Need some guidelines on iPad animation programming - iphone

I'm creating an interactive e-book for the iPad. This book will contain multiple pages that will consist of a lot of animations (frame and motion animations), transitions,... I was wondering what my development options are, should I use OpenGL, Quartz,...?
I've use UIImageView.animationImages before and found that it had really bad performance. What's the best way to draw frame based animations?
Does anybody have some good pointers to resources on this?
thanks in advance,

I guess that depends a bit on what you'll be drawing. If you have a need for 3D, then OpenGL is the way to go, but it doesn't sound like it. I have a feeling Quartz2D is going to be just fine for your 2D drawing needs. I've done drawing with both and they have a very similar API. I think the downside of using all the raw power of OpenGL is that you have then signed up for doing most of the work yourself. I don't recommend attempting to using Core Animation high level APIs to manipulate OpenGL views.
If you do use Quartz2D and "normal" UIViews instead of OpenGL/EAGLView, then you can take advantage the many pre-canned animations Apple already build with Core Animation. This include the card flip left/right, resizing, moving (x/y translation), rotation and the ever popular e-book page curl.
The best example of iBook like custom page curl functionality I could find is this example code from High Caffeine Content. However, you don't have to bring that much math to the table if you just want to use the out of the box Core Animation stuff. The bad performance you may have encountered could have been due to anything, including older/slower hardware. They have revved the graphics chips on the new devices.


OpenGL vs Quartz/CG on iPhone/iPad

In our current app, some consultants wrote code in OpenGL to make things look nice. Basically mimicing a UITableView, goes horizontal instead of vertical, and of course prettier. I was reading through a Core Animation book and they said that with Core Animation, you could mimic Apple's Cover Flow navigation. To me, that looks nice enough.
Does anyone know if any of that is done in OpenGL or just Quartz and CoreGraphics?
Secondly, (here's the open-ended question), but if we were to redesign something to mimic Apple's cover flow, assuming it was not in OpenGL ES, would that be less memory intensive and perform better? It seems like our app runs out of memory rather quickly in its current state since it's pushing a lot of data through the horizontal table.
The content of a Core Animation layer (text, shapes, images, ...) is rendered with Quartz, but the rendering of the layer itself is done by OpenGL, so rendering performance shouldn't be a problem.
Core Animation might use less memory, because it can release the content of invisible layers (or table cells in your case).

Overlay "Structured Glas" Effect on iPhone Camera Feed - General Directions

I'm currently trying to write an app, that would be able to show the effects of glas, as seen through the iPhone Camera.
I'm not talking about simple, uniform glas but glass like this:
Now I already broke this into two problems:
1) Apply some Image Filter to the 2D-frames presented by the iPhone Camera. This has been done and seems possible, e.g. in the app: faceman
2) I need to get the individual lighting properties of a sheet of glas that my client supplies me with. Now basicly, there must be a way to read the information about how the glas distorts ands skews the image. I think It might be somehow possible to make a high-res picture of the plate of glasplate, laid on a checkerboard-image and somehow analyze this.
Now, I'm mostly searching for literature, weblinks on how you guys think I could start at 2. It doesn't need to be exact, in the end I just need something that looks approximately like the sheet of glass I want to show. And I'm don't even know where to search, Physics, Image Filtering or Comupational Photography books.
EDIT: I'm currently thinking, that one easy solution could be bump-mapping the texture on top of the camera-feed, I asked another question on this here.
You need to start with OpenGL. You want to effectively have a texture - similar to the one you've got above - displace the texture below it (the live camera view) to give the impression of depth and distortion. This is a 'non-trivial' problem, in that whilst it's a fairly standard problem in its field if you're coming from a background with no graphics or OpenGL experience you can expect a very steep learning curve.
So in short, the only way you can achieve this realistically on iOS is to use OpenGL, and that should be your starting point. Apple have a few guides on the matter, but you'll be better off looking elsewhere. There are some useful books such as the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide that can get you off on the right track, but where you start would depend on how comfortable you are with 3D graphics and C.
Just wanted to add that I solved this old answer using the refraction example in the Khronos OpenGl ES SDK.
Wrote a blog-entry with pictures about it :
simulating windows with refraction

Richer iPhone Interfaces With Library Components?

