Is it possible to show two alert views on screen at the same time? - iphone

When I click a button on an alert view I would like to show another alert view while at the same time keeping the original alert view on screen. At the moment, the original alert view is closed.
Is this possible?

As Vladimir, put it you better don't try working in this direction. This is not certainly going to be good for the users.


iPhone Loading Popup Scroll Down

is there anyone knows a lib for creating a simple view that scroll down from the top of the screen for "Loading.." message?
Like but the view should scroll down when begins to loading and scroll up when finish.
It might seem a little jarring to the user to scroll down and then back up. It shifts the users view of the data down and then back up without user interaction ...
I would simply overlay the loading view ...
Objective C: Adding Loading View to View Controllers
Check the code here: Simple Notifications for iPhone. Sorry for Russian, but the idea should be clear. You just need to add transition from the top of the page when notification label is shown.

A View and Scroll View inside a view

I am building a Calendar app. I have Navigation based app template. Navigation controller has segmented control having namely Daily and Weekly segments.
Upon clicking the segments i show the relevant View having status bar, navigation controller and bottom toolbar. This is working fine.
My daily view will have a top view and scrollView. Top view will have previous button, next button and date in label. When i add only scrollView inside my dailyView than it works fine, but upon adding top View it gives crash when i try to scroll the scrollView.
Please suggest is it possible? Else, what could be a better alternative? I even tried adding a second navigation bar (this time using the Interface Builder), button than i am not able to change the date in label.
Please let me know if more clarity is required.
I see you have two questions:
Please suggest is it possible? Else, what could be a better alternative?
So I'll go ahead and answer those questions:
What you're trying to do is possible, so there's no need to look for an alternative.
However, I guess the real question is: "Why is it crashing?" and I certainly would answer that, but without crash logs and(/or) code it's nearly impossible to give you a usable answer.

Regarding Alert View

I am developing one iphone app, when i am clicking on a button i want to show one view which will take the user value for this i am using alert view instead of simple UIView so is it ok to use it b'cos,
I heard if i am using alert view then app will rejected on itunes is this true or we can use alert view.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Priyanka as per your problem it seems when the alert view is popped up you want to get some data from user right, so you can do that by taking textfield into uialert view and apple does allow what i said .
Hope this helps.

What is the picker pattern used in the iphone calendar app? NOT a UIPickerView question

Sorry another newbie question that I couldn't seem to find an answer to on google. Guess I don't know how to describe it well enough.
On the calendar app for the iphone, when you go to add an event, if you select from the repeat, invitees, alert sections and so forth, you are brought to a screen with some choices for the field.
Is this simply navigating to a new view controller on the tap which displays these choices, or is there an pattern that you can implement for this out of the box?
It's just a garden-variety UITableViewController that's pushed onto the navigation controller's stack.
It's probably passed either a reference to the event object or a delegate it can send a message to to set the selected value when "Done" is tapped.

Hidden UITabBar

I'm writing an app that has a 5 item TabBar. When launching, I want the app to show the contents of the view for the first item, without showing the Tabbar. I want a hidden button to cover the full screen so that when I tap anywhere the TabBar pops up from the bottom. I then want it to hide itself again after a few seconds.
I guess it isn't vital that it not show the TabBar on launch if it will hide itself after the predetermined time frame.
I'm new to programming, and I'm having difficulty making this happen. I've looked at the suggestions for similar questions, but they don't seem to help. Any suggestions for making this happen?
Look at the example code "The Elements". It hides the tab bar when you select an element.