iPhone Image Gallery Like App Store - iphone

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to implement a image gallery like the one that the App Store uses for screen shots of apps? I am trying to get images in a horizontal gallery so that the user can flick through them. The app store nicely snaps to each image.

If you want an "App Store screenshot"-like experience, check out this post by Alexander Repty. I've been looking at doing something similar, and UIScrollView's pagingEnabled functionality definitely won't get you there by itself.

Look at the UIScrollView API here. There is a property 'pagingEnabled' that should help you out.

Check out Three20. http://github.com/facebook/three20/


Use camera as overlay for uiview iPhone

I was wondering if it was possible to make the camera feed appear in a custom screen. Basically I have a uiview that I want the camera feed to appear in. I would then have custom buttons on the screen and stuff like that to take pictures and then email out the pictures.
Is there an easy way to do this, that will not get rejected upon app review? I have read before about using UIImagePicker and using cameraOverlayView, but I could not get that to work.
Sample code is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
Yes, you can use AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer from the AVFoundation framework.

What is the best way to present a picture taken?

In my app, I take some pictures and I display them in thumbnails.
I want to zoom them when user touches them.
What's the best way to do this?
I've considered a modal view.
I don't save the pictures in the gallery. I display them on the screen, that's all.
If you use the UIImagePickerController you can set it's property allowsEditing to YES to support scaling taken pictures.
Edit: If you already have an Image, please take a look at the UIScrollView

Forward and back native buttons in UIWebview iphone

Inside the Twitter iPhone app, if you click on a link it pushes in a WebView.
Ive gotten this far, but I can't find the correct identifier for the forward and backward buttons like at the bottom left of the image below. Are they native? or are they just images they have created themselves?
You might want to have a look at a drop-in inline web view controller I did: SVWebViewController. It should save you a fair bit of coding :)
Per the list of UIBarButtonItems from the docs, those items you desire need to be custom images a they are not provided in the current SDK.

Is it possible to load a view when we click a coverflow image? (iPhone SDK)

Is it possible to load a view when we click a coverflow image?
Please suggest how this can be done.
Here you go ;)
Please vote this post up if it helps :D
CoverFlow is not a standard iOS component. It doesn't have a public API. You'll need to either create your own or use a library someone else created.
In answer to your question, it is possible to load a view when you click an image. The iPod app probably creates a view, then uses an animation to present it onscreen.

What is the iPhone API or Class that does picture scrolling with the cool reflection effect?

For example, in CNN's iPhone app, if you rotate the phone into landscape mode, it shows all the stories as pictures that you can scroll with your finger. It looks really polished with even a "reflection" effect. I've seen another app also do this, leading me to believe that it is a standard iPhone SDK API.
Here is a link to a screenshot from the CNN app so you can see what I'm talking about:
Anyone know what Class this is?
Try this: Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone
Also do a google search for Coverflow. I think that might do what you want or something close to it.