your workspace. So you could do a fresh install of the latest version of Eclipse, add the extra plugins that you want (many of which will have newer versions for Eclipse 3.5) and when you launch, just make sure you point to your old workspace.
Help -> Software Updates... -> Available Software tab -> Add Site...
Enter the update site for the Galileo (3.5) release train:
Now go back to the Installed Software tab and click the Update... button.
After some computation you should be presented with a list of available updates (or some cryptic errors about how your current environment cannot be updated due to compatibility issues).
This is what I did.
1.- My workspace was in c:\Users\me\workspace.
I copied this folder to c:\users\me\eclipse\workspace-3.4 and to c:\users\me\eclipse\workspace-3.5
So now I have twice the same, just with different names.
2.- Extracted to C:\program files\eclipse-SDK-3.5-win32
3.- Run Eclipse 3.4 and changed the workspace from c:\Users\me\workspace to c:\users\me\eclipse\workspace-3.4. Then I closed Eclipse.
4.- Run Eclipse 3.5 and selected c:\users\me\eclipse\workspace-3.5 as the workspace location (you can also use the -data argument I think).
5.- Downloaded and installed the PDT plugin (I develop in PHP).
And "Voila", now I'm able to run Eclipse 3.4 and 3.5.
BTW, even if I had to install the PDT plug in, I didn't had to touch the configuration. It took the former one from the workspace folder.
There is some information at, look in Workbench User Guide\Tasks\Upgrading Eclipse.

Installation of maven eclipse plugin doesn't finish

Hello I'm trying to install maven plugin with eclipse and I have a following problem, more in picture below :
So my question is, is this supposed to take this long or I did something wrong?
I'm using eclipse galileo , I went to the window-> install new software -> typed in website and name maven
Pressed next then finish, did I do something wrong, or is there another way to get maven working with eclipse? I need it for my project . thank you
First, update site url you pasted is url for stable version builds. According this document stable version of m2eclipse works with Eclipse 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4.
To work with Galileo version (Eclipse 3.5) try update from stable development builds site. I work with this version and I'm happy with it. It has a lot more features than stable one.
You could use maven-eclipse-plugin instead of m2eclipse.
With maven-eclipse-plugin you just add some configuration to pom.xml, execute mvn eclipse:eclipse and refresh project in Eclipse and you are done.
You will lose UI to handle dependencies etc. directly from IDE (that would be provided by m2eclipse) but I have not seen much benefit from that. You can manually edit pom.xml just fine.