How to get fb:app_id for facebook meta - facebook

We have out business profile page as , and i can get its id from
My Business Like Page as and i can get its id from
My Facebook developer app as "Geoflake" and its id is "132427906799290"
Which id, i have to use for fb:app_id in the meta tags. ?
Thank you.

The latter one, because returns the page id of your business profile page.


Facebook Admin ID for already existing page

I'm new on Facebook and I have one issue: I have my own account on FB and I've added page for one of my online tools, today I don't know where I can find my Admin ID to place it in <meta property="fb:admins"...> tag related to my FB page. I've found link to FB Insights but I see only links to create new app or new page and I don't see my already existing page.
If you want to set your own user_id as admin_id, use
to query for your user_id.

Trying to include FB insights in my website, still getting invalid app_id?

i am just following and i add the meta tag to the in index.php but i am getting the error:
The app ID "xxxx81342935368" specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag was invalid.
I do see FB insights for my FB page, but i like to add FB insight to my regular website
How can i fix this?
ok almost fixed.
I had to create a seperate application and i had to be logged in under my personal account and not as one of my FB pages.
Now adding the app_id of one of my FB pages as fb:admins doesn't work, is this possible at all??

Facebook OpenGraph - Liking a URL on website leads to Liking the App instead of the Facebook Fan page

Recently, I used Like Social Plugin from Facebook on my website.
I also embedded Facebook Opengraph Meta Tags on the webpage.
In OG Meta Tags, I have filled the APP ID of the dummy application i created using the same account as the Facebook Fan Page. Hence, When a visitor likes a url or post on my website, He automatically likes the Facebook App. This works perfectly.
But, I want it this way:
When a user likes a post, He must also like the Facebook Fan Page so that the like count of Fan Page increases.
Please let me know how to do this.
I have my fb app:
at the beginning I did not put meta tags with app id, then I have 27 likes for
then I switched then I have 7 likes
finally I succeed to put meta tag with app I have 100 likes.
The result:
27 likes for
7 likes for
100 likes for (as application)
So you should choose one.
1- this How to get name of facebook application page? Q&A may be related about your question, should wait and see
2- #Kenh says: Your page will appear in the "Likes and Interests" section of the user's profile, and you have the ability to publish updates to the user
That's correct myapp is displayed in users profile who like in "Likes and Interests" section

facebook and opengraph (ap id question)

I am integrating a like button into one pf my pages, using the information here.
I want to use Open Graph Tags, but that requires supply of fb:admins or fb:app_id tag elements. The thing is that I cannot find any information on how to obtain these IDs.
The Id is that likes on the webpage appea on the wall of the facebook page (Note: NOT a user profile). Does anyone know which ID to use, and where to get the ID from?
You can get your own user id to put into the fb:admins field by logging into facebook and then going to this url:|2.AQCPDqXNTW9FwNw9.3600.1311487200.0-29000387|0aZ4-swEk1RJo8PWMgzAqj-Daqs
The id field is your uid aka user id. If you don't have an app id, don't worry about it. You only need fb:admins OR fb:app_id. Not both.

How to obtain this Facebook user id for the like button?

Referring to the Open Graph protocol, I must implement this strange tag to my website in order to add a like-button for it.
<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>
USER_ID is supposed to be replaced by my actual user ID at Facebook. How do I safely obtain the correct user ID?
This user id can be found a few ways:
1) Go to and you will see JSON data with the id property.
2) Or go to your profile page and you will see a url like this The number after id= is your user id.
You can get a Facebook ID by doing this:
Basically, go to your photos and click on one. It will be in the URL bar under fbid.
If you log onto facebook you will see uid=USER_ID in the URL for home, profile etc.