What is the best way to present a picture taken? - iphone

In my app, I take some pictures and I display them in thumbnails.
I want to zoom them when user touches them.
What's the best way to do this?
I've considered a modal view.
I don't save the pictures in the gallery. I display them on the screen, that's all.

If you use the UIImagePickerController you can set it's property allowsEditing to YES to support scaling taken pictures.
Edit: If you already have an Image, please take a look at the UIScrollView


Image Cover Flow in landscape mode

I am using AFOpenFlow to display images. Now i want to display same things in landscape mode. I want to display all images like this:
Anybody have an idea about this?
I suggest, you try iCarousel of Nick Lockwood, it has the features you need, make it vertical, then add the images you wanted to put in it. And it can be in Landscape because I already have tried it.

Continuous image transition like in default iPhone album

I am taking pictures from my custom UIImagePicker camera and saving the images inside the app Document Directory.
Now, when I display the images when a user Swipes over my image he should see the next/prev image. As of now I have keep the transition discrete(the image doesn't move with the finger; it changes immediately). But I would love the transition be smooth like the one in default iPhone album (smooth and along with the finger).
Can you tell how to achieve this ?
Thnx in advance
If u want to scroll images only than u can used Paging technic:
try this link:

iOS development, show UIScrollView area on top of current view

Has anyone used the Instagram app lately?
It has a very neat feature, where, while you are using camera, you can touch the 'eye' button, which pops up a small scrollable UI area that contains different filters that can be applied to the camera video.
Can anyone help me on what kind of UI element I should use to get such popup?
The one on the Instagram app looks like a simple UIScrollView with custom subviews added in. What these subviews contain and how they look is completely up to you and your design.

iPhone Image Gallery Like App Store

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to implement a image gallery like the one that the App Store uses for screen shots of apps? I am trying to get images in a horizontal gallery so that the user can flick through them. The app store nicely snaps to each image.
If you want an "App Store screenshot"-like experience, check out this post by Alexander Repty. I've been looking at doing something similar, and UIScrollView's pagingEnabled functionality definitely won't get you there by itself.
Look at the UIScrollView API here. There is a property 'pagingEnabled' that should help you out.
Check out Three20. http://github.com/facebook/three20/

UIScrollView as image viewer

I have to use UIScrollView as image viewer like Photo app. The UIScrollView is supposed to show photos with swiping, zooming and rotating with interface rotation.i have to load minimum 20 images.is it possible? which is the best way? plz post some sample codes.
I've written a simple and easy to use photo browser called MWPhotoBrowser which you should be able to look at and dissect.
It is an implementation of a photo viewer that I wrote allowing the user to view one or more images in a similar way to the native Photos app. It can display one or more images by providing either UIImage objects, file paths to images on the device, or URLs images online. Photos can also be zoomed, panned, and navigated with previous/next buttons.
View MWPhotoBrowser on GitHub
Hope this helps!
Refer to the sample application page control here https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/PageControl/ , it should help you get started, they have a scroll view that you can use to scroll through a bunch of pages, you can modify this to do pictures. It doesnt do zooming o rotationg but its a good place to start