iPhone Loading Popup Scroll Down - iphone

is there anyone knows a lib for creating a simple view that scroll down from the top of the screen for "Loading.." message?
Like http://github.com/matej/MBProgressHUD but the view should scroll down when begins to loading and scroll up when finish.

It might seem a little jarring to the user to scroll down and then back up. It shifts the users view of the data down and then back up without user interaction ...
I would simply overlay the loading view ...
Objective C: Adding Loading View to View Controllers

Check the code here: Simple Notifications for iPhone. Sorry for Russian, but the idea should be clear. You just need to add transition from the top of the page when notification label is shown.


pushViewControllerAnimated pushes ViewController over whole screen

I am trying to show a modal view controller that hovers over another viewcontroller. Now the problem is when I use pushViewControllerAnimated the view controller that gets pushed will be as big as the whole iphone screen. I just want it to be half size of the screen.
How to adjust the size?
What exactly do you mean by half size of the screen?
If you are interested in the Facebook-like side menu, have a look at:
or https://github.com/BenHall/ios_facebook_style_navigation
If you are interested in an alertview-like small modal view controller, you might:
Consider using an alert view and adding some subviews
Read http://devblog.bu.mp/easy-partial-screen-modals-on-ios if you really have to use an UIViewController for that, which is not recommended by Apple (http://blog.carbonfive.com/2011/03/09/abusing-uiviewcontrollers/)
Hope this helps.

Multiple View Controllers being loaded at the same time. iPhone app

I am trying to create an app that swipes over through multiple view controllers on a UIScrollView - similar to how one would see different windows in the safari app, but instead of tapping a button to move between them, I am swiping the scroll view.
Now, I will be getting notifications when any of the data in a particular view is to be updated with some json. Should I be updating the view that aren't showing (but are on the scroll view), or should I wait until the user scrolls to that view?
I am very concerned about performance here. Hopefully I am being clear in the question.
You should update the views next to the view that you are viewing I would say. And when you switch (scroll) to another view, then update the views next to that view. (Assuming you have received new JSON data)

how to open a new view whilst keeping an old one visible

I have seen quite a few apps on the app store which display adverts at the top or bottom. I have managed to get adverts to work that is not the problem.
What i was wondering is how do you keep the same advert visible when you load a new view?
I am currently using the present and dismiss modal view functions to navigate through my app.
Thank you,
Retain the advertView in a singleton class/AppDelgete (Means Keep this advert view as global and show it on each viewdidLoad) .
You can add the view as a subview of the window. You might have to bring the view to the front. However this approach will need to observe orientation changes and rotate the view appropriately. While this is possible, such a view might make the animations feel odd.

Add an animated top bar to UIWebView

I have a UIWebView controller that loads a web page and I would like to add some kind of a bar at the top of the page with refresh and close buttons.
The bar should hide when the page loaded and should show again if the user taps the top part of the page.
Does anyone know how to approach it? Is there any simple way to do that?
I think I wasn't clear enough with the question, so here are some clarifications:
1. The applications is a standard application that one of the flows opens UIWebView that loads a web page
2. What I'm looking for is a bar that will slide down on top of the web page (loaded in UIWebView) and should help the user overcome a scenario where the web page is not loaded for some reason
3. The bar should hold the back (just close the UIWebView) and refresh (reload UIWebView) operations.
Hope it helped.
I'm working on something like this right now and so far, here's what I've come up with. Some of this may be obvious, but important:
Your address bar should be the left navigationItem.
The search bar is the rign navigationItem.
You should animate a cancel button in/out when beginning/ending editing in the URL box.
Safari Mobile uses the Prompt property of the navigationBar to display webpage titles.
To animate the widths of the search/URL bars, use UIView animation when the bar is selected.
It's pretty simple to add a UIToolbar above the webview with UIBarButtonItems that call the webview's refresh, back, and forward methods. You can also add the webviewdelegate methods to your view controller to detect when the page has finished loading and hide/show the toolbar that way.
If you want the refresh and navigation controls to be displayed as part of the html content of the webview itself, that's a littler tricker, but not impossible. You can use the webview's shouldLoadRequest delegate method to detect that those buttons have been tapped, and then take the appropriate action within your viewcontroller. Hiding and showing the nav bar would have to be handled in javascript.
Unless I'm missing a library/project doing this, I don't think there is a simple way to do this.
I have already coded something similar to Safari mobile address bar, and from memory, it involved using private apis and/or playing with the "not so private but use at your own risks" UIWebView subviews hierarchy...

Swip from one view to the next view

I have an app with two views and ViewControllers. How can I let the user swip from one view to the next view like in the homescreen or the weatherapp.
I know that there is a page control in the Interface Builder, but it is just an Indicator on what page the user is.
Thanks and sorry for my bad english!
Check out the PageControl.xcodeproj from Apple's iPhone sample code. It provides a template for doing exactly what you want.
The actual paging is done using a UIScrollView in page mode with horizontal scrolling (which is what causes the scrolling to "snap" to a page boundary).