How to build a Flutter app for video editing with pause, shape annotations, and saving features? - flutter

I want to build a Flutter app that allows users to edit videos by pausing at any frame, add shapes such as arrows, circles, or any custom shapes on the video by choosing the shape and add it to the desired position in this frame (the user should add it by finger),this frame will be paused for some specific seconds then the video continue, and save the new video. What is the best way to implement this functionality if possible?
the image below for a pc program clarifies what I want:
video editor for windows
Specifically, I'm looking for suggestions on:
How to add shape annotations to the video?
How to make elongate the edited frame for a specified time
How to save the edited video
Any code snippets, tutorials, or examples would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I've tried searching for packages or libraries that can help me achieve this, but haven't found anything specific(i found ffmpeg for flutter but I couldn't find how to use it to add the overlay for specified time and for choosing the position by finger ) . I'm also not sure about the best approach to implement this feature. Can someone provide some guidance on how to proceed?


How to create a custom video palyer in Flutter?

I need to create the following video player for my app: Screenshot from Netflix. I need a start/pause button, a back button, the title of the video, and a time indicator. The video should also always be in landscape mode. I've already found a lot of video players in flutter but I haven't found a way to modify them. If anybody knows a good library, a tutorial, or has some source code it would really help me out, thanks.
I think your best bet is using the video_player package, as it's the most bare-bones package out there. You can make the player all to your liking by using the Stack Widget, having the video at its base and any other elements on top of it. It should be very doable; only the progress indicator is kind of complex, but it's not too bad.

Flutter Audio with Circle Progress

I need to create a screen that plays back mp4 audio files, with play, pause, stop controls and shows progress via a circle progress indictor. Does anyone know if a package exists for this, or combination of packages?
So what I am trying to create would be similar to the following:
I made a clone of the Circular Progress Indicator using the documentation described by pskink in the comments enter link description here . Many thanks and gratitude to him for helping with this.

Get frames from video, edit and save in iPhone

I am referring this application and want to learn that how can we create like this?
Actually there is the major R&D task for me and I don't even know what to search in this topic.
I don't know , from where to start googling.
According to my understandings, the concepts is, It is getting all frames from video as Image and edit it like draw line on it and then save it, so once video is played it also contains that editing.
I had referred this iFrameExtractor but can't got success.
Please advise me how to start doing R&D on this topic..
Thanks in advance.
Ok i have a answer for your question, First of all u have to get all video from your iPhone. That can be done using ALAssetLibrary after that u have to how thee videos in UITableView. I think that should be easy for u. After selecting a video from a table view u have to play that selected video using MPMoviePlayerController or AVPlayer. After that u have to draw anything.There are number of methods of drawing anything on Videos which are:-
UIBezierPathCurve, UIGraphicsBeginImageContext, Open GLes etc etc
Thats it.try googling on it. thanks :)

iPhone video recording app with label on top

The idea of the app is that the phone records some footage and on top of that should be a label which changes value throughout the filming process. How can the label be added on to the final movie? Is it possible to directly integrate the label to the movie while recording? Any helpful tips or links will be highly appreciated.
Check AVFoundation's reference of AVAssetWriter.
Besides that, there are plenty examples and questions out there on that component - also here on StackOverflow.

Export CoreAnimation to video file

I wrote a basic animation framework using Core Animation on iPhone. It has the functionality for pause and resume of animations and also can run animations at specified time. My basic problem is that I cannot find a way to export my animations to a video file (.mov, .avi etc). I have read about AVAssetWriter and AVComposition but cannot understand how to make them work in my case.
By searching the internet the closest I was able to get was it by doing frame by frame reading of my animations. Even for it I could not find a way to make it work and could not find that whether iPhone SDK have something to do that for this kind of frame by frame reading in my case. I also came close to this question on stackoverflow and still could not figure out (sorry if I feel that I am beginner in those things, but I am not, just could not understand some things)
If anyone know how to make it work or even how to something similar to it please share. And if there is no way then if you know any other way to do i.e using OpenGL ES instead of CoreAnimation please share it too.
Check this presentation:
Around page 84 he talks about adding animation to video compositions. I believe this will help you get what you need.
EDIT: Specifically you need to look at the animationTool of your video composition. This is a AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool object that allows you to add a core animation layer to your output video. See also this question:
Recording custom overlay on iPhone
I am sorry I do not have the time to get you a full code snippet, but basically you set this animation tool of your video composition, and then create an AVAssetExportSession and set its videoComposition to the one you made.