How to remove More help link from moodle 2.8 help popup? - moodle

I want to remove More help link from moodle 2.8 help pop up.
I am attaching screenshot:
After click on this link, open page
Got solution from moodle forum but not working for me.its for moodle 2.7

There is no option to remove the help link without modifying Moodle code. However you could either:
Define $CFG->docroot in your config.php to customise the URLs, or
Use CSS to hide the link.
If modifying core is not an issue, the easiest way is to modify the function get_formatted_help_string so that it never looks for the language string ending in _link. You would remove the following block:
$helplink = $identifier . '_link';
if ($sm->string_exists($helplink, $component)) { // Link to further info in Moodle docs.


How to test all links on a page with Selemiun IDE

I'm new at using Selenium and I'm surprised this question hasn't been asked before but, does anymore know how I can check all the links on a page to make sure none of them are broken?
If you want to check all the links on a page using selenium if so the first you need to click and you need to record first. And you can check with assertLocation. It was broken or not.But I want to give you some advice if you have many tests if so please use webdriver. Because IDE have many limitation.
You can check this article for webdriver Finding the broken links in a webpage using Selenium
First you need to fetch all the links.
public static void allLinks(WebDriver driver)
List<WebElement> links =driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));
for(int i =0;i<links.size();i++)
Here I am just printing all the hyper links by using tag name as all hyperlinks have this anchor tag <a>.
Hope this helps.

Intellij Idea plugin - possibility to click on an link of class/file to open it

Could you please suggest how is it possible to implement the next thing : when the user clicks on the file name/line number, the editor is switched to that file.
P.S. The source code is available there.
Check the following classes/methods:
Usage example:
See also Output Filters Dialog help section.

How do you implement help (using mallard) for a gtk3 app?

I am trying to create my own gtk3 application. I like to use mallard to display some help about how to use my application. However I do not know how to code such that when the help menu item is clicked the help (mallard) is shown. I have the .page files already ready.
Please note, I am not asking how to create help files using mallard. But rather how to integrate mallard into my gtk3 help.
Good question. In cases like this, I always look on to see how Gedit does it. That's an excellent 'example' application.
First, look here at how they organize their help files:
| \--*.page
\--...other languages...
In help/, they use #YELP_HELP_RULES# to install the files (which is set up by YELP_HELP_INIT in
Then, when the user clicks Help/Contents, they open the URI help:gedit or help:gedit/link_id with gtk_show_uri() (see here, in the functions gedit_app_show_help_impl() and gedit_app_help_link_id_impl()) The files are then, presumably, automatically fetched by the desktop help system, translated into the proper language, and displayed in Yelp.

vBulletin Post ID Variable in Plugin

First off, I'd like to thank anyone who replies in advance--
I am using vBulletin 3.7 (old, I know...), and I am trying to add a plugin that includes the variable $post['postid']. However, it doesn't seem to work. The hook location is 'postbit_display_start'.
I see no need to post more information; the problem is very small, and hopefully very simple.
Try to use postbit_display_complete as the hook location.
And use this plugin code on your local installation
echo '<pre>';print_r($post);echo '</pre>';
To see what are within $post.

More Fields Wordpress plugin - TinyMCE WYSIWYG JS error - can't add images

For some reason, I am getting a JS error on the more fields WYSIWYG field.
When I try to click the button to add an image, or video...or audio, nothing happens and I get a JS error in the Firefox JS error console.
More fields version: 2.0.5
Wordpress version: 3.1
I am unable to downgrade wordpress any further due to potential problems with other plugins. I have tried different versions of more fields but I get the same issue.
Please help if you can, as I can't be the only one with this issue, it may be seriously helpful to others. it's a bit of a show stopper for me - my client ain't happy :-s
Please see the screenshot which might explain things a little more:
I had exactly the same problem just now.
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'wp_tiny_mce', 25);
To my functions.php file fixed it. I think the plugin fails to load this script by default.