Error using [Today] in Sharepoint filter - date

I'm having issues creating a filtered view in a SharePoint list. The filter should display any results with a Created date from "this week". In my case, "this week" is from the previous Saturday through the upcoming Friday.
I get the error message "Filter value is not in a supported date format." when trying to create the filtered view.
Here are my filters:
Show the items when column
Is Greater than or Equal to
and when column
Is Less than or Equal to
What am I missing? And is it as simple as I'm guessing it probably is?

You can't use complex formula in Filters - you have to keep it simple like [Today]-30 for last 30 days.
The solution is to turn the problem on its head and add calculated columns to work out the start of the week and the end of the week then filter when the current date is between those dates (i.e. Start <= [Today] AND End >= [Today])
This post gives you more details - its based on the Current Calendar Month but the same technique can be sued for calendar week - see formula at bottom.


Power BI Week Visual Filtering

Power BI novice here. I have multiple reports which require date filtering by week. I can sometimes get the data to display with my Week column using dates from a column in the same table.
I thought building a Week column based on the date column would result in an easy to use visual. The week column is calculated by:
WeekYear = IF(
"Wk53-" & YEAR(START.[Date])-1,
"Wk" & FORMAT(WEEKNUM(START.[Date],1)-1,"00") & "-" & YEAR(START.[Date]))
This results in an x-axis displaying weeks in this format: Wk52-2019. If the underlying data of column STARTis in the proper datetime format, what could be the issue?
I noticed data on the visual which is not filtered for a date range display without issue. Trying to filter with DATESINPERIOD or other DAX date filters caused calculated measures to not display or break the model. I know a lot of references state having a separate calendar table is critical and I suppose I don't fully understand. Thanks in advance.
If you are trying to create the week in date format, then you can use the following calculation:
Week = Table[Start] - WEEKDAY(Table[Start],2)+1
This returns the Monday date of the week, if you want other days you can adjust the calculation accordingly.
If this is not what you are looking for, then you might have to clarify your requirements a bit more.

how to get number of days from relative dates filter?

I want to get number of months user selected using Relative Dates Filter?
If user entered "Last 3 Months" then I wants to get number of days for 3 months to use these days in another calculated field.
Calculated field which is using this is as follows.
([Total Sale within Entered Date]/[Number of Days])*365
which returns me predicted sales for the whole year.
Here, [Number of Days] is the filter which I am using. Picture added for Relative Dates filter I am using.
Screenshot of Relative Date Filter:
You need to create a calculated field that works out the number of days in the data.
Something like datediff('day',min([dates]),max([dates])) if data is present for all the days in the time period will work. This calculation will dynamically give you the number of days between the first and last date in the [dates] field for whatever data is selected by the filter (so won't be precise if not all the possible dates are represented in the dataset).

Change date from calander date to date since first record in tableau

So, pretend I'm looking at sales of an item vs time. One item I started selling 3 years ago and one is from only a year ago.
I want to look at how the performance of both items change starting from first date sold as "day 0" not from first date sold as say "march 2016".
My date field is a calendar date and I'm not sure the best way line everything up from within tableau that will allow me to display the result on a single graph. I'd also like an option that will scale to 10+ items
Any approaches would be great!
Create a calculated field called first_Sale_date_per_item defined as {fixed Item : min(sale_date)}
Then you can define days_since_first_sale as datediff('day', first_sale_date_per_item, sale_date)

Tableau Using Parameters for a Date Selector

I've been looking into making a date selector so instead of filtering by Month, Week by adding filters then displaying the quick filters to correspond. I want to be able to dynamically change the date so I can choose between Quarter, Month and Week in a single drop down.
I have made the selector part no problem it shows but when I come to my calculated field, it's not behaving how I would like.
Here is my calculated field:
CASE [Parameters].[Date Select]
WHEN 'Quarter' THEN QUARTER([Date])
WHEN 'Month' THEN MONTH([Date])
WHEN 'Week' THEN WEEK([Date])
This gives 2 errors...
Unknown Function QUARTER called
Unknown Function WEEK called
I am puzzled because the month one is fine.
Normally in tableau to get the month/quarter/week, I click on the Date dimension and select Month or week and it filters and displays like so: MONTH(Date).
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong and how I can pull the week and quarter from date in the calculated field so my selector will work.
There are no QUARTER and WEEK functions in Tableau, as you can see in the image below.
What you should be using to get these values are:
For filtering the date using your parameter as filter, I'll assume that you want to filter the current quarter, month or week. In this case you'll need to setup your paramaters like this:
Then you'll create a Calculated Field with the following formula:
DATEPART([Date Selector],[Date]) = DATEPART([Date Selector],TODAY())
This should give you a True/False dimension which you will use as filter for the value True. After that you should have a working parameter filtering your data accordingly to the value set.

Grouping Expert, Current date against start date

I am having trouble grouping certain results in a work in progress report that arranges by start date, I have grouped using fixed values before but because the dates keep moving I am unsure what to do.
The start date is WIP_Schedule.Start_Date
the groups I am trying to create are:
[Group1] Overdue = the current date has passed the start date.
[Group2] (Yet to be named) = the current date 2 week period prior to the start date
[Group3] To Do = the current date after the two week period prior to the start date.
I am after a works instruction on how to achieve this.
I know this isn't a lot of information, if you require any more please ask.
This is a pretty straightforward requirement, so you should be able to figure it out by searching the web. However, I'll give you part of the answer and hopefully you can figure it out.
Start by creating a formula to figure out the status of the date.
If {WIP_Schedule.Start_Date} > current date then "Overdue"
Then you can group based on that formula. All you have to do is figure out the rest of the formula.