Regarding Alert View - iphone

I am developing one iphone app, when i am clicking on a button i want to show one view which will take the user value for this i am using alert view instead of simple UIView so is it ok to use it b'cos,
I heard if i am using alert view then app will rejected on itunes is this true or we can use alert view.
Thanks & Regards,

Hi Priyanka as per your problem it seems when the alert view is popped up you want to get some data from user right, so you can do that by taking textfield into uialert view and apple does allow what i said .
Hope this helps.


IPhone sdk Login Control Segue issue

Hi I am new to Iphone Development and using iphone sdk5.
I am trying to implement an application through which I can login and show my application if login is successful, otherwise show the error alert.
problem which I am facing right now is that I have first view as View controller and I want to send the login details through clicking the login button and I want to perform the Segue through the same button if the Login is success full and show my TabBar Application. I have tried to implement basic push Segue as well as Custom segue... someway I was able to do through custom segue by checking the if(Flag)..then perform the segue... but the point is that I set the flag when i see the login is correct otherwise it should not set the Flag... now when I run the application I have to click the button twice and then the segue is performed and I get to my application TabBarController..
Please share some alternate ways also if you have better suggestions for me...
Any Ideas... please answer as soon as possible..
Thanks for time
The best method I can think of is:
You can ctrl-drag from the First view controller to the Second view (tab view controller). [You can use the view controller object at the bottom of the scene to do this.]
Create a identifier for the segue which was created, on the right hand side.
Define a IBAction for your Login button
Inside the IBAction do your FLAG checks
If the condition is TRUE then you call the
[self performSegueWithIdentifier: #"identifier_name_you_gave" sender:self];

What is the view or thing called that pops up in the photos app when you click the leftmost button at the bottom of the screen on the iPhone?

I want to implement this on my app. I want to search for tutorials on this topic but I don't know what its called. Can someone please tell me what its called? Eg. In the photos app in iPhone, when u click on the left most button at the bottom, a screen pops up from the bottom giving you options to either email image, set as wallpaper etc.. So, once again, what is this called? Thanks
That is a UIActionSheet. Check out the UIActionSheet Class Reference.
Basically you create one with the designated initializer -initWithTitle:delegate:cancelButtonTitle:destructiveButtonTitle:otherButtonTitles: then send the -showInView: message to display it. You'll have to set yourself as it's delegate in order to handle selections made by the user.
The button is the 'action' barButtonItem type.
The button then opens a modal sheet. Opened with something like:
[self presentModalViewController:menuViewController animated:YES];

Is it possible to show two alert views on screen at the same time?

When I click a button on an alert view I would like to show another alert view while at the same time keeping the original alert view on screen. At the moment, the original alert view is closed.
Is this possible?
As Vladimir, put it you better don't try working in this direction. This is not certainly going to be good for the users.

add new window or view on the alertview click button in iphone

i juzz want to know that how we can add new window or view on the click of an alertview button in iphone?
I'm not sure you can do that from an AlertView since alertviews are meant only to display a specific alert not to take an action. I guess you better off using an ActionViews which is recommended by Apple if you want to perform a certain action from a model view in iphone.

What is the picker pattern used in the iphone calendar app? NOT a UIPickerView question

Sorry another newbie question that I couldn't seem to find an answer to on google. Guess I don't know how to describe it well enough.
On the calendar app for the iphone, when you go to add an event, if you select from the repeat, invitees, alert sections and so forth, you are brought to a screen with some choices for the field.
Is this simply navigating to a new view controller on the tap which displays these choices, or is there an pattern that you can implement for this out of the box?
It's just a garden-variety UITableViewController that's pushed onto the navigation controller's stack.
It's probably passed either a reference to the event object or a delegate it can send a message to to set the selected value when "Done" is tapped.