My iPhone development is stepping up a notch and I'm looking at the UI. We're thinking of having a few nice interface-y features - things like dragging and dropping images onto one another from a gallery list, or similar.
How far does the basic iPhone interface stretch? Do most people create their own interfaces and code, and if so what's the base there? CoreGraphics? OpenGL?
I don't want to reinvent the wheel, but neither do I want to take an overcomplicated option if someone's done the work already.
There are several tiers to Cocoa-based interfaces. Generally, I recommend working at the highest level of abstraction that meets your needs for presentation and performance.
The base UIKit elements that you can place using Interface Builder or code are designed to handle the most common cases within an application's interface. These provide some degree of customization, depending on their type, but what you see is generally all you get. On the iPhone, Apple even tries to maintain a certain look and feel for these stock elements by rejecting applications during review that use them in ways that contradict the Human Interface Guidelines.
The next level down are custom UIViews. These can be made to look like anything through the use of Quartz drawing within the -drawRect: method. You can do your own touch handling by overriding methods like –touchesBegan:withEvent: or by using the new UIGestureRecognizers. Given the level of customization you can do here, this is where most people stop when tweaking their interfaces.
You can go a little lower than this by working with Core Animation layers and animations. You don't gain a lot, performance-wise, by using CALayers instead of UIViews on the iPhone, but they can be useful if you want to craft visual items that use the same code on Mac and iPhone. Custom animations may be required if you want to do something more than animate a view between two states linearly. You can even do some limited 3-D work using Core Animation.
Finally, there is OpenGL ES for display of full 3-D scenes and for really high performance graphic display. This is about as close to the metal as you're going to get when dealing with the iPhone display system, and it shows in terms of the amount and complexity of code you have to write. For complex 3-D work, this is what you will need to use, but for 2-D and even rudimentary 3-D I recommend looking first to Core Animation because of the code it can save you. If performance is unacceptable, then should you go to OpenGL ES.
Now, just because you need to use one of these technologies to work with part of your interface does not mean that it can't coexist with the others. UIViews are backed by Core Animation layers, and even OpenGL ES renders into a CALayer which can be placed in a view. Again, use the highest level of abstraction that is appropriate for that part of your interface.

OpenGL - to use or not to use ? why - iPhone application dev

I have to develop an application "Behavior like an Tetris game".
I have never used "OpenGL" for the iPhone application developement.
Application is something like this
Red / green / blue square boxes drop from top
Red + Red + Red = Points & boxes disappears
same way user has to make combination & get points
Different levels are there.
There are three buttons Left, Right for movement & bottom for speedy fall
For this kind of application should I use open GL or NOT?
i.e. Is it possible to develop entire application with view & it's animation?
If yes then, will it be more complex as compare to open gl?
What is the advantage of using open GL?
(I know that it gives good 2d, 3d look )
(But here my question means - easy coding?)
(Or open gl is more complicated as compare to objective-c?)
(I am just asking because I am not aware of it)
Basically your options are:
Using OpenGL
Using Quartz
Using UIKit
OpenGL is a fairly complicated beast, but is by far the best way to squeeze performance out of the iPhone. Do you need it for a Tetris game, though? Almost certainly not.
Quartz is the toolkit used in Mac OS X and the iPhone to draw images and do image effects. Because I come from an OpenGL background in other languages, I find Quartz strange and frustrating. However, it is probably easier for someone who is new to both.
You can do everything here using UIKit, and it will definitely be much much easier than other options. The main disadvantage is that it's rather slow in comparison, but once again doing a Tetris-like game shouldn't matter at all.
Before you go with UIKit, though, I recommend just checking out something like Cocos 2D, which will give you the advantages of OpenGL without the headache of dealing with all of its inner workings.
From the tone of your question it looks like you're confusing what OpenGL is and isn't with regard to Objective-C.
OpenGL is a library written in the C programming language (to put it simplistically) that excels at rendering shapes (especially 3D shapes) for display on a screen. It doesn't replace Objective-C inside your program, it merely assists you in drawing the shapes. If you don't use OpenGL, you'll need to write some sort of drawing/rendering code in your NSView (or subclass) to render the blocks. By using OpenGL, you will be provided a lot of helpful C methods for drawing shapes, which otherwise you'll have to implement yourself. On top of that OpenGL has thousands of man hours worth of drawing optimizations that you can take advantage of if you use it rather than trying to implement shape rendering yourself.
Having said that, OpenGL isn't all sunshine and roses. It works like a state machine and has its own assumptions about the way it will be used (like any API). Just because you know C and Objective-C doesn't mean that using OpenGL will be trivial. If you've never written any OpenGL code, I suggest you look into a reference like the venerable Red Book.
The thing to keep in mind is that OpenGL is not a language until itself (ignoring the OpenGL shading language). Its merely a set of C functions to aid you in rendering graphics.
You may well want to ask as well on, the new Stack Overflow variant just for iPhone gaming.
To learn & understand what you need.
Please go through following link.
it includes all necessary links for all kind of resources that you needed.
Edit :
After reading your question properly ( actually my question - By r & d I found solution).
I think - you need to develop a 2d application.
Go for the following link. Best option for 2d animation.
Don't forget to visit following link, if you needed sample codes.

Will OpenGL give me any FPS improvement over CoreAnimation for scrolling a large image?

I'm considering re-writing the menu system of my iPhone app to use Open GL just to improve the smoothness of scrolling a big image (480x1900px) across the screen.
I'm looking at doing this as a way to improve on using the method/solution as described here (Smoother UIView). This solution was a big improvement over the previous implementation but it's still not perfect and as this is the first thing the user will see I'd like it to be as flawless as possible.
Will switching to OpenGL give me the sort of smooth scrolling I'm looking for? I've stayed clear of OpenGL until now as this is my first app and core animation has handled everything else I've thrown at it well enough, would be good to know if this alternative implementation is likely to work! thanks
You should be using CATiledLayer for images that big. From the UIView docs:
Regardless of which version of iPhone
OS is running, you should consider
using a CATiledLayer object if you
need to create views larger than 1024
x 1024 in size.
Bill Dudney posted the CATiledLayer example from his Core Animation book on his blog. Unless you're building a graphics intensive game, you shouldn't need to drop down into OpenGL. Core Animation should give you all of the performance you need.