Logging into and communicating with a server from an iOS app...help! - iphone

Hey everyone. I have a fair amount of experience developing iOS apps, but nothing much with web/server interacting apps. For a project at work, I am making an app that will let you login, and get pictures off from a server that will then be downloaded for display and review on the local device.
I need to get some pointers on the correct approach to take. Are there built-in classes that make doing something like this easy? Once the cogent is downloaded from the server, it will be viewed locally, so all I need is to get a point in the right direction for logging in and communicating with a server…from an iPhone.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Me, I'm using ASIHTTPRequest Librayry to communicate / download with Internet.
For example, for an news app I download latest news in JSON (with a PHP script on a web server) and store datas with SQLite. If you need a little explanation of JSON with iPhone, check here (in french, but source codes are in english ^^)
When I need to download an image, I use ASIHTTPRequest and a queue to avoid downloading to much files at the same time.
If you want more information about a step, just say it.
Good Luck !

NURLConnection is your friend, along with its delegate methods.
Don't be lured by the temptation to use the -sendSynchronous method (which, now that I think about it, if you require authentication, you probably can't use anyway).


Website Forms to iphone app

I've been researching for ages and still cannot find an easy solution that perfectly. So i stopped and figured i was going about this project the wrong way. All i need is an easy solution.
My project requires me to make a website that has forms (fields include images, text, urls, colors). When the user submits this form, somehow (THIS IS THE KEY QUESTION), gets sent to Xcode so that it can be used in and iPhone app.
My questions: What is an easy to use program to make a website that can do what i said? How does my website connect to Xcode (supply it with the data)? Is it possible for my app to check for newly submitted info?
Keep in mind that i don't have much coding knowledge as far as websites and i only a little about making iPhone apps (Yes, i have made some but not as advanced as this)
Thank you in advance!
It sounds like you want to build an IOS app that can retrieve user submitted data from the server.
Your form will have to post the data to the server where it is stored in your database. Images will have to be uploaded to the server as well.
You can then build a server-side api that returns data to the IOS device upon request. You can have your IOS app regularly request data from the server, receive the response and store what you need on the device.
There is a lot more to it of course, but from what I can gather from your post, this is what you're looking to do.
The workflow you describe doesn't make any sense.
It starts out easily enough: you have a website that has a form with a submit button. No problem there. Hitting submit likely does a POST to a server somewhere. Again, no problem.
Then you say the form data has to ultimately end up in Xcode. This is where things are really muddled. Xcode is a programming IDE for Mac OS X. I'm not sure how or what it has to do with handling data from a Web form. The two things are, for all intents and purposes, completely independent technologies.
Please describe in much more detail exactly why you think you need to "send data to Xcode". Otherwise, your question, as written, is unanswerable.

File server for iOS app

I am working on an iOS app and have been stumped for the last few days trying to figure out how to set up a server to receive and serve data to the app. I have no experience with servers, which is making it difficult. I need to simply be able to upload and download NSData or plists (XML files). I looked into Google App Engine but got stumped.
Could anyone provide some direction? I would truly appreciate it. This is the last major obstacle to completing the app I am working on.
Thank you
I would recommend looking into Amazon S3. It is a simple file server that uses HTTP. Can't get much simpler than that, and does not require you to build anything server side.

Best options to integrate my application with the Nike+ features of the iPhone 4G

How can I integrate my application with the Nike+ features of the iPhone 4G. I want to access the data captured and send that to my own applications. There seems to be limited information available on this topic. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I actually created a PHP class that extracts data from the Nike+ service. It might be of use to you. You can find the download and documentation at http://nikeplusphp.org
Not sure how you would save authentication in your app, but this class would definitely give you access to literally everything Nike return back to their own apps and website. Well, everything I could find!
If you do have any issues with the class or anything is missing, please feel free to get in touch or contribute!

Native app for iPhone!

I want to develop a native universal app(i.e for iPhone and iPad) for my orgaization.I want to include some of the essential features of the organiztion website into my native app.For obvious reasons i cant store this huge data into iPhone itself.so data will be fetched from the server but application would be a native app.so are there any APIs available to do this?
I always find it's easier to start using sample code, and lucky for you Apple provides a lot of this. Here is the reference library for all kinds of goodies to learn off of and hack your way through: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/navigation/index.html#section=Resource%20Types&topic=Sample%20Code
A few noted ones... (I left out some advanced ones like BonjourWeb Reachability and AdvancedURLConnections but look at those once you gain a little more understanding)
URL Cache: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/URLCache/Introduction/Intro.html
RSS Feed Parser: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/SeismicXML/Introduction/Intro.html
MailComposer: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/MailComposer/Introduction/Intro.html
Also, a couple books you should get to start your journey on iOS (these are two of the best and easy to understand IMO):
UIWebView will show any web page you point it to.
Maybe do a mixed approach with some stuff built right into the app, and the bigger or frequently changing parts load from the web.
You can use the UIWebView to access your organization's website from inside a native application...
While I agree that you may need to do your research first, the IPhone/Ipad SDK includes a very easy to use XML parser (NSXMLParser). I would suggest you devise a XML web service for retrieving the data from your company's servers and parse it on the ipad/iphone to the presentation you require.
Best of luck, i've found objective-c very rewarding/challenging.

How would I add code that would update an online "counter" so I know how many times an iPhone app is being opened?

So I have searched for this but not finding anything about it and if I missed it sorry about that. What I am trying to do is see how to go about adding some code to my iphone app that will connect to a php script (if connection available) and update a counter so that I can let my clients know that their app is constantly being used? Also, would apple allow that? Or would my app be denied for doing such a thing? Any help would be great! Thanks in advance.
There's a bit of network plumbing to implement this. It's not hard, but a much easier route would be to integrate something like Flurry analytics into your app. They you can make one function call, and have it track and upload the information to Flurry's servers. You can view those stats and get an idea of how people are using your app.
Note: I don't work for Flurry, but I use (and like) their service.