Facebook Admin ID for already existing page - facebook

I'm new on Facebook and I have one issue: I have my own account on FB and I've added page for one of my online tools, today I don't know where I can find my Admin ID to place it in <meta property="fb:admins"...> tag related to my FB page. I've found link to FB Insights but I see only links to create new app or new page and I don't see my already existing page.

If you want to set your own user_id as admin_id, use
to query for your user_id.


Facebook stopped displaying article:author

It looks like Facebook changed something in the last few days, I noticed the article:author information doesn't show up anymore (article:publisher still works)
It used to be working fine like this:
<meta property="article:author" content="https://www.facebook.com/yovav"/>
For example, if you share https://ufotoday.com/post/10061 on Facebook it should show the author.
It is working now, I was able to add Confirmed Publications in Linked Publications after I added my facebook website pages under a company and updated the company pages in General - Category to be "News & Media Website ยท Publisher".
UPDATE 1: so Linked Publications is found in the user profile settings (and not in the company facebook page settings), first I could not find website on the facebook autocomplete list, I changed page template to "business" and set "News & Media Website", "Publisher" in category. and now it is added as Confirmed Publications.
My meta data has these values now:
<meta property="article:author" content="https://facebook.com/yovav" />
<meta property="article:publisher" content="https://www.facebook.com/1677453589249352" />
However, I still cannot see the author name next to the publisher website (in the bottom left corner of facebook posts), What am I missing here?
It appears that authors need to give permission to a publication or website (and specifically the FB page of that site) in order to be cited as the author in Facebook's byline feature.
As such, the authors needs to login to their own Facebook profile, go to Settings (for their own profile), and then click "Linked Publications" (Or just send them to this link: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=author_publisher )
There, they need to add the publication's (or site's) Facebook page as a "linked publication."
When I did this on my personal profile, I finally got back the byline functionality, both in the tag debugger and in actual Facebook posts.
However, I sent this info to all of our authors, and some of them do not have the particular setting page mentioned above. So YMMV.
Some people said, if you're a Media Fanpage admin and you already confirmed your domain by Link Ownership function (Only verified page have this function), you can get author back by the new function Linked Publications.
When you finished these things, you'll see your byline back. But...
Only you(admin) can see that. Other user still can't see this byline link.
I don't know what Facebook are doing, damn it.

Facebook automatically created a fan page which I can't edit

We launched a website which uses the Facebook open graph and like buttons to share content on Facebook etc. One of the open graph tags includes information about the Facebook IDs of the website owners (<meta property="fb:admins" content="..."/>), so these were included. I am one of the admins, and when I liked the web page myself Facebook automatically created a fan page. This is OK, and we are going to keep the fan page, but I can't seem to edit it.
Is there any way to edit a Facebook page which was automatically created?
I managed to solve this by creating a new Facebook page then merging the old, uneditable page (which was automatically created in the first place) with the new page. From the new page I created I went to:
Edit page > Update info > Resources > Request to merge duplicate pages.
Select the old page and merge it to the new one. All the updates and pictures from the old page were lost (this wasn't really a problem) but the likes were merged into the new page. It also asked which username (which forms the Facebook.com URL) I would like to use for the new combined page, so I selected the username of the old page as this is what everyone was used to. At the end of this process I have a Facebook page, with the same likes and same URL as before which I can now edit.
I hope this helps.

Trying to include FB insights in my website, still getting invalid app_id?

i am just following http://developers.facebook.com/docs/insights/ and i add the meta tag to the in index.php but i am getting the error:
The app ID "xxxx81342935368" specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag was invalid.
I do see FB insights for my FB page, but i like to add FB insight to my regular website
How can i fix this?
ok almost fixed.
I had to create a seperate application and i had to be logged in under my personal account and not as one of my FB pages.
Now adding the app_id of one of my FB pages as fb:admins doesn't work, is this possible at all??

How to make my page appear on google search, post to twitter, merge my pages?

I have created 2 facebook fanpages that is "Enfant Family Member" before I have converting my Enfant Kidclub profile to a page last 2 week So, now I have 2 pages!
Why is my page "Enfant Kidclub" not displaying in facebook search? And google search still finds only the former facebook profile?
Could I merge or delete them and have only 1 page that is Enfant Kidclub?
Another problem is I set my former page, Enfant Family Member to redirect to my twitter account. Now I want my Enfant Kidclub to post to twitter instead of that one. Is it possible?
Why my page "Enfant Kidclub" is not displaying in facebook search? and google search, it still discover only the former facebook profile?
Results from Facebook website should be in search results by default. I searched for "Enfant Kidclub" and your page is first result. Google auto corrects search to be "Enfant Kid club" which you have to revert
Could I merge or delete them and have only 1 page that is Enfant Kidclub?
Visit these help pages
facebook help,
Another blog
Another problem is i set my fromer page, Enfant Family Member to redirect to my twitter account. Now I want my Enfant Kidclub to post to twitter instred of that one. Is it possible?
Just try linking your twitter account to new facebook page

Adding Open Graph Tags for Existing FB Page

I'm working to get my existing website more tightly integrated with my existing facebook page for that web page.
In the Open Graph documentation, I see ways to put in your admin ids or your app id. However I don't see a way to put in an existing Facebook page ID.
I have run into this problem in the past and when put myself as the admin id as well as all the other open graph tags, it generated an entirely new fb page for me that I don't want or need.
So, long story short - how do I add open graph tags to associate my webpage with an existing facebook page.
Add the following meta tag:
<meta property="fb:page_id" content="YOURPAGEID (integer)" />