facebook and opengraph (ap id question) - facebook

I am integrating a like button into one pf my pages, using the information here.
I want to use Open Graph Tags, but that requires supply of fb:admins or fb:app_id tag elements. The thing is that I cannot find any information on how to obtain these IDs.
The Id is that likes on the webpage appea on the wall of the facebook page (Note: NOT a user profile). Does anyone know which ID to use, and where to get the ID from?

You can get your own user id to put into the fb:admins field by logging into facebook and then going to this url:
The id field is your uid aka user id. If you don't have an app id, don't worry about it. You only need fb:admins OR fb:app_id. Not both.


How do I generate Facebook like button with only the FB page ID

So I have a database table with the Facebook page ID's of my users. I would like to generate a like button dynamically with only the ID available to me to do this. The problem as I see it is that I don't know what the data-href attribute is supposed to have considering that Facebook page url's look like this: http://facebook.com/pages/hyphenated-name/<?=$FB_id?> and I don't have the hyphenated name stored in my database to generate the that url.
Is there another URL structure Facebook's back-end will accept that just has the ID and not the hyphenated name, but will still count likes on that person's Facebook fan page? Is this impossible?
You can do a look up of the id, and retrieve the link of the page stored.
example: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer?method=GET&path=191825050853209
refer to: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/ under link connection.
This method will require use of the graph api, or one of the sdks.
refer to: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api

Querying Users who 'like' my Facebook Page and Get Profile Images of the Users?

I was looking out the solutions but no luck for getting the list the users who likes your Facebook page. I found out the following solutions over internet but all have some limitations. Please suggest??
Facebook provides like table where we can provide object name to get the list of users who likes your Album,Photo etc. But I didn't find to get this work for a Facebook Page. It is working for photo,album etc.
Second options with page_fan table but i notice that only the uid field is index able so you need to know the user id to search it and not the page_id.
Finally i added the Like Box in my applications where I am showing the list of user with their profile picture but here is also limitation with face book like box that i can't see the entire list of the users who likes the Facebook Page. It is showing only 20-30 in the Like Box. If i was trying to change the iFrame div CSS to overflow:auto but their is no success because i think iFrame with other domain url doesn't allow the same.
Can someone help me out how i can get the all Facebook User's profile photos who likes my Facebook page with any 3 options or let me know if any other options.

Facebook thinks my Admin ID is my App ID for Open Graph, calls it invalid

I created a page and put the account name (from facebook.com/<account-name>) of the page in the fb:admins field and left the App ID field blank. When i test the Like button it says the App ID is invalid and lists the ID number of the page (note, there is no app, this is just a normal page). I also tried putting in the ID number that I get from graph.facebook.com/<account-name> and still it doesn't work. Running the Linter (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) shows the error: "You put ### in the fb:admins field. It should be in fb:app_id"...still, no app exists so I don't know why it thinks the ID is an app ID.
When I put a different user's ID in the admin ID field it works fine, but not if I'm following it using a page.
Check out this doc. You can't use a page_id to administer a page, you can only use a UID or an AppID. The fb:page_id is related to Insights, not OG administration.

How to get fb:app_id for facebook meta

We have out business profile page as http://facebook.com/geoflakes , and i can get its id from
My Business Like Page as http://facebook.com/geoflake and i can get its id from
My Facebook developer app as "Geoflake" and its id is "132427906799290"
Which id, i have to use for fb:app_id in the meta tags. ?
Thank you.
The latter one, because http://graph.facebook.com/geoflake returns the page id of your business profile page.

How to obtain this Facebook user id for the like button?

Referring to the Open Graph protocol, I must implement this strange tag to my website in order to add a like-button for it.
<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>
USER_ID is supposed to be replaced by my actual user ID at Facebook. How do I safely obtain the correct user ID?
This user id can be found a few ways:
1) Go to http://graph.facebook.com/you_user_name and you will see JSON data with the id property.
2) Or go to your profile page and you will see a url like this http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=12345656. The number after id= is your user id.
You can get a Facebook ID by doing this:
Basically, go to your photos and click on one. It will be in the URL bar under fbid.
If you log onto facebook you will see uid=USER_ID in the URL for home, profile etc.