Are there tutorials or simplified examples for how to use OpenGL texture blur? - iphone

I have a UIKit app (no OpenGL included yet) and I need to blur an image in there. Some people suggested to go with OpenGL texture blur for this. There's an sample project from Apple called "GLImageProcessing" but it's such a huge source base and filled with just too much of different stuff.
Maybe someone knows another source that showcases the texture blur on it's own, making it simple to follow the process how to set up an EAGLView that just does that one thing?

You probably want to apply a Gaussian blur effect. Here's a library somebody has provided to do this on a UIImage:


iOS app view background (Image vs draw) design question

Suppose I was writing a game which involved a relatively complex geometric game board. Something like a dartboard.
I would want a view to display the game state. What is the best way to implement that view?
For example, should I draw the board off line in something like photoshop, add it as a resource, and then show it using a UIImageView? Or should I use drawing primitives and essentially draw the board programmatically?
What are the trade-offs?
If I do use an image, what format should I prefer? .png, .tiff, .gif, .jpg?
If you decide to go the image route you should use png. Displaying any other format you pay a performance hit (as mentioned in the comment).
To decide between building photoshop vs drawing via code you need to decide how much time you want to put into learning Quartz/CoreGraphics. Apple's docs:
If you already know Photoshop then building the graphic there is probably much easier, if you don't then learning Quartz is prob a less steep learning curve than Photoshop...
If it's a simple board, it's easy enough to draw it into the view, which gives you the possibility of easily manipulating it in interesting ways. Drawing in a view is done with a set of postscript like primitives.
For something more fancy, photoshop might be the way to go.
PNGs are preferred.

Need some guidelines on iPad animation programming

I'm creating an interactive e-book for the iPad. This book will contain multiple pages that will consist of a lot of animations (frame and motion animations), transitions,... I was wondering what my development options are, should I use OpenGL, Quartz,...?
I've use UIImageView.animationImages before and found that it had really bad performance. What's the best way to draw frame based animations?
Does anybody have some good pointers to resources on this?
thanks in advance,
I guess that depends a bit on what you'll be drawing. If you have a need for 3D, then OpenGL is the way to go, but it doesn't sound like it. I have a feeling Quartz2D is going to be just fine for your 2D drawing needs. I've done drawing with both and they have a very similar API. I think the downside of using all the raw power of OpenGL is that you have then signed up for doing most of the work yourself. I don't recommend attempting to using Core Animation high level APIs to manipulate OpenGL views.
If you do use Quartz2D and "normal" UIViews instead of OpenGL/EAGLView, then you can take advantage the many pre-canned animations Apple already build with Core Animation. This include the card flip left/right, resizing, moving (x/y translation), rotation and the ever popular e-book page curl.
The best example of iBook like custom page curl functionality I could find is this example code from High Caffeine Content. However, you don't have to bring that much math to the table if you just want to use the out of the box Core Animation stuff. The bad performance you may have encountered could have been due to anything, including older/slower hardware. They have revved the graphics chips on the new devices.

UIImage animation

Maybe is there a way to do animation only on one image?
So if I have an UIImage and I want to animate it like a wave. Is this possible? And if yes, can you give me some examples or a link to start or something like this? (I used google but didn't find any good start link...)
OpenGL ES is another possibility. Apple provide all the code to set up a rendering context.
From there you just need to get your image into a texture, define some vertices (more than just four), and move each vertex on a sine wave.
Yes - you may want to look into cocos2d -
or OpenGL ES as mentioned above
or Quartz
It all depends on what this 'Wave' effect needs to look like, if it's what i think, you couldn't achieve that by using Core Animation, you would need to look in to these suggestions.

Basic 2D Texture Howto for iPhone OpenGL ES

Just started learning OpenGL and couldn't find a decent tutorial to get me going. Specifically, I'm looking for something that will show me how to load an image to an OpenGL texture, store it in a variable to display later, and then draw the image.
I'd appreciate it if someone could write out the basic code to do that for me. If I may ask that you would also separate the code for loading and drawing and also comment thoroughly as to whats going on.
Much obliged
I've been referring to this:
Check out Apple's ImageProcessing sample.

Need help optimizing my 2d drawing on iPhone

I'm writing a game that displays 56 hexagon pieces filling the screen in the shape of a board. I'm currently drawing each piece using a singleton rendering class that when called to draw a piece, creates a path from 6 points based of the coordinate passed in. This path is filled with a solid color and then a 59x59 png with an alpha to white gradient is overlayed over the drawing to give the piece a shiny look. Note I'm currently doing this in Core Graphics.
My first thought is that creating a path everytime I draw is costly and seems like I can somehow do this once and then reuse it, but I'm not sure of the best approach for this. When I look at the bottlenecks with Shark, it looks like the drawing of the png is the most taxing part of the process. I've tried just rendering the png overlay or just rendering the path without the overlay and both give me some frame gains, although removing the png overlay yields the most frames.
My current thought is that at startup, I should render 6 paths (1 for each color piece I have) and overlay them with the png and then store an image of these pieces and then just redraw the pieces each time I need them. Is there an effecient machanism for storing something you've drawn once and redrawing it? It kinda just sounds like I'd be running into the whole drawing pngs too often thing again, but maybe there's a less taxing method that does a similar thing...
Any suggestions are much appreciated.
You might try CGLayer or CALayer.
General thoughts:
Game programming on iPhone usually necessitates OpenGL. Core Graphics is a bit easier to work with, but OpenGL is optimized for speed.
Prerender this "shiny look" into the textures as much as is possible (as in: do it in Photoshop before you even insert them into your project). Alpha blending is hell on performance.
Maybe try PVRTC (also this tutorial) as it's a format used by iPhone's GPU's manufacturer. Then again, this could make things worse depending on where your bottleneck is.
If you really need speed you have to go the OpenGL route. Be careful if you want to mix OpenGL and Core Animation, they can conflict.
OpenGL is a pain if you haven't done much with it. It sounds like you could use Core Animation and make each tile a layer. CA doesn't call the redraw again unless you change something, so you should be able to just move that layer around without taking a big hit. Also note that CA stores the layer in the texture memory so it should be much faster.
Some others have mentioned that you should use OpenGL. Here's a nice introduction specifically for the iPhone: OpenGL ES from the Ground Up: Table of Contents
You might also want to look at cocos2d. It seems to be significantly faster than using CoreAnimation in my tests, and provides lots of useful stuff for games.