I'm working with Game Center Kit, how can I get the image of game center user(my friend, or anyone else) thnx
There is an asynchronous method to load either a small or normal sized player image (only available in iOS5):
- (void)loadPhotoForSize:(GKPhotoSize)size
withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIImage *photo, NSError *error))completionHandler
Here is the deal, I have tried using both of the methods shown below to save an image to the photo library. Upon saving the image successfully and launching the Photos App to take a look at the image, the app automatically scales/resizes the image to full screen.
Is there any way to prevent this? It is annoying because to see the whole image the user needs to pinch the image out to show the whole thing. I have noticed a few of the more popular camera apps do not have this issue when saving to the photo library. I am curious what method they are using.
//Save to Photo Library;
ALAssetsLibrary* library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init];
//CIImage *ciImage = image.CIImage;
[library writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:finalImage.CGImage
completionBlock:^(NSURL *assetURL, NSError *error) {
Save to Photo Library;
Thank you for your help!
After doing a bit of research there is no solution to this problem. The photos app automatically scales up the image to fill the screen.
Thanks for all of the responses.
Saving image should be fine.
I think you can set UIView property UIViewContentMode, when you using the image.
typedef enum {
UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit, // contents scaled to fit with fixed aspect. remainder is transparent
UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill, // contents scaled to fill with fixed aspect. some portion of content may be clipped.
UIViewContentModeRedraw, // redraw on bounds change (calls -setNeedsDisplay)
UIViewContentModeCenter, // contents remain same size. positioned adjusted.
} UIViewContentMode;
Hope it helps.
If you take a look at the FrogScroller sample application from Apple, you'll see they initially load a low-resolution of the image first and then, when zooming use a CATiledLayer with it's size set by the setMaxMinZoomScalesForCurrentBounds function.
You might want to look at WWDC 2010's video on scrollViews as well as 2011 for more info. Josh and Eliza do a great job explaining what's up.
Why not layer the image onto a fullscreen image with a clear background before saving?
Please help me with my question.
Is there any way to get image from camera without UIImagePickerController?
I need to render current image(from camera) into image on my view and update it by timer.
May be AVCaptureStillImageOutput? I didn't find any examples.
Any ideas?
Yes, you can do it easily using AVCamCaptureManager and AVCamRecorder classes. Apple has a demo program build on its developer site here. It is named AVCam. In simple words what it does is when you click to open the camera, it calls the classes and methods which are responsible for opening the iPhone's camera and record video or capture audio. It calls the same classes which are called by UIImagePickerController.
I hope it helps.
I would like to test around a bit with augmented reality. My first problem is how to get the picture that comes from the camera as background for my view? For what i want to do, i dont need to access the picture, i just need it as background. I found a few solutions how to take a picture with the camera, but nothing that gives me a picture that comes from the camera.
I would use AVFoundation for that.
You need to set up an AVCaptureSession with an AVCaptureDevice and an AVCaptureDeviceInput. Finally - and this is what you're interested in - set up an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.
Send the startRunning: message to your AVCaptureSession object, and you should be good to go.
Docs here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/AVFoundationPG/Articles/03_MediaCapture.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010188-CH5-SW14
another way would be using UIImagePickerController .
Create an instance, say picker and set: picker.showsCameraControls = NO .
And finally set cameraOverlayView with your overlay: picker.cameraOverlayView = someViewController.view.
Hope this helps.
I'm doing research into AR on the iPhone and am trying to figure out how people are getting each frame of video? I'm wanting to figure out AR using computer vision( OpenCV ). So basically I will have a pattern on a piece of paper that I will find using OpenCV and place a graphic on top of the pattern.
I know about the movie class UIImagePickerController, but am unsure how you would go about getting to each frame.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
UIImagePickerController is the means for displaying a camera view and taking single pictures with a camera-like front end. It's not what you're looking for.
Instead you need to look into AVFoundation, particularly the classes surrounding AVCaptureSession. You'll want to acquire a meaningful AVCaptureDevice (which can be the front or back camera on the iPhone 4 and current iPod Touch), create an AVCaptureDeviceInput that references it and add that as an input to an AVCaptureSession. Then just create an AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and set it up with a meaningful delegate and a Grand Central Dispatch dispatch queue.
When you start the session going, you'll receive delegate callbacks on the queue you created providing CMSampleBufferRefs, from which you can pull a CVImageBufferRef and hence the pixel data.
I would like to change what the camera 'captures' to something else during a video call.
Lets say I have an image that I want to be seen on the other side instead of the video sent from the camera.
I want to 'hack' the camera on the iPhone - get control on the data being sent.
Is this feasible?
Not without jailbreaking and a lot of work inside MobilePhone.app
Start by running class-dump-z on /Applications/MobilePhone.app/MobilePhone