Image Cover Flow in landscape mode - iphone

I am using AFOpenFlow to display images. Now i want to display same things in landscape mode. I want to display all images like this:
Anybody have an idea about this?

I suggest, you try iCarousel of Nick Lockwood, it has the features you need, make it vertical, then add the images you wanted to put in it. And it can be in Landscape because I already have tried it.


IONIC - IOS screen doesn’t resize when changing landscape to portrait

i'm struggling with this problem and i hope someone can help me.
When i start the app, it's normal until i change the orientation from landscape from portrait. The screen doesn't resize and the height and width still on landscape sizes no matter what.
I can't put some examples from screens shot.
I already tried to fix it with css, changing a lot meta tag, trying to do $ionicScrollDelegate.resize() onchangeorientation envent and other events but nothing works...
I hope i can get some help. Thanks!
i took out the meta tag and somehow it works...

How is default zoom for photos set?

I am in the middle of creating a custom background page with simple UIImage inside a UIImageView.
What I am trying to do is to be able to fit my image the way photos app handles images.
for default portrait camera pics : seems like an aspectToFill?
for default landscape camera pics : aspectToFit for whole page (320,480)
other custom saved pics: ???
Here, I want to avoid as much empty space possible without hurting how images are perceived to the users.
Thanks for your suggestions
you must use aspectFit if you want to see the whole image, at the correct aspect ratio.
you are assuming that its aspectFill for portrait. But that'd be true only for a portrait image being viewed in Portrait (or a landscape image viewed in landscape).

What is the best way to present a picture taken?

In my app, I take some pictures and I display them in thumbnails.
I want to zoom them when user touches them.
What's the best way to do this?
I've considered a modal view.
I don't save the pictures in the gallery. I display them on the screen, that's all.
If you use the UIImagePickerController you can set it's property allowsEditing to YES to support scaling taken pictures.
Edit: If you already have an Image, please take a look at the UIScrollView

Iphone tab bar icon

I should probably be asking this on some art website, but in my iPhone app I am trying to make a center button on my tab like the one Daily booth has, but mine is coming out fuzzy. Does anyone know how to make then clean and crisp? I used illustrator to create and save the icon as a png.
Try setting the image size to 30x30 and remember to only use black and transparency. You can make this bigger for the retina display.
Also, are you saving the image as grayscale?
If you're struggling to make them yourself, why not try
I really like Paint.NET on Windows for image editing, mostly because it is free.
I noticed somebody had created an Effect for Paint.NET to create tab bar icons. I haven't tried it myself, so can't vouch for it in any way:

image scrolling on touches in iphone

iam developing an app in which, images are to be scrolled on touchesmove i.e, swipping left /right.
I also have to display previous and next images beside present image in protrait mode.
I have seen the covertFlow sample, which is very close to my app, but i want it in horizontal mode. Please suggest me how can i acheive it , links related to it can also be helpful for me..
thanks in advance.
Well how about taking the open source CoverFlow implementation and modify it to work in portrait mode?
You can get sample code in this tapku Library
I solved my query and it is working without using any libraries.
I used the concept of lazyloading to download images, and i placed the images in scrollview which helps to scroll the images.
The following link used to load images asynchronously.