navigation in UITableView in monotouch iPhone - iphone

i am new to iPad developer,
i have created two or three iPad application in objective c using Xcode 4.
but now i want to create iPad application using Monodeveloper tool in C# language...
in which, i want to do navigation,
when user selects any row of UITableVIew, on selection of row of tableView i want to navigate to a new Page..
i searched in google but i didn't got any syntax.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks In Advance !!

Using UITableView should be fairly identical to your previous ObjectiveC applications, i.e. you need to override the selected method and push your new view.
However there's a much simpler way of doing tables using MonoTouch, it's called MonoTouch.Dialog and it is now bundled with MonoTouch 5.2 (and more recent) releases.
There's a very complete sample application on github that will show you how to use most features and a great video tutorial from Xamarin's Seminars.


Iphone multi screen/view application

I am very new to iPhone development, i am developing one sample application using xcode.
I am referring on-line tutorials and examples to build my first application.
I want to try multi screen/view application where i want to display specific screens on some specific events like button clicks.
I googled for tutorials on multi screen iPhone apps, but i am getting different ways of doing it.
I am confused in-between:
1. Navigation based application.
2. Window based application.
3. View based application.
Which application type do i need to chose for multi view/screen application. Is it that we can't create multi view/screen application using 2nd and 3rd type, i think this should not be the case, but i am confused.
what i have done so far.
I have created one window based application where i have one login page (text fields and click buttons) i want to extend this application to display main screen/error screen based on the login result.
I have created 2 .xib files for main screen and error screen(with there corresponding .m and .h controller files), now i want to remove login screen and display main screen/error screen, but i don't have idea how to archive this when we are in window based application.
can some one point to useful tutorials/examples that can explain this scenario.
Before getting into any online tutorials it'd be better to go through apple's guides.
Following guides could be a good start:
App Programming Guide - Design Basics To understand the basics of iOS development
Human Interface Guidelines
View Programming Guide
To understand and implement different view controllers
hope this helps your question regarding delegation
If you're using storyboards with scenes and segues (iOS 5+), this tutorial might help clear things out.

UI library (grid View, Metro style)

I wanted to know if there is a open source UI library in objective c for grid view like in or tile.js which is also an open source library for metro style UI used in apps like
Basically I want a grid view with cells of different sizes! I want to make something it on iOS for both iPad and iPhone.
In iOS 6.0 your best choice would be UICollectionView.
UICollectionView is available in Available in iOS 6.0 and later and therefore cannot be used if you want to support earlier version.
And as per your requirement you need to display a GridView
So to support earlier versions and get other cool features you can use other libraries here are some of the options:
1) KKGridView
2) UIGridView
3) AQGridView
4) NRGridView
5) MMGridView
6) WCGridView
I am currently using AQGridView so surely i recommend that as it is the least buggy and its functions are very similar to UITableView.
Also that If you are trying to do this without XIB it will be little bit difficult for you to handle it but you can create a view controller with Xib file to Create the interface of your choice. Here is the Video of how it can be done in the best possible way by Evadne Wu. And here is the Sample Project

Trouble understanding universal apps, multiple view controllers

I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach writing a universal app. I'm not sure how to add some new files (for a new view), and how to add both iPhone and iPad view controllers. I'm using Xcode 4.2.
Your question is pretty vague (and general), but does this tutorial give you the information you need?

iPhone grouped UITableView

Hi I'm new in iPhone programming, I'm looking for someone who can give me a tutorial on how to create a grouped TableView style please, if you can post an example with the .h and .m files, that will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can just set it up as you would a regular tableView. If you are using Interface Builder, you can change the style there. Or if you are creating it programmatically, you can set initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped, which gives you the desired look.
Here is a good tutorial to help you get started if you are unfamiliar with creating a tableView in general
There is a simple example on the Apple Developer Site called TheElements which shows how to set the different styles.
If you are new to iOS I strongly suggest you check out the stanford course Developing Apps for iOS. Section 10 talks about TableView.

iphone to ipad porting

i have iphone project based on tabbar template . want to convert it to ipad,
final output i want is to move tabbar inside a splitviewcontroller .
How to go about?
You have to rewrite it to be in correspondence with the change in templates... There is no other way sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But, you can still potentially re-use a lot of the variables and IBOutlets and IBActions that you had from the previous project. You just have to take that code and fix it so it works with the new template.
I recently found this blog post on the topic. You might find it helpful:
Plus there's some discussion of creating a universal app here:
iPhone & iPad versions of same app